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Everything posted by E|FA

  1. But you can select two walls and use the Join command. I find this is faster for me using command-J keyboard shortcut (in my Workspace).
  2. Is this managed along with VW Preferences->Sessions->Check for Updates-> Never?
  3. This is worth repeating on every cabinet thread because it is not obvious in the UI.
  4. @zoomer I understand the use of Stories, but in the particular instance referred to in the suggestion: it doesn't seem like there's any benefit to using them. If you have a building with multiple floor levels + foundation, can you get any benefit from setting Story Levels, and if so is the benefit worth the added complications?
  5. I'm also seeing this in VW24 in 2023 converted file, and also seem to be related to stairs.
  6. If you're doing that why use Stories at all? Take a look at the original post in this thread to see the No Story workflow.
  7. I'm glad I remembered seeing this on the forum. I never would have figured it out on my own. The interface could use a little improvement.
  8. Working from memory: you should be able to use the Structural Member tool to create a Unistrut profile.
  9. You can drag an image file and drop it onto your drawing area and the image import dialog options will pop up (at least on Mac). Or, just copy an image (e.g. in Preview on Mac) and paste it into your drawing, but this method doesn't give you options in terms of file size & resolution.
  10. I use Timing, and have also tried Timemator, both of which can be purchased separately or are included as part of SetApp. If you want to get SetApp with an invitation link and a free month for each of us, use this: https://go.setapp.com/invite/vnj2cs0o but no problem if you don't want to.
  11. If added, please make this an option and not a default. In my practice, hyphens are reserved for foot-inches.
  12. Thankfully they’ve all been taken care of.
  13. Here's a link to my workflow: https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/105461-property-line-tool/&do=findComment&comment=459444
  14. Not possible. there's a Wishlist request to add this functionality. Please vote at the following link (up arrow at top right):
  15. You should be able to change the keyboard command via the Workspace Editor: https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2024/eng/VW2024_Guide/Start/Customizing_workspaces.htm
  16. BenQ has monitors with a CAD/CAM setting. Does anyone have any experience with them?
  17. I can’t answer your question, but can offer other related info. You can use a 5k iMac as a retina display for a new Mac with the Astropad Luna dongle and software. It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot less expensive than Apple, LG, or Samsung 27” 5k. I can elaborate on the issues if you’re interested.
  18. I haven't seen this in my practice (custom single family residential in Seattle, USA). We reduce the cabinet depth and furr out from the wall if needed.
  19. The pink square is the Working Plane indicator, which is irrelevant in Top/Plan mode it so doesn't appear there. I don't know if there's a way to disable it in 3D views, but you could set the color to match the background so it doesn't show. You can change its graphic properties in: Vectorworks -> Preferences -> Interactive -> Interactive Appearance Settings... (button )-> General - Working Plane (in light and dark background tabs).
  20. This is the most common issue that I have to deal with. Thanks for the clear explanation.
  21. If needed, you can detach walls that have already been connected using the Remove Wall Breaks tool.
  22. It has a separate side scroll above the 2 thumb buttons. I forgot that it's there and never use it.
  23. I'm using the Logitech MX Master 3S for Mac and really like it. I think it meets all of your criteria and can be bluetooth paired to 3 separate Mac/Windows devices. OR: I have an almost unused 3D Connection SpaceMouse & CadMouse set that I'd be happy to sell.
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