About This File
Here are files that I use to do Marionette training. I thought that it would make sense to add them to the forum because they are useful in their own right, even without me talking through them. The Marionette 101 and 102 files go step by step through building Marionette networks. In both files, you can cycle through the Saved Views to see each iteration of the network and what geometry it produces. When you create a Marionette network you don't necessarily place all the nodes linearly from left to right, you build it in chunks of functionality, and the nodes that make up those chunks don't always follow from left to right like words on a page. Everybody might build their networks a little differently, but in these two networks, I show how I would solve these particular problems. The first network is a series of cubes that grow in size and that series can grow and rotate. This network has also been converted to a Marionette object and contains sliders in the final version. The second network is a series of squares that have a spectrum of colors applied to them. Because several steps of this network do not generate geometry, Saved Views have been added showing Print Debug nodes that display the values of the network.