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Peter Vandewalle

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148 Spectacular


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  • Occupation
    Senior Product Specialist - Design Express
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    Architecture, Music, Bass, Mac
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  1. That tool definitely is a ComputerWorks tool. It is much more powerful than the US tool.
  2. And use ´view tool sets as icons'. You can also just drag an tool set from the main palette. And even dock the tear-off palette in the interface as you like. So you could reach the desired interface without entering the workspace editor.
  3. I am using Keyboard Maestro all the time and my right-click just works perfectly in 2025, Mac OS 15.1. The difference I read is: I richt-click to open the contextual menu, then left-click on the needed action. When doing a right-click-drag over the appearing contextual menu and release over the needed action, it doesn't work in 2025. In 2024 it did. I never used the right-click-drag before so I didn't notice this flaw.
  4. It should be possible with the data manager. There you can add records to all plugin and buit-in types, all symbols and all objects in defined classes.
  5. Hi all, I need to get a handle to the material that is connected to a (wall) component. When I use bRes, iMat = vs.GetComponentMaterial(hWall, iComponent) where hWall is the wall and iComponent is the component index, I get a boolean and a longint. That longint should be the material... I thought hMat = vs.GetResourceFromList(iRLMat, iMat) would return me a handle to the Material, but apparently the resource index needed here isn't the same as the material I get from the first call. Any ideas to get the material handle?
  6. Hi Julian, I think I have a command containing a list box with about 1500 lines. Not sure where the limit is.
  7. One can't actually choose it's language in Vectorworks. Issue solved by phone 🙂
  8. Hi Peter, I see you are situated in the Netherlands. Which version are you using, the US version or the Dutch version?
  9. I always use a class based system for all the reasons mentioned above and: You can put a new window inside an existing wall because the wall and the window are both on the same layer. You can't embed a window on layer 'new' inside a wall on layer 'existing'... In our region (Benelux, France & Poland) we use prefixes for existing and demolition classes. 'O_classname' for objects that are existing and will remain. 'X_classname' for objects that will be demolished. 'classname' for new objects. So we get 'X_walls', 'X_doors', 'X_sanitary', ... Then we have a command to switch the visibilities of those classes based on their prefixes. The command will switch class visibilities for the drawing or for the selected viewport(s) depending on wether viewports are selected or not.
  10. Isn't it section viewports only?
  11. The iMac has the simple M processors, where the MacBook Pros have M Pro or M Max processors. The simple M processors are ok for basic Vectorworks use. For any mid- or high-end use a Pro or better a Mac is required. I would also recommend at least 32 GB of RAM for pro use.
  12. I'm running 14.4 and 14.4.1 and switching external displays since quite a while with no issues... Fingers crossed.
  13. Also check on the hatch definitions. Often users scale dwg's after import because of wrong unit conversion during import. Units are almost always wrong in dwg files. If you scale the dwg after import, hatch definitions won't scale along. This results in thousands or even millions of hatch lines that need to be calculated when zooming or panning. Of course this slows down the file. Check all hatch definitions with a name in capitals.
  14. Years ago, we proposed the tool to the other distributors worldwide. The answer was that Vectorworks users (architects) never make these drawings. So they were not interested. In Belgium, architects do make those plans.
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