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    Designer, Project Manager, Technical Director, bit of everything at Upstaging Inc outside of Chicago.
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  1. This is how I generally get to Feet and Inches on the report
  2. I am hoping someone can help me here. I generally have my rigging origin on the drawing origin for 90% of the stuff I work on. I have something where they want to move the rigging origin. I have a nice report that generates all the dims. The field value in the database is =(ROUND(('BrxHoist'.'OriginX')*12))/12 for x and similar for y. What would I want to do to make this value shown from the spot shown?
  3. That has not been my understanding, but then again maybe my understanding is incorrect. So for example a group of about 8 of us in one company want to share resources (Symbols, sytles, templets, etc.) what is the correct way to have these shared items in VW available in the resource manager that can be managed by us internally? It does not seem to me that this should be this complicated or inaccessible but maybe I am just looking at this from an outsider view here. Matt
  4. What do you mean "If they contain a library file"? I'm not sure I understand that. I have the files with the resources in a folder that has a library directory in it in VW. I can see them just viewing in the resource manager but am unable to see them when replacing symbols in a file. Please see the video for an example of what I am seeing. What am I doing wrong here? Workgroup Libraries in Replace Broken.mp4
  5. We use favorites but trying to use workgroups with multiple users across dropbox. Workgroups seem like the correct option, I think?
  6. So someone in a workgroup directory has to make a sub directory to match that even if their file directory would not make sense in that folder structure? Otherwise this feature would not be available? It seems like there should be a better way.
  7. This is not in a tool. Let me know the folder structure they should be in. Right now the folder we have linked as a "Work Group Folder" has these in "workgroup folder" - Libraries - then the .vwx files. They all show up in there if wanting to just grab a symbol or something. However if I have a symbol that is in a file. I select it and choose to replace that symbol these files are not accessible.
  8. It seems shocking to me that a @vectorworksemployee cannot answer this.
  9. I find I regularly want to replace a symbol in a file with a symbol from a workgroup library. I have in my workgroup a big folder of files that are referenced. It works great for using as a shared directory for inserting symbols. However when I try to replace symbols there is no ability to expand the workgroup libraries tab to allow me to select them. Is there a certain type of file structure I need in place in the directory for this to work? Anyone have any thoughts?
  10. I do not believe this to have always been the case but at some point I believe things changed where when a new lighting device is inserted in a design layer the default setting for the light in existing viewports is set to on. This is very frustrating for me personally but hoping there is a setting somewhere I'm not aware of and cannot find to change the default insert function someone can lead me to. I have prebuilt templates with viewports already created. Many are just to show lighting systems in 3D space and have separate non spotlight light lighting devices in them. I render most of them in Shaded/Open GL. For one speed and secondly for the light limit in that render mode I would greatly prefer any new lights are defaulted to off. When drawing a light plot every new light is defaulted to on.
  11. I have no clue how this has not ever come up for me in the past. I have an odd 3D model I'm working on. There are a number of 3D Loci in there already at useful positions. If I look in Top/Plan view I can just draw lines connecting the loci and see the distance of the line. That is good except it is not accounting for changes in Z so I'm not getting an accurate distance. I go to another view in 3D I can draw 3D polygons with just two points and it is correct on the overall location including the Z height. The issue is I want to know that distance. Is there a good way to get that actual distance from just the 2 point I connected with a 3D Polyline? Thanks, Matt
  12. We are considering hiring an additional person or two to help on our in house drafting needs. This would be starting out with basic Vectorworks based drafting, understanding of Spotlight and use of the rigging tools is definitely preferred. A familiarity with AutoCAD is also very helpful. There is a possibility of helping in some rendering work as well. We primarily work in large scale touring applications and corporate events. If interested shoot me a note with some info and we can talk and go from there. This would be an inhouse / in person position in Sycamore, IL (about 60 miles west of Chicago). Matt Gohring mgohring@upstaging.com
  13. I have a panoramic image I'm using as a custom renderworks background. Overall it looks correct like it should in terms of the background. However I have a generic ground plane in my geometry. I cannot seem to align where the bottom of that image would be to where the ground plane is. Does anyone have any experience with this? Right now it basically looks like my geometry is floating in mid air, but since the image aligned so well I'm thinking there has to be a way to essentially scale it or place it in the right space. Thanks, Matt
  14. Oh that might be it. Ironically running out the door to coach a game. I will look tomorrow.
  15. So I did a manual version of what I am describing. See the attached screen shot. This is on a sheet layer. I semi redacted as I didn't want to show the kids names. But basically there is a worksheet with a order 1-9 in the far left column. There are "players" populated in there at different positions. This rotates each inning. This is easy if it was just one inning. Trying to figure out how to do this for 3 inning for 3 separate instances of the lineup. The arrows show where I would want those names to populate. Does that make sense?
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