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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by TDimov

  1. Hi, Dylan! Have you actually attached the record to an object and then tag it with the Data Tag? Also I hear there is a tutorial about how to setup the database connection but I don't know where it is. Maybe it will help if you manage to find it.
  2. You can try using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) when reinstalling the driver.
  3. Can you please create a VB for this and attach a file in which the issue is reproducible?
  4. Can you create a VE for the secondary units? I can look into adding them to the units popup at some point.
  5. This was intended to work like that. Initially we decided to disable the reshaping of the Section-Elevation Lines which are in the "Elevation" configuration. We now see that was an oversight and this has already been changed for SP2. If you have access to the betas you can try it in Beta 3.
  6. You can now do that in VW2021. Create a style and right click it in the Resource Manager. Open "Plug-in Object Style Options..." and set the Class by style. Every object using that style will be assigned to that class. That can't be done because I won't have the information about what the quantity is. Is it a dimension, is it an area, etc.? I can probably do that, file a VE if you haven't already. I agree with you on this one and I don't like it as well but the Data Tag uses the localised units in order to be consistent with the rest of VW. I can make it tag locked objects but only if they're not referenced. The reason for this is that when the referenced file is changed and you update the reference the whole layer containing the reference is deleted and created from scratch. That's why you'd lose the link between the Data Tag and its tagged object.
  7. Real parameters are unitless numbers so there's no way to choose a unit for them. If the type is a number representing a distance, area, volume or angle you will be able to change the units. In VW2020 you can't do operations with incompatible number types i.e. distance minus a unitless number. In VW2021 the formula calculation was extended to support such incompatible operations. In the meantime, create a record with a dimension field and attach it to the tagged object or the Data Tag. In the formula subtract that field from #CWDObj#.#OIPOpeningWidth#.
  8. Ok, I diagnosed it again and it's a mac-only bug. However there is a workaround: add a space after the end of your formula. I'll fix it for SP3.
  9. I attaches without problems for me. And it seems you've missed step 4.
  10. Currently there is no way to do that using just the Data Tag and its formulas. However, it can be done using the Data Manager: Create a new record in the document with as many text fields as components you want to show. Open "Tools" -> "Data Manager...". Find and select "Wall" in the "Objects" list browser. In the second list browser select the entity you'd like to add your custom pSet to (for example "IfcWallStandardCase"). Open "Add Data Set...". Find and select the record you created in 1. Open "Manage Custom Property Sets...". Check "Use" in front of the record's name. Close with OK. Make sure record is selected under "Ifc PSets (Custom)" (I think it's not nessary but I'm not that experienced with the Data Manager). Close with OK. Expand the record. Select one of its fields. Open "Define Mapping..." Select "Expert Formula", "Function", "GETCOMPONENTINFO". Press "Insert into Formula". Add its arguments: index* and selector**. Close with OK. Repeat 13. - 18. for more components. Close with OK. There should be a new pSet in the entity selected in 4. and its fields should have the values for the components you wanted. I'm assuming you know how to work with Data Tags, create a new or edit an existing style and edit its layout. Define a dynamic text: the source should be the entity from 4., the pSet - the name of the new custom pSet (same as the record), the property - one of the record fields (now a property in the pSet). This should extract the data from the pSet which was written there by the Data Manager. *Currently there is a bug and the indexing is -1-based (the first component has an index of -1). This will be fixed in SP3. **1 - Name, 2 - Function, 3- Class, 4 - Thickness I've attached an example file. WallDataTag.vwx
  11. Simple Elevator is the object's universal name, Elevator is its localizable name. There were changes made to it for v2020 which resulted in it being treated as a new object by the workspace manager.
  12. I still can't reproduce it. Resetting the tags (from the menu or by editing the style's layout) fixes the string. I've attached a clip showing my build and license. 2019-11-22 11-43-02.mp4
  13. Did you reset the tags? And can you upload a test file?
  14. Styles can be used only by plug-in objects that support them. For other objects you can use symbols.
  15. Hi, I can't reproduce it in 2020 SP2 beta 3. It appears to be fixed.
  16. Okay, we're discussing 1. and 2. now, I'll see what I can do. 3. will have to be logged as an enhancement request, however. Can you do that? If you're not able I'll create one.
  17. Firstly, thank you for the feedback. 1. and 2. I'll consult with colleagues about those. 3. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve. You want to change the text box width and height? But only for individual tags because if you that in the profile group of a style it will be applied to all? I'll have to research this.
  18. Hi @bohlr, You can make a Data Tag that extracts information from the Structural Member. The object name is "StructuralMember", and I guess the properties you are looking for are "Member ID", "Member Type" and "Profile Size".
  19. @ericjhberg We will look into the possibility of additional leader lines that point to different objects but don't extract their data. In the meantime I can offer you this workaround: place multiple Data Tag objects on top of each other so that they appear as a single one while their leader lines are marking different objects. You can also group them. I've tested it and their leader lines update accordingly when moving an associated object or the group itself. The only inconvenience is that you will need a few more clicks to enter and exit the group. Also, the group's outline seems to depend on the Data Tag objects' original appearance, to minimize it place the Data Tag objects and associated objects close together before making the group.
  20. Hi, Kevin and Eric, About the positioning: Every option you have shown is possible. You will need a layout if this type: I've added 4 loci at the layout's bounds (the circle's min and max x and y) and the whole geometry is on the right of the origin. Lets label the tags on your picture with hours on a watch face with the vertical being 12 and 6 (7 and 11 missing). 1 and 5 are achieved by having a positive shoulder length and "Allow Multiple Attachment Points" - disabled. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10 can be made the same way or with "Allow Multiple Attachment Points" enabled, however enabling that parameter can cause the Data Tag to pick another locus to attach the shoulder to depending on the placement. 6 and 12: you need to set the shoulder length to 0 and enable the "Allow Multiple Attachment Points" parameter. Bare in mind that having a shoulder length of 0 will make its control point and the origin one to overlap. In that case the shoulder one takes precedence and will be activated when clicking on them. The centre one is just without a leader. About the multiple leader lines: We don't have multiple leaders and don't tag multiple objects because their data can be different. Even if at the time of tagging the extracted data is identical (some extractable data will never be the same in real-world scenarious) there is nothing stopping you from changing it for one object and not for the other. That will lead to inconsistencies at best. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Sam, Sorry for the late response. The problem is already resolved and will be shipped with SP3.
  22. Hi, Mark, You will be able to use #PERIM# to get the length of lines, 2D and 3D polygons and NURBS curves as of SP3.
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