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295 Spectacular


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  1. I am moving jobs soon and will no longer be working on Vectorworks. Sadly I wont get to see the full power of notes in Vectorworks being realised but I hope it will in the future. At only 2 years old this wish is a mere baby compared to some others on here! Happy Vectorworksing everyone!
  2. I read a suggestion on here once that Vectorworks should employ a "click reducer" who's sole task was to reduce the amount of clicks required to use the software. I think it's a good idea! Also love the idea of a wall/slab/roof component palette as you suggest - that would be really great.
  3. I'm seeing this too when using a Apple Studio Display as my main monitor and I put something on the laptop screen. Running MacOS 14.5 ,VW2024 Update 6.
  4. Out of interest when you set up sheets like this, do you use automatic drawing coordination? If so, how do you give sheets unique names and numbers in your titleblock? I was considering using this to have some bathroom elevations and plans on one sheet number so that the internal elevation marker can just show one sheet number as it doesn't seem to be able to handle elevations across two sheets.
  5. I activate it by pressing "7" on my keyboard (not on the numpad though). Not sure if this is the same in the standard VW keyboard shortcuts. It can be customised to affect classes or layers and to show, hide or grey them. Holding 7 shows all classes or layers depending which mode it's in.
  6. Vectorworks are "Actively Researching" Worksheet Pagination (i.e. splitting worksheets into separate pages) according to their roadmap . This has been that way for quite a while if I remember correctly though. Personally I think you would be much better off sticking to things like Word, Google Docs etc for things like letters and DASs - Vectorworks is not designed for formatting documents like this and as such isn't very good at it. I shudder at the thought of trying to format a worksheet in VW, I would rather go to the extra hassle of copying the data out and formatting it in Google Sheets (I don't use Excel, maybe the live link in VW makes this easier?) Good luck and as Tom W. says - I would be interested to know how you get on too.
  7. Software engineers do a much better job of tracking versions than architects. I've long thought that Vectorworks could benefit from a system of Forking/Branching, not only as a means of enabling better collaboration but also tracking changes over time. This is particularly important when projects are being built and changes are being requested - it can be very valuable to keep track of these changes. I was impressed by Onshape's implementation of something like this where versions of a file can selectively be merged to the main file, and the main file also compared with previous versions visually to compare the changes. I think this is a viable alternative to the current project sharing system, which for our office at least, is the source of a lot of frustration and time wasting. Some clear benefits I see are: Better file integrity: You remove many people trying to commit to a project file at once which for us leads to problems. The merging is controlled by a project leader at specific points, and merging could take place collaboratively as a team whilst reviewing them in a meeting for example, not all at once at 5pm on a Friday Better approval process: Files are only merged by project leaders after reviewing the potential change and its impact. Information is "pulled in" by a project leader with an oversight of the whole project rather than "pushed in" by whoever made the change who may only be working on a small aspect of the project. Clear overview of project history: See who made changes (branched file), when and why. Project Sharing has project history, but there is too much noise and not clear enough data. The branched file is a clear mark of "we were asked to make this change by this person" not "Chris checked out this window object". I wouldn't be against these types of files being hosted exclusively on Vectorworks Cloud Services to avoid the current "Project Sharing works well on Dropbox, but not Google Drive" etc. Would be interested to hear other's thoughts or if they have other software that tracks these kinds of things for them.
  8. A feature request from 2007 - is this the oldest feature request on the forum? 17 years!
  9. "Improvements to project sharing on Google Drive" Are you able to give a bit more information about what the improvements are and what benefit users will see?
  10. The tool should be intelligent enough to figure out if it's being used in a 2D or 3D situation and produce the desired result. I may or may not have just wasted a few minutes trying to use the "Fillet" tool on 3D geometry.
  11. Hi Cody, Thanks for your input - I've been remaking the model whilst watching this webinar, i'm getting much closer to what I would like and learning about some of the best practices VW recommend. In true VW fashion there are some baffling things that make things much harder. I didin't know that new Site Modifiers brought in in 2023 only work on the "Proposed" site model view. VW doesn't tell you this if you use them though!
  12. Strange - I copied the site model data over to a new file to start fresh. When I show the Site Model in "Existing Only" view and place a pad modifier, I get the grading I expect. When I put the view to "proposed only" (as I had been doing previously) there is no grading and the pad modifier just creates a vertical step. Is there a setting for this or am I using it wrong? Existing (Green) shows grading around slab Proposed (Blue) does not show grading
  13. Ok, I think this is progress, but now there is basically just a step down from the pad modifier. Weird. You can just about see the outline of the grade limits as a white line extending far out to the right (can't seem to upload a plan image). Everything just seems to be a hard step rather than grading. It's difficult to say to the contractor "gently grade the ground around the bottom step" and then show them the below image of a perfectly flat pad and then another step down. I can PM you a file if you'd be kind enough to take a look.
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