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Martijn Wingelaar

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    the netherlands

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  1. Got it. turns out if you use the original Plugin name it works with Domenu.
  2. Hello everyone. Is there a way to let Marionette open a Shortcut? I try to make a Marionette Command. To open the Braceworks Add pointload to selection command. But can't figure out to let it open a Shortcut. Is that possible? Greetings Martijn.
  3. Michael Schroeder. Are you kidding me. i use Loads a lot if I get a plot with weights in it. And this is a super idea from you. Greeting Martijn.
  4. Hey Jesse you rock 🤘. That works indeed. Now I can make another few hundred custom tools 😆. Greetings Martijn
  5. Hello everyone. Does anyone knows a way to select only the deadhang bridles in a drawing? I can't figure out how to do it. If I select a Deadhang and try to do a select simular option. It also selects all 2 and 3 Leg bridles. Greetings Martijn.
  6. That's exactly not what I want to do. I just want a quick count. 😬 Greetings Martijn.
  7. Hello i've got a question. Does anyone know how to get a worksheet with the virtual parts? I can't find it in the worksheet options. Greetings Martijn
  8. Hello all. I think it's not possible what I want but. Is there a. way to get the Bridle Configuration steel info for a Deadhang Bridle? I got it for a 2 and 3 leg Bridle. But a Deadhang uses different information I think. The Tag Definition in the added picture does not work. Anyone ????? Greetings Martijn.
  9. Hello ldenambride. If you are going to make your own pickups. Maybe it's a good thing to keep in mind is that all the by Vectorworks provided slinging methods are actually wrong. And disapproved by most truss manufacturers. I have made my own it's not so difficult to do. Greetings Martijn
  10. Hello Matteo17. Yes you have. Under Hoist Tools - Hoist Standard-Euro - C1. But you have to check if all the data is correct. By most of the hoist the body weight and chain weight are incorrect. Greetings Martijn
  11. Hello forum users. I am trying to create a Data tag from a selection of trusses. Is there a way to do this? I can't figure out how to do this. I try to get all the length of the used trusses in a selection. Greetings Martijn.
  12. Hello Forum users. I've got a question? Is there a way to get a Data-Tag rotate/align with a Bridle Leg? I've got a Data-Tag for my steel wire length as I configured it in the Bridle Configuration. Now I add the Tag to every bridle leg and the manually rotate it with the rotation tool. And this is a lot of work. Is there a way to auto rotate it to the leg? Greetings Martijn. Rotate along bridle leg.vwx
  13. Hello Wood. I'm a Dutch rigger and I'm having a lot of mail contact with jcogdell. All you're problems you've got I also discovered a few years a go. But I figured a lot of ways to work around the issues. First.. And this is how I see it. The auto bridle tool doesn't work. If you take structural members the snap point are never exact where you want your bridle. I prefer to draw a line "for a 2 leg" over the hoist crossing the beams and then draw a bridle. If you need a 3 leg bridle 🤔 how does vw knows from where you want to connect the legs. It always chooses the closest knots or snap points. For this part.. I don't care about influence lines or any of the advanced BW calculations for the venue steel. You can turn the influence lines off in your classes. But those calculations are really important. You can maker on a 5m or 16ft beam 20 3 way bridles and a 3 way can be quit flat "if you know your rigging" So the forces in X and Y can run up extremely fast while the Z forces stay the same. This.. Why aren't baskets being generated with the 'Assign parts automatically' button? Is in my opinion the worst tool in the BW plug-in. A 4 way bridle is retarded but the auto parts does not work at all. It just throws in steels at random blah blah blah. I discovered this this week. Make your plot create all your bridles make sure everything is good. Take the Select Similar Tool "magic wand". Select all bridles go to the Bridle Configuration. Delete for all legs all steel Leg 1,2,3 and Down leg. Then add the basket and Basket Dimensions for just one bridle if you got 3 way bridles select one of those. Then when you exit the Bridle Configuration. All fields are empty and every bridle has a basket and basket demensions. I do a lot of +200 hoist shows and adding steel for a bridle is just a ty job. But you have to do it. I created a simple data-tag just for steels. I add that to every leg in my drawing "that takes max 20 min". So when I add steels I can see what bridle I already did and when I print a bridle plot for the markout. I've got all steel length for every bridle "Shot 1" You can configure your hoist also through the Spotlight - Spotlight Numbering menu. You can tweak a lot of things there. Finally I think you should not try to skip steps in the rigging design procedure. Designing a rigging plot takes skill and time. All the automated tools I think are a nice extra. But if you start to trust BW to do all work and calculations for you...... nahhh I don't know. I wouldn't blindly trust it. Greetings Martijn.
  14. Where did the Select Similar tool "Magic Wand" go in Vectorworks 2024? Greetings Martijn.
  15. Hello Forum Users. I'm trying to make a Data-Tag for my bridles. With the steel length that I assigned in the bridle configuration tool. My Data-Tag is build to first show the Basket and then the Leg Steel info. But that means the basket is always on the left side or beginning. But sometimes I need it to be on the end. Depending how the leg is configured. Is there a way to mirror the Data-Tag with the text? I've added a sample file if that helps. Greetings Martijn Data tag auto mirror.vwx
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