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Janvin Lowe

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  1. Would love to either see a script that can do this or have VW incorporate this as a feature - it'd essentially be built right into Saved Views. So for example, Saved View 1: single pane with the specific saved view (as it currently works) Saved View 2: opens up 4 panes with a unique saved view within each of the panes Saved View 3: opens up 2 panes with a unique saved view within each of the panes etc. For our office, we have a various combination of panes set up for different tasks / stages of the project so this would be super handy to flip between those set panes. Dare to dream! J
  2. Hi @Pat Stanford, thank you for bringing this VS procedure to light - super handy esp once I've got it set up as a Command Menu item. My only gripe (and this might just be a VW bug) is that once I go into and exit out of a group after activating this script, the Exit Group button (and the halo around the drawing screen that indicates you're inside a group) remains on the screen!!! arggh haha! super weird! To get rid of the button and halo, I have a shortcut key that toggles Multiple Panes on/off so that in a sense, refreshes the screen.... The same is NOT true for when going into and exiting a symbol after activating the script - ie. the Exit Symbol button (and the halo) disappear as it should. Any command that you can think of that we can insert into the script to pre-emptively nullify this 'bug'? Thanks in advance for looking into this! Janvin VW 2024 SP7 MacOS14
  3. That's great! And yes, I do realize that having the viewport refresh in the background with a dialog box open might not be available for scripting but here's to hoping! Have a good weekend Jesse!
  4. HI @Jesse Cogswell, I have yet to thank you for coming up with this script so thank you so much for this - it's been really handy and helps with the workflow efficiency that I'm sure everyone is after! After using it for a few years now, I actually thought it was a core VW feature / function until I recently tried to tell my coworkers about adding it to their context menu! It also even impressed a couple of VW product engineers who recently visited our office! They're even the ones who suggested I reach out to you about the request that I'm about that I'm making below. That said, if it isn't too much to ask or difficult to do, (if it already hasn't been updated to include this) and you think it's a good idea as well, would you be able to add a Preview function (button) similar to that of the Viewport Layer / Class Properties dialog boxes so that prior to committing to the visibility modifications, that you can quickly view it. If it's not something that interests you in doing, then I totally understand as it's already a bona fide super script as-is. Have a great day! Janvin
  5. Hi Pat, Thanks for your added line - it helps if we're using any other units but we're almost always in either feet / inches or decimal feet. It appears the Format parameter (ie. '0') that we're feeding the PrimaryUnits procedure isn't switching the fractional setting to decimals - my last guess is it's the dispFrac parameter but I'm not quite providing the proper syntax for it to work at the moment. Haha - feels like it's so close! Janvin
  6. I think I've seen a few posts / threads that had something similar but didn't get quite the result (was close) I was looking for - below is the script that I believe is based on one shared by @Pat Stanford - it's just the parameters that I think I'm entering incorrectly: Procedure ToggleUnits; {©2024 Pat Stanford - pat@coviana.com} {licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0} {https://github.com/boostorg/boost/blob/master/LICENSE_1_0.txt} {TL/DR Use as you want, attribution for source, No warranty} VAR style :INTEGER; prec :LONGINT; dimPrec :LONGINT; format :INTEGER; angPrec :INTEGER; showMark :BOOLEAN; dispFrac :BOOLEAN; BEGIN GetPrimaryUnitInfo(style, prec, dimPrec, format, angPrec, showMark, dispFrac); If Style=3 then PrimaryUnits (1, 2, 2, 3, angPrec, showMark, dispFrac); {Feet/Inches (style 1), Fractional (format 2)} If Style=1 then PrimaryUnits (3, 2, 2, 0, angPrec, showMark, dispFrac); {Feet (style 3), Decimal (format 1)} End; Run(ToggleUnits); As you can see in the screenshots, the Feet dimensions is displaying AND dimensioning as fractional Feet instead. I hope someone can help me with this! Thanks all! Janvin
  7. hi @DomC Wow - what a difference! You were right! I'm glad I found your response as that totally did the trick for me. Was previously on Ventura Mac OS 13 and VW on my MBP was flying - dont' ask me why I decided to do the Sonoma upgrade. Currently: Running VW 2024 SP6 (build 765860) Mac OS 14.6.1 M1 Macbook Pro 16" Monitor setup: - macbook screen displays all working palettes - 32" ext monitor displays working viewports - 32" ext monitor displays other apps It wasn't just VW lagging so I knew it wasn't a VW bug, although it could be a combination of the two. As soon as I turned the separate spaces option "ON" and rebooted lags were gone - lags that I experienced weren't just in the drawing space, they occurred when inputting values such as length or distance values when certain dialogs prompted for them. I'll have to look into this "separate spaces" option a little more to see how / if there's benefits to be had - one instant feature I see right away is now I've got the menu bar on each of my monitors which I'm absolutely fine with as I don't need to cursor down to my MBP's display to get to those menus now - although I can see others not so excited about that. Thanks again @DomC ! Great find! J
  8. Just curious if anyone has come across or has developed a script (and therefore a keyboard shortcut) to flip doors? If you have or do, would love the share - much thanks! Janvin Macbook Pro 16 M1 Max 64GB Ventura 13.4 VW 2023 SP8
  9. Just as the subject suggests, is there a way to disable VW's default keyboard shortcut for the Create Similar Object command??? I'd prefer to have it not be invoked when I have other keyboard shortcuts set up using the Option+Cmd + keys . Thx!!
  10. Is there anyone out there that has or can create a script that adds the Viewport Layer and Class Properties dialogue box pop-up as a context menu when right clicking on a viewport? Versus mousing over to the OIP and clicking on the Layers or Class buttons? Thank you! VW 2023 Windows 10 Pro
  11. Hi all, Just new to VW 2023 and notice that every time I double click on a wall (truly, by accident only), the following occurs: 1) view goes to wireframe and 2) I'm in edit wall tool mode #2 makes sense however, it doesn't belong in my current workflow, but how can I disable to sudden wireframe view. Thanks all in advance for your assistance! VW 2023 SP7 (Build 719048)(64-bit) Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS build: 19045.3448 Ryzen 9 5900X 3.7GHz 64 GB DDR4-3200 RAM NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060TI
  12. VW 2023 - any update on this drag to move screen behaviour? It's still requiring to precisely locate the mouse at that tiny sweet spot in order to trigger this behaviour. ====== UPDATE / WORKAROUND FOR WINDOWS USERS: If this works for you guys, you are gonna ROFLYAO: So, I was checking to see if there was a modifier key that would toggle on / off this drag-to-move screen function/behaviour and accidentally tapped the Windows (Start) key and tapped it again to make the Windows Start menu disappear and low and behold, it now behaves as it did in VW 2018! Although you have to slowly move your mouse completely "off the screen" (vs precisely placing the mouse at that specific sweet spot) while dragging (be it a selection window or while drawing a shape), the screen now moves/scrolls in the direction of your mouse. Wish Nemetschek would just fix this already!
  13. An interesting TEXT OUTLINE workaround (for PC folks who don't have the OUTLINE attribute in the text object info palette) that I just found that I used on a project drawing 4 years ago (a technique that I may have found on here perhaps?) is to use the TEXT ALONG PATH... function. This not only allows me to retain the editability of the text itself (e.g. font etc) albeit through a couple extra steps but it also allows you to control the thickness of the OUTLINE (ie. stroke) which not even the default OUTLINE attribute would've allowed you to do. Although this is not ideal if you're looking to write a paragraph in the OUTLINE attribute but if it's a title or a short text string, then it's a decent workaround. Thoughts?
  14. Yes, no complaints coming from me given we've got the Outline attribute working on a PC! Ah and I totally forgot to include the PC specs I'm working with - it's supposed to be in my signature but I guess the signature appears only if I were to post something vs replying to a post. VW 2018 SP6 (Build 465771)(64-bit) Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS build: 19045.3086 Ryzen 9 5900X 3.7GHz 64 GB DDR4-3200 RAM NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060TI
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