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Diego - Resuelvector

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Everything posted by Diego - Resuelvector

  1. First I think those points need to be in the Wishlist I'm with you with Walls and the cabinets! For the Stairs rails don't use the stair handrails, I'll recommend to use the Railing tool bc it let you use custom posts and profiles.
  2. Too many projects in your plate? Need help to finish those renderings? Need some custom 3D modeling? Try.. https://vectorworksoutsourcing.com/
  3. In the page just says compatible with 2018 yet. Gutters Download latest version: 1.3 (license required) Status: developing Language: Eng Compatibility: Vectorworks 2018
  4. Yes, It would be my first summit also, hope to meet you all.
  5. Wonderful work!!! Vectorworks would look and behave like application for this century!!!
  6. I'll like a direct-live link with Twinmotion or Lumion, even with V-ray would be awesome!!
  7. The MEP tools are ancient, they are in need of a revamp, please....
  8. I'm with arteran, the Nomad app is very useful, but has so much potential to be much more.
  9. Greetings, I'm trying to map a texture into a subdivision object, with an image, but I'm not getting the results I need, could you upload de video to youtube, appears to be unavailable.
  10. Greetings, if you need freelance work, we specialize in outsourcing. We are supported by the talent and knowledge of over 20 highly skilled Vectorworks professionals, We currently participates in projects on a global scale, offering verifiable superior services and project support, all the while continuing to develop the unrealized potential of BIM in Vectorworks, as well as classic 2D drafting work, custom 3D modeling, and library creation.
  11. Greetings, if you need freelance work, we specialize in outsourcing. We are supported by the talent and knowledge of over 20 highly skilled Vectorworks professionals, We currently participates in projects on a global scale, offering verifiable superior services and project support, all the while continuing to develop the unrealized potential of BIM in Vectorworks, as well as classic 2D drafting work, custom 3D modeling, and library creation.
  12. And those are great functions, I use them regularly, I hate to make comparisons but if you take a look, as I did, to the BIMx iOS app, our Nomad has room to grow ...
  13. You can't create it from 1 roof face alone, I think the best way will be to make 2 roof faces
  14. So... no BIMx strong counterpart from Vectorworks?
  15. Anyone have seen this, looks very nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM7DT4B9Y48&t=118s
  16. If you use a wall with components, the best way to do it would be use the Interior Components feature in the Window Settings
  17. Sadly no, when you use the Wall framing tool, Vectorworks will put muntins instead a framing member element, even with the new Structural element you are chained to the presets profiles.
  18. Hi, in the forums there is a thread for buying licences https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/forum/46-buying-and-selling-vectorworks-licenses/ Check there, there are nice options.
  19. Yes, you can, as long as you have used the Wall tool in the project.. Check this video from the Vectorworks channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe6yxJuKHmg
  20. If you only need the drawing in 2D, the workflow that @Gadzooks proposes, is the best way.
  21. I think if you generate the roof using the Create Roof command instead of the roof faces, the problem doesn´t happen.
  22. Also, for 2018, review this videos from the Vectorworks YouTube Channel Title Block
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