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  2. On your signature it says VW2021 so presumably this is where you were last using these plug-ins? If you look in the Vectorworks > 2021 > Plug-ins user folder, on whichever computer you were running the software on, those plug-ins should be there...
  3. Whatever Michael has is probably better than mine above. Mine has effectively zero error checking.
  4. I don't have one to work directly from an Excel file, but here is a script that will take a list of names from a text file (one name per line) and create design layers. Change to 1 to 2 in the CreateLayer line to create SheetLayers. Procedure CreateDesignlayersFromTextFile; Var H1:Handle; SourceFile:DynArray of Char; ThisName:String; Begin GetFile(SourceFile); Open(SourceFile); While Not EOF(SourceFile) do Begin ReadLN(ThisName); H1:=CreateLayer(ThisName, 1); End; Close(SourceFile); End; Run(CreateDesignlayersFromTextFile);
  5. Hello, Just saw this, so here you go. It's an old symbol of mine using CRT monitors. You'll have to edit to LED etc and it's pretty crude but a start at least. Not exactly "presidential" but it's good enough for Mickey. Autocue.vwx Cheers, Peter
  6. Hello, Some questions: Are you using v2024 Update 5? Are you using more than one monitor? If so unplug one and see if that helps. Also, can you please go to the Vectorworks Preferences>Display and turn OFF 'Accelerate Graphics' and see if that fixes the issue? Does this happen just in one particular file, or can you create a test file and repeat the problem in any file? Cheers, Peter
  7. Hey @ashot If Pat doesn’t have one I think I do. If I make it home before Pat writes a new script I’ll send it to you.
  8. I am currently battling this same issue in VW2024...
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hi @Pat Stanford & thanks for the quick reply. I was looking at your other posts and the documentation here (https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=Worksheet_Functions#Lookup) I see how to do that in a worksheet, but the short answer is I am trying to pull data from spotlight into connect cad and I dont cant figure out the following 1) How to modify to the command to be based on records. I want to pull DMX info into connectcad but they are two different symbols, but have the same "unit id" and I know I can export that to a worksheet, but stuck and searched on how to use the unit ID from connectcad, to pull that data from the worksheet and then display it in the symbol (if all that makes sense) Most of what I can find is from 2018 and seems very out of date
  11. @Pat Stanford is there any script to create design layers from a long 500 name excel list?
  12. In VW2024 worksheets had VLookup and XLookup functions added that allow for exactly this type of action. If you are on a prior version it will be very difficult if not impossible.
  13. I am trying to see if this is possible, I have a bunch of symbols with a record that is called "ID" , I have a worksheet with two columns, ID & ID2. I want to link text from the worksheet to the symbol so it can display ID2 without me having to go and update every symbol to have that record from the row that has the same value as ID. I say this because the ID / ID2 worksheet gets updated by another system so this would make it easy to not have to go through and find changes between them.
  14. Please add this feature as it would be useful to get accurate numbers when there is a drain or another hydrozone in the middle of another. It would also make drawings look better when in CDs.
  15. This problem ended up being a bug that will be fixed in the next update, update 6 for Vectorworks 2024.
  16. I have just switched to 2024 and I am generally happy with the new layout--including the new placement of some of the attributes I go to a lot. I like the new icons and UI seems to fit my needs better. My top five wishes over the last decade or so: 1. A way to cancel the Publish command. This is a no-brainer. Let's get it done. 2. Setting dimensions type in the OIP per dimension. This means I can use feet and inches in one place and just inches in another. I can use decimal inches and then switch to fractional inches in the same drawing. I could go on and on, but just consider the Units the same way you can change color or line thickness. If the Publish command problem did not waste so much time, this ridiculous problem with dimensions would be an easy number one worst missing feature. Didn't you people ever take a drafting class? You probably don't use the same units everywhere in a single drawing, much less an entire drawing package. I can change the tolerances in the OIP, but not the format of the units? Bad. 3. A modern lighting system: control the falloff of a light by entering a dimension in the Visualization palette or by dragging the existing spotlight arrow, among others missing controls. In general, more lighting control and put that control into the Visualization palette. 4. A modern texture mapping system with SPECIAL EMPHASIS on returning Perimeter mapping, but also improved UV mapping and the ability to change the proportions of the mapping (right now it can only scale a texture map proportionally. If you want to make your bricks more elongated, but the same height, you are sunk.) 5. A 3D dragger that can allow moving and rotating in 3D. This is the only one that was included in 2024, but it is so helpful it made me decide to upgrade, despite the other four missing features. It really is a great tool, but we really need the other four. Then there is Redshift... Lots of wishes there! Thanks MHBrown
  17. @Jake Yenish Please refer to this post about ongoing known issues with OS 14.
  18. Ah, I just figured it out - I needed to check "Display planar objects" in the sheet layer viewports. Now they show.
  19. I'm having the same problem in VW 2021. Door Hinge Markers not showing in any Interior elevation viewports & section viewports in hidden line mode. The markers do display in the design layer in all modes and they display fine in exterior elevation viewports.
  20. Did you know the PNG you attached doesn't actually have a useful Alpha for trimming out the plants? It just has an Adobestock watermark across it. Perhaps that is your problem?
  21. Good morning, We have had a couple of similar reports of this issue sent in to tech support and have filed a bug report to the Engineering team. We would be happy to take a look at your file to see if we can confirm if this is a similar issue to the other user files or if this is something we can quickly fix. If you would like for us to test your file, feel free to send us an introductory email at tech@vectorworks.net and we can send you the tech support dropbox link. We look forward to assisting you!
  22. The treatment of transparency is surely built into VW 2018 (my version) it won't work for you on 2013 - it will just regress the file to black background. Unless someone will confirm, I don't think this will work. Perhaps a VW boffin will be able to confirm? What will work is if you complete your design and, with the trees in place I'll open it for you and send back PDF's But use PM
  23. Hi Pat, thank you for your answer. I got back to the requestor and i'll wait for a reply. It is the first time i hear about this file format. Thanks again in the meantime!
  24. My understanding on how VW Workgroup folders/files ("Default Content") work is that if you have a file with the exact same name it will use the version that is "closest" to the user. So User Folder > Workgroup Folder > Application Folder. If you want to use the version in the Workgroup folder preferentially, then you have to remove or rename the version in the User Folder. HTH
  25. VW can't export VWK. Go back to the requestor and ask what program they are trying to get the data into rather than a specific file format and we might be able to offer options.
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