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    Landscape Archtiect
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    Santa Barbara USA

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  1. I'm resurrecting this issue because I recently purchased a new PC and am now having this problem. There is s significant lag when I switch between VW files and I hear the CPU fan working really hard to cool the system down. Something is wrong and I need to figure it out but have no clue where to start.
  2. This is helpful - however pretty useless to put into a worksheet if we can't format the data. What I've found is that it is best to use 'Int' instead of 'dim' for the input type if you can - otherwise you deal with really long decimals that you can't do anything with.
  3. The above answer is not at all clear. See attached for anyone wondering - though it seems nobody really uses Marrionette.
  4. amazingly you have to actually go in to every class and make sure the default arrows are set to 0.00 size to get rid of them. I'ts the only thing that works/
  5. 2023 and we still don't have a last saved thumbnail in explorer?
  6. Sometimes it works sometimes not. How can one tag show correctly and the other not for the same symbol? The image shows 2 plant groups with exactly the same settings yet one shows the images and the other does not. VWORKS Plant tag images Error.vwx
  7. Let me guess - this is still unresolved by VEctorworks? Yet another reason we canceled our Service Select membership and are no longer going to update. These issues effectively make the software unusable. We have irrigation plans that require waiting hours a day for calculations to complete. This is unbelievably frustrating. We are looking for other solutions and possibly will farm out our irrigation work as a result.
  8. Title says it all. This is now happening in a few files since upgrading to 2022 (mistake). We will have to spend hours copying data over to a new file to correct this problem.
  9. Ah the EVER OCCURRING arrows showing up all over the place. I have never used a piece of software so prone to such ridiculous errors. I have a file that has them showing up on all the hardscape objects. Why on earth can we not set a class arrow style to NONE!!!!!!???????????????????????????? WHY ARE THERE ARROWS ON HARDSCAPE OBJECTS?
  10. I'm not seeing this solution working for me. Why on earth would anyone ever want fractions on a topo? Why is this even an option. Why don't tools like this just work for us? This appearts to be a bug.
  11. Perhaps the issues we are all having with landscape areas is mathematical. The algorithm used to generate these quantities is not a true 'circle packing' process involving tricky math. What this tool apparently does is create a grid with spacing based on the largest plant in the list - though even this is not consistent. This means that the quantities for the smaller plants in the list will be way off if you use plants that vary widely in spread. Take a look at the attached to see what I mean. The only way to make this tool useful therefore is to create landscape areas that include plants with very similar spreads.
  12. This is confusing - I suspect the reason for the lack of response. It is unclear whether we are to sort on 'Plant Record', 'Plant' or simply 'Field Value'.
  13. Unless I am missing something this still does not resolve the issue in 2022. We always draw objects with all styles BY CLASS - However there is NO WAY TO TURN OFF arrows/line markers via class attributes. when you draw a line and set 'make all attributes by style' we get arrows on EVERY SINGLE OBJECT. Please tell me I am missing something.
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