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717 Spectacular

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  1. Hi When you import to Twin Motion make sure you have double sided ticked. see attached
  2. These are the only tool that are available to me. Which one is used all the time? Thanks
  3. @Tom W. HI, Which VW tool are you referring to? There are a few and i seem to still have the Aus one. The Aus one is called Draw handrails. Is this now incorporated into the Global version?? and i dont know it. Thanks
  4. @Tom W. Definitely, You instantly get the option to choose a fence style and so simple to send to surface etc etc etc.
  5. @Tom W. Yes thanks for this, i did finally use that option and made life easier. Thanks again.:)
  6. Hi, When i try to place a class to a part of the fence tool i can only select 1 then the dialogue box closes, so if your class is deep within the class hierarchy its a pain. Am i doing something wrong? See small video attached. Nemetschek Vectorworks 2025.01.28 -
  7. AlanW

    Fence tool

    How do i send to surface now???
  8. AlanW

    Fence tool

    Using 2025 and looking for the fence tool that used to be in 2024. Was able to create a myriad of fence types. am i missing something. the Aus fence tool was wonderful but appears not to work with 2025. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
  9. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    Special thanks to the team at VW Australia for their responses, feedback and advice on setting up Workgroup Folder, Templates and Favourites and solving my problem. 🙂
  10. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    @Dave Donley@Gunther OK Found the problem So I did another reinstall and exporting worked fine. So I found the problem, it’s our user file when I attach it in tools options Vectorworks Preferences/ User folder I cant export C4D, If I remove the user file and restart VW all works ok again Not sure how to create a user file properly and also our template file has been used from an older file and I recall that this needs to updated to VW2025 but can’t remember how. Maybe you can tell me the steps. At least I think I have found the problem.
  11. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    @Dave Donley@Gunther So still persists. Thinking about another program that may interfere with it, I use Photoshop to create image for new renderworks texture. So I did another full reinstall of update 2. All worked fine so then I opened photoshop then closed and reopened VW and couldn’t export C4D. Will try another reinstall and just open and close VW to see if its ok.
  12. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    @Gunther Hi yes done a repair and no fix, did a clean install with update 2 to new folder and all works fine for a while then stops. I have been tolt it ay be a 3rd party software causing the problem. Will have to do another clean install and try other programs to see id one of them makes the export fail again. Thanks
  13. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    Hi Window and when executing no dialogue box comes up. no error or crash. @Gunther@Dave DonleySo i have done another full uninstal and a reinstall with update 2 and it all works ok now.
  14. AlanW

    VW2025 Update 2

    Hi Have spoken to VW Australia and on a new install of 2 it works fine but the Update seems to be the problem. So have a fresh 2025 the do the update 2 and you should se the issue on a pc Thanks
  15. Update 2 stops you from exporting Cinema 4D, FBX & Collada. The original install is ok but once install update 2 it fails to export and you need to do a clean install to rectify the issue. Do you know about this issue and if so when do you think a fix will be coming as i have to export back to 2024 to export. Thanks in advance
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