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Marissa Farrell

Marionette Maven
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Everything posted by Marissa Farrell

  1. Hi! Which version are you using? If in 2017 or 2018, have you run the Refresh Libraries command from the Resource Manager?
  2. Where did you copy the old workspace from? Was it in your 2017 user folder, or somewhere else?
  3. @zoomeris spot on. Migration manager is in the Tools menu.
  4. In order to bring 2017 workspaces up to 2018 properly, they need to be migrated through the migration manager. If you're okay losing your custom workspace until you migrate it the right way, you can just delete the workspace you moved over and use the default workspace on next launch. I don't remember off the top of my head how to get to the migration manager, but there should be info on the forum somewhere, or I can check when I get into the office. Hope this helps!
  5. In assuming you migrated your workspace. This is likely due to the Unicode upgrade, but you still shouldn't be seeing it. One way to fix this without a reinstall would be to remove those items in the workspace manager and then add them back. Let me know if that doesn't work.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Starting in Vectorworks 2018, users can now create menu commands defined by Marionette networks. To do this, select a wrapper in your file, right click, and choose "Convert to Menu Command..." This will open a dialog window where you can name this command. A background process will save your Menu Command to a file in your User Folder. Once that's complete, you can access the menu command by navigating to Tools > Marionette Commands > [YOUR COMMAND HERE] This menu command will allow users to select an object and create a class defined by the current object's attributes. v1.0 will set the following. There are plans for improvement. Fill Color Line Style Line Weight Line Color If there's an attribute you need/want right away, let me know, and I'll do my best to get it in. One note: the new class will not be set to "Use at Creation," this must be set in the Edit Class dialog.
  7. I'd say give it a little more time. The progress bar doesn't appear to update every time a file is being moved, so it's likely stuff is still being done behind the scenes. If it continues to stay stuck for a long time from now, then maybe try again? But wipe everything out of wherever you are trying to install to, first.
  8. You can change the options of view changes being saved to the undo table in VW Preferences > Session Tab > Undo View Changes dropdown. There are 4 options there, one being Never, which should prevent view changes from being undone.
  9. Although zoomer is right that I do share similar stuff, this new tech is actually out of my league! The method shown above is actually from taking a large set of photos of an object from many different angles and then compositing a mesh or point cloud out of the set. All I do is take a 2D image and give it height based on the brightness of the pixels
  10. Here's one, maybe a little more complicated than you're looking for, but might be a good starting place. Let me know if you want to learn more or have any questions.
  11. I'm going to echo @zoomeron Marionette. It's a little easier to get a plug-in object created using Marionette than it is to write it out with Vectorscript/Python and create a plug-in from scratch. I'm pretty sure there's a frame object floating around on the forums here somewhere, let me see if I can find it.
  12. I don't believe this is true. Usually the last SP comes after the next version's release because we have to test it with Mac's new OS which often gets done after release has already happened. We have just barely gotten through testing 2018 on High Sierra for compatibility, the 2017 update will come after that.
  13. You should be able to use "Reset Index" in the Braceworks menu. Let me know if you don't see that, it may have been renamed.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Starting in Vectorworks 2018, users can now create menu commands defined by Marionette networks. To do this, select a wrapper in your file, right click, and choose "Convert to Menu Command..." This will open a dialog window where you can name this command. A background process will save your Menu Command to a file in your User Folder. Once that's complete, you can access the menu command by navigating to Tools > Marionette Commands > [YOUR COMMAND HERE] Try this out with the attached file. After creating your menu command (I named mine 'Color By Size' when I created it), select some or all of the objects on the drawing area and run the command!
  15. I use the forum solely on Chrome and don't have those issues, just to give my experience.
  16. These look like line endings to me. In your attributes palette, check to make sure you don't have one of the line ending marker buttons selected while you have these shapes selected.
  17. none of your scripts should break moving from 2017 to 2018. Everything will stay the same with them because we will no longer be referencing the external python file that controls the script. You shouldn't see any difference between 2017 and 2018 with regards to that.
  18. @the frog I don't think you should be "afraid" of 2018 I'm not sure how your distributor handles content, but if you find that you don't have the same Marionette content that we have over here, I can help you out and get you the nodes you need from our version. That's the best part about Marionette - it's easy to transfer nodes from computer to computer
  19. The removal of the preprocessor when moving files from 2017 to 2018 is intentional because we changed how some of the nodes worked (specifically swapping out input ports for OIP controls) which could introduce broken networks in the newer version. All nodes placed from the Marionette tool in 2018 will still have the preprocessor code.
  20. So unrelated to Sarah's comments, which I think still need to be discussed, here's a way to get closer to what you're trying to achieve. I would recommend not using the Get 3D Edge node, because that won't help you with this problem. Instead, I used the Get 3D Info and Get Bounding Box nodes to locate the correct position. These nodes won't be foolproof when you start changing some values in your script, though. I'm sure there's a better way to do it, but this is at least a step in a better direction. Alkistis_tube_trial_v2017_MFarrell.vwx
  21. Hey Alan, 2018 introduced Marionette Menu Commands which can actually streamline a lot of the stuff you're thinking about. Not sure if you've gotten your hands on it yet, but just wanted to point out that we have a new workflow for stuff like this! I'm hoping to get more examples posted, but I did get one up on the Marionette Gallery that you can take a look at.
  22. I haven't been able to reproduce this one yet, so that's either good news (meaning it's not an issue in more recent internal builds) or my setup is just different enough where it's not affecting me.
  23. Totally possible, as long as the objects being distributed are 3D. Moving planar objects around with Marionette has been my worst enemy lately. Only itty bitty issue is there's a bug with using selected objects in Marionette Menu Commands right now where it counts more objects than you actually have selected, which is messing up the divisions. I'm trying to get around the bug to share what I have going on (and good news is that in more recent stuff, it looks like the issue has been taken care of, just not available to you, yet...) Still working on the orientation part, but here's a sneak peek while I get this figured out... The menu command (when ready and available and ***bugless***) will require a selection of exactly one NURBS curve and then the 3D objects you want to distribute along it. It will count how many objects you have selected for distribution and find points on the NURBS at equal divisions and move the objects to their appropriate position in 3D space. Sorry for making you wait for the final product, but hopefully knowing it's on its way will help out
  24. I think we can actually just get around this by removing the Mix2 node. I'm attaching a revised file, it appears to look just like yours did previously, but if I'm wrong, please let me know and we can work together to find a different solution example-Alkistis_MFarrell.vwx
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