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    Lighting Design / Architectural Drafting
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  1. There may be more than one thing going on. 1. When looking at the site in shaded view see how everything looks broken: That's a classic objects too far from the origin problem. Things I would fix: 1. The user origin and the internal origin are off by about 2.2 million feet in the X direction and 1.4 million feet in the Y direction. That might be a thing. 2. On the layer Draft somewhere around X=0 and Y=-2.2 million are 74 circles drawn on the Y plane that look like they were meant to be tree outlines. Delete those. 3. There are 3 hardscape objects that look corrupted. On the top right there is a driveway, a curb, and a pad. Select any one of those and Zoom>Fit to Objects and you will see that they extend up and to the right many millions of feet. Deleting those 77 objects makes the rendering look much better: Still doesn't fix your problem. 😞 I don't know if the location is outside the array limits and maybe fixing the origin issue will solve it. I suspect the user origin doesn't matter, but I could be wrong. I'm hoping one of the site model gurus will have an idea.
  2. Can you post a screen shot of this happening? Or a file where it happens reliably? Also: What OS?
  3. Your symbol had the geometry far off from the insertion point. But somehow the seating section tool figured that out! Pretty impressive. You need to attach Event Planning Record to the symbol definition. The value in the Type field needs to be Chair.
  4. @Blue Badger I think I figured it out. It's your symbol. Check this file out. Seat Numbering~.vwx
  5. @Peter Neufeld. have you seen this before?
  6. Let us know if that works. I just tried exporting your seating section back to 2024. The problem remains. So there is an issue with this seating section. Probably not a bug in 2025.
  7. I may have spoken too soon. I opened a seating section created in 2024 in 2025. It worked fine. Then I made another section from scratch. Also fine.
  8. I'm seeing the same thing as you. It works as expected in 2024. But in 2025 I'm getting the same random seat numbers. I'll check to see if a bug report has been made.
  9. Ha. That's interesting. Do you have multiple seat symbols? Does updating it fix it? Can you paste a this seating section into a blank file and post it here? PS. If it's helpful you are welcome to try this seating tool: https://www.verysmallgroup.com/theaterow
  10. @James13569 I was able to get a working file by doing this: 1. Open a blank file. Create your 3 design layers. 2. For each layer copy everything in your existing drawing EXCEPT Lighting Pipes and Paste In Place in the new drawing in the appropriate design layer. 3. In your existing drawing use the polygon tool in the first mode to trace all the lighting pipes. Select all the new polygons and copy. In the new drawing paste in place. 4. One at a time on each polygon use the command Create Objects From Shapes… and choose Lighting Pipe. 5. You will need to manually name each position and give it a Z value. That's the quickest way I can come up with to get back to where you were. MK
  11. This should do it. This file has one script. Open that script, select the entire contents of the script and copy. Got to Tools > Plug Ins > Plug In Manager select the rename viewports menu command in the list At the bottom click Edit Script. Delete everything and paste the script from this file. That should use the sheet layer title rather than the sheet layer name (which is usually a number 🙂 ). Rename Viewport Sheet Title.vwx
  12. HI @Cristiano Alves I have an example that goes the other way that might be useful for you to disassemble the script to see how it works. In this example there are 3 worksheets and 3 corresponding scripts. This is how it works. Make the class worksheet active. The class script will create a class for every entry in the A column of the worksheet with a class description in the corresponding B column. If a class with that name already exists, no harm. But it will overwrite the description. Same idea with the design layer worksheet and corresponding script. Same idea with the sheet layer worksheet and corresponding script. Make sure that the correct worksheet is active. The class script will be happy to create classes with what you had hoped would be layer names. 🙂! Create Classes & Layers from Worksheet v2024.vwx
  13. You don't need to use the plug-in manager. Just manually put the files in the correct folder. In Vectorworks go to Preferences > User Folders. On the top right of the window will be a button that says Reveal in Finder for Macs and Reveal in Explorer for Windows. Click that button and it will open up your user folder. In that folder will be a Plug-Ins folder. Put the .vsm or .vso in that folder. Restart Vectorworks. Tools > Workspaces > Edit Current Workspace [OR] > Workspaces if you want to create a new workspace Now you should be able to find the menu commands in the left column and move them to your workspace in the right column.
  14. Welcome, at long last, to the forum 😀. I've not noticed that issue. Can you post a file with a wall and a window?
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