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Marionette - Networks

72 files

  1. Quick Electrical Box (Meter, Load-Center, Sub-Panel) Marionette

    This marionette object builds a quick electrical box, load-center, meter, or sub-panel with an attached record, ID # data tag, 2d symbol, and A.F.F. height note.  
    Can be placed flush on a wall and then toggled to recess into the wall, adds a flange if necessary to model a basic sub-panel.


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  2. People Crowd 1.0

    This is an older but still fantastic marionette. The thing which is a little newer is the version of the poeple Crowd polygon which i never shared i think. With the following Features:
    1. One big Focus Point where people crowding (Entrance, Food Track etc.)
    2. Smaller Focus Points where people talk together etc.
    3. The Script gets different symbol folders. It collects from a folder symbols in the focus arreas (waiting people, sitting people as Example)
    4. Ant a different Folder for People which moving between the focus points

    To Make your people layout, you could combine more than one PlugIns with different settings. I think you need one PlugIn per Special Focus.  i think this could also be used for trees, cows and other living objects.


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  3. Create Individual Property Lines from Survey Data

    This is a pretty basic Marionette object to help me build property lines without having to use and troubleshoot the existing Vectorworks Property Lines tool.  
    It builds a single line based on the entry of survey data (ie: 125.5' N 40° 35' 19" W).  This works one at a time and does not build arcs.  I've tested it on a few particularly messy plats and it seems to work well enough.  
    After producing a single property line, ungroup and arrange it where you want it (Marionette will place the line at 0,0), then repeat until you're finished, easy!  If you're super into the Property Line tool, you can gather all the lines together, compose them into one poly, and Create Objects From Shapes the whole thing into an official Property Line.  
    I hope you find this helpful.


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  4. Creating nice color schemes

    This Marionette uses a Web-Dialog to create color schemes. The created colors can be imported as colors and textures directly in Vectorworks.


    1. Run the Network
    2. configure colors
    3. Don't forget to click "save"
    4. close Web Dialog, the Vectorworks fetches the created colors and creates a preview with rectangles.

    right click > Wrap Marionette Network > right click > convert to menu command



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  5. Vectorworks to SVGnest direct connection

    This Marionette can be interesting for Laser and cutting jobs. But Mainly it is Study how to use the Vectorworks Web-Dialog to access a Web-Application. The Date is send and reveived over (REST) API. The Exchanged Data is an SVG which is parsed over JSON Formats. Used Engine for Nesting is www.svgnest.com

    for rectangular shapes, use this one:
    This Marionette Network is sending all shapes on a layer (or by custom criteria)
    to a Web-App which contains a SVGnest installation and a custom API for Vectorworks
    1. Draw a BIN on which you want to NEST the other shapes. Place it topleft of the BIN on your Origin
    2. Tested with Layer Scale 1:50, 1:20 mm and BINs of ca. 1-2 meters. It works with all
    Units, sizes and scales but the very first Preview may be very small, cropped or too big.
    3. No Holes in polys are supported directly (you can have but nothing would be placed inside)
    But if you draw a smaller shape inside another it is taken as a hole.
    4. If ready run the Marionette (You will have to cancel by not saving the result or cancel in
    the dialog after the nesting process)
    5. If you have multiple CPU cores it will go much faster. It uses one worker for every core.
    6. Click on your BIN, choose the settings button (twice).
    If you define an offset between the parts reduce the curve-tolerance smaller than one. 0.5
    as Example or lower if you see any issues.
    7. Press START and wait till parts are placed on the BIN. The Process will calculate infinite and
    try to optimize the result till you click STOP.
    8. Press SAVE, wait a sec and then just exit the VW WebBrowser by close or press the Button
    Bottom right to close.
    9. Choose Option to move your original shapes on the BIN(s) or a copy
    Known Limitations:
    - Some shapes are not converted correctly to SVG maybe. Which is not a big accident because the Application do not import some geometry it keep the original geometry.
    - Complex geometry could take (too) long to nest.
    - I take took no control on the nesting process which is processes the NESTING the process
    is powered by https://svgnest.com
    You can also use an alternative way:
    1. Export DXF to inkscape and export SVG
    2. Or directly export SVG by https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/78280-export-to-svg-menu-command/
    (The exported SVG from the Marionette is not directly accessable and also the quality and compatibility is just fitted to that one usecase so quality of the Marionette SVG is maybe low compared to the above professional Export-PlugIn)
    3. Import it to SVGnest.com or use their new project DeepNest

    As I mentioned. Primary a study how connect to an even bigger world out from a Marionette. BTW such a connection can be a task nearly as big as the nesting-part itself.


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  6. Create classes - create design layers - create sheet layers with viewports

    This file automatically creates classes and design layers. Then after these are created it can generate sheet layers with title blocks and viewports.


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  7. Xmas-tree top generator

    If you're still looking for Chrismas decorations, why not create them by yourself. This network creates Christmas tree top based on any profile. User can specify number of extrusions and how much they should be twisted around along the base shape. It can also be used for generating baubles with some small changes.
    For 3D prints it is better to add solids after running the network, so the network creates separates objects.


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  8. Test Proximity and Text to 3D Loci

    These scripts are similar to networks I posted in January of 2019. Here is the link to the previous post. 
    The Test Proximity script is the same one as in the older post, but has been updated to Vectorworks 2023. These scripts are primarily for Landmark users - they can be used to convert a file that contains 2D geometry with unassociated text labels to 3D loci (if the text is a number value representing an elevation). To use these wrappers, first group the geometry and text labels you want to convert and give the group a name in the Name field of the OIP. Then copy/paste the wrappers into the file and set the parameter "Group Name" in the two wrappers to the name you gave your group. Next, run the Test Proximity wrapper. Lines between text and geometry will appear. If there is a line between each geometry and label pair, you can run the next wrapper. If there are multiple lines from a single piece of geometry to more than one text label, adjust the text labels in your group, placing these particular labels closer to their respective geometries and rerun the Test Proximity wrapper until there is a single line for each text and geometry pair. Finally, run the Text to 3D Loci wrapper to create 3D loci at the same location as the 2D geometry with a z-height that matches the text value.


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  9. Intelligente Bühnenwände

    Mit diesen Dateien kann man recht schnell eine Wandabwicklung aus dem Bühnenbaubereich zeichnen.
    Intelligente Verstellmöglichkeiten bieten eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten die Wände zu nutzen.
    In einer zweiten Konstruktionsebene befindet sich eine "runde" Wand, die beim Wrappen in ein Object Node leider einen Fehler produziert.
    Da ich den Fehler leider nicht behoben bekommen, können gerne Verbesserungsvorschläge gemacht werden.


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  10. Algorithms-Aided Design in BIM Software Webinar Files

    Here are the files used in the webinar, Algorithms-Aided Design in BIM Software. "Sample Script" is the file that was used for the full demo, and "Panelization" and "The Greyhound 2" were used as examples.


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  11. Infographics

    This is an old file that I have recently resurrected. It is one of the first files I ever created and represents my favorite way to use Marionette: infographics. I thought I had posted it here, but I can't find it, so I figured I would post it again. This file contains some custom infographics that I created based off of the polys in this file that have records attached. I have included a second layer that has some chart nodes from the default library.


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  12. Marionette 101 Training Files

    Here are files that I use to do Marionette training. I thought that it would make sense to add them to the forum because they are useful in their own right, even without me talking through them. The Marionette 101 and 102 files go step by step through building Marionette networks. In both files, you can cycle through the Saved Views to see each iteration of the network and what geometry it produces. When you create a Marionette network you don't necessarily place all the nodes linearly from left to right, you build it in chunks of functionality, and the nodes that make up those chunks don't always follow from left to right like words on a page. Everybody might build their networks a little differently, but in these two networks, I show how I would solve these particular problems. The first network is a series of cubes that grow in size and that series can grow and rotate. This network has also been converted to a Marionette object and contains sliders in the final version. The second network is a series of squares that have a spectrum of colors applied to them. Because several steps of this network do not generate geometry, Saved Views have been added showing Print Debug nodes that display the values of the network.


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  13. Wall Component Volumes for Custom pSet

    If NetVolume of Wall components has to be written in a custom pSet (if this is a special requirement), this Network maybe provide a solution.

    If you export Base Quantities, you get component volumes exported. Which is the normal-case to export the component quantities.

    What does the Script(s) do:
    1. The first Script creates record fields for every component Name exists in the Document (Walls have to be in the drawing, not just as a style).
    2. The Second Script gets Wall component NetVolumes and writes it in the Record attached to the Wall for every component Name.
    3. So you are able to use the Data-Manager to attach this component informations  to the Wall Body and be able to export is as a Custom pSet to ifc (if this is a requirement in a specific project)



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  14. symbols distribute along a planar path

    Dieses Netzwerk verteilt Symbole 2d oder 3d entlang einer planaren Polylinie und ordnet diese in der Konstruktionsebene an, in welcher die Leitlinie sich befindet.
    This network distributes symbols 2d or 3d along a planar polyline and arranges them in the construction plane in which the guideline is located. This text was translated from German into English with google translator. No guarantee for translation errors


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  15. Extrude along Path with Ref point

    The standard behaviour of the extrude along path tool is to center the profile on the path and after creation we are able move it. This works pretty good. If we use the extrude along path node, is is not so easy to move the profile group after creation. This example shows how to do.
    1. Put a 2D locus point in your (blue) symbol as a reference point and put it in the background (cmd/ctrl + B)
    2. the script will measure this point and after creation of the extrude along path it will move the profile group
    - A custom node to get the profile group of the path
    - A custom node to reset the extrude along path object after moving profile group


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  16. creating records from txt or xls

    This Network shows how to create fields from an existing xls or txt file.


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  17. Sightlines Simulation Using Shadow Projection

    This is a scenic design tool I created for set designers to help simulate sightlines quickly for those situations where scenery is moving around a lot during a show and you're trying to check for blind spots in arrangements, communicate with the director, or are designing something complicated in the round. While this program requires a 3D model to work it will only give you a 2D groundplan simulation. Because I'm modeling the blind spots using a lighting device to create the shadow projection there will be some slight error and the tool will be less effective on a multi-level set or significantly raked stage.
    Directions for use are given in the file along with a series of buttons to run the program. In essence, you run a network to generate a sight line object and name it (e.g. House Right Seat), move the object to the location and adjust the sight line bounds, and then run another network to create a shadow projection simulation of what a person can see from that seat. Finally, you switch to fast renderworks to see the shadows and, if necessary, adjust the Bot-Z depending on where the z=0 point is in relation to the playing space.
    I'm using a object naming system that takes user input and names objects with concatenation as they're are created, releases them to the user for manual modification, and then regains control in a separate network. This is still a little buggy and sometimes leads to VWX crashing (particularly the user clicks "cancel" after prompted to input a name), so save your file before running any of the networks here.
    I'm still new to marionette so I appreciate any feedback.


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  18. Extrude Rails by rectangle / custom profile by name

    Multiple experiments of profiles created from a nurbs surface in order to create multiple rails with dozens or hundreds of nurbs profiles simultaneously. This Marionnette is based off of Freeform truss objects, so all credit goes to @Marissa Farrell. Thank you!


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  19. Automatically convert groups (or other objects) into symbol

    Imagine: You have just received a file containing a large number of objects that need to be transformed into symbols.  This typically happens when I buy a file containing objects that are not symbols after import.  
    This tool transforms the objects that meet the chosen criteria into symbols in OIP  and places them in a new folder whose name you specify.
    In OIP Choose : The symbol préfix; the name for the symbol folder and the criteria configuration.
    Very handy!
    Automatically convert groups V2019.vwx


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  20. 2D to Massing Model

    This file contains a Marionette network that converts 2D polys into Massing Models. It reads the Record Format info attached to the poly and uses that information to create the Massing Model. It also transfers all attached Records to the Massing Model. This network is useful for converting shapefile data into Massing Models. To use the network, select the wrapper and make sure that all the fields in the Object Info palette correspond correctly to the objects that you want to convert. All of the info that you want to use to create the Massing Model must be in a single record, but all attached records will be transferred over by the script.
    Also included in the file is a worksheet that allows you to calculate Floor Usage Data for each floor of a multistory building. If you have one type of usage on the first floor, and a different type of usage on the upper floors, you can calculate that in the worksheet. (If you have more than two types of usage, it can only calculate the first two types.) To change the usage type in the worksheet, just type the name of the usage type, like "Retail" or "Residential" into the top row of one of the Area by Usage Type Columns. The lower rows will adjust appropriately.


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  21. Convert text to 3D Locus

    In French :
    Parfois un plan de mesurage ne contient que les textes des niveaux sans aucun symbole ou point 3D.  Il n'est donc pas possible de créer un terrain 3D.
    Ce script permet de créer pour l'ensemble des points des points 3D ayant pour valeur Z le texte lui même, sur une autre couche .
    In English :
    Sometimes a measurement plan contains only the texts of the levels without any symbol or 3D point. It is therefore not possible to create a 3D terrain.
    This script makes it possible to create 3D points for the set of points having the value Z the text itself, on another layer.


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  22. Cubbies

    File that you can adjust for cubbies and learn marionette.


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  23. Extrude & Array

    Hi just a file that may assist in the learning of Marionette.
    I have a lot of files that i feel should be out there that may assist. Hope this is the right location to place them.


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  24. Create Stories

    Creating stories, levels, and layers can be a tedious process, especially for tall, multistory projects. This wrapper allows you to automate that process based on an overall building height, typical floor heights, and default levels. You can create up to 4 Layer Levels and 2 Layerless Levels. To create fewer Levels, leave any of the Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3, Layer 4, Layerless Level 5, and/or Layerless Level 6 fields blank.
    To use this script in a new file, simply import the wrapper into the file, place it in the drawing, and run the script. The settings of the script are very similar to the levels and layers created in the Vectorworks template, but you can customize them in the OIP of the wrapper. To change the Story suffixes and Story names, double click on the wrapper and the select the Get Story Names node. There are settings that you can change in the OIP of this node as well.
    NOTE: Existing stories and story-associated layers that match the names of the new stories and layers will be deleted every time you run this script. Existing stories that DO NOT match the names of the new stories will not be deleted but may interfere with the creation of new stories. It is recommended that this script is run in a file without existing stories, levels, or story-associated layers.


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  25. IFC-Durchbruchsplanung

    Erstellt aus in Vectorworks importierten IFC- Schlitze-/Durchbruchelemente native Vectorworks Schlitze-/Durchbruchobjekte mit allen Eigenschaften und Datenbanken des originalen IFC-Elements.
    Informationen zur Anwendung entnehmen Sie bitte der Anleitung, die parallel zu dieser Datei als Download zur Verfügung steht.
    Von: ComputerWorks GmbH. In Teilen basierend auf Marionette-Nodes von DCorpataux.
    Kompatibilität: Vectorworks 2020.


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