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Mark Flamer

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  1. That is really great. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Python is a "Dynamically Typed" language. Values are typed, not variables. So, you can assign a value of any type to a variable x for example and then later assign a value of a completely different type to x. What this implies is that there is no static type checking during compilation, it is done at run-time. This allows you a lot of freedom in your code. The drawback is that you will not catch these type errors until the program is run.
  3. I agree, we need a node like this for display of data.
  4. This is really interesting work Dom.
  5. Here is an example that works. The node is "Set 3D Info". Looks like this uses one of the really old API calls that is view dependent. So, if you are in a 3D view other than "top", you will get unexpected results. There is an easy fix for this, we will try and get it into the next library release.
  6. Here is an example using a loft node. Each time its runs you will get a different curvy vase thing. The trick with this node is that it wants a group of curves instead of just a list. Maybe we should change that.
  7. Alan, "Parent POI handle" is probably getting the handle of the Marionette object it self. In the network that defines a Marionette object it is sometimes necessary to get the handle of the object. In this case it is assigning the hole cutting geometry to the skylight object. Let me know if that does not make sense.
  8. Yes, really easy to create a node that does this. It's a good example of how to create custom "commands" using Marionette. I went ahead and threw one together.
  9. What about digitalmechanics? Are you still not able to use Marionette?
  10. Can you take a look inside Marionette.py at that path and tell me what's inside? There was a problem a while back with this file ending up empty. Thanks, my apologies for the trouble.
  11. Good ideas. Btw, there should not be any problem launching the predefined dialogs defined in the dev wiki using Marionette. It just takes a line or 2 of code you can almost cut and paste into a node from the wiki. Here's an example in a couple images.
  12. You can absolutly suggest new ideas for content. And if we don't develop them, there is always a chance that someone else in the community will. Much of Grasshoppers success is due to the incredible ammount of additional content and packages that were developed. Almost none of this was produced internally. Kangaroo, Mantis, Ladybug, Honeybee, almost any animal name you can think of.......all developed by outsiders. Hint, hint...;-)
  13. Here is a folder of additional Marionette libraries that is shipping in SP2...but why wait? The attached image shows where they will be in the release.
  14. These are the current OIP controls offered in Marionette Int Bool Real RealCoord RealAngle RealArea RealVolume Text TextStatic TextStaticParam Popup PopupClasses PopupLayers Separator PopupTextures This list and other useful Marionette code is in Marionette.py
  15. OMG, you took Sarah's tutorial and mixed it with my truss network! Incredible.
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