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Sightlines Simulation Using Shadow Projection 1.0.0

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About This File

This is a scenic design tool I created for set designers to help simulate sightlines quickly for those situations where scenery is moving around a lot during a show and you're trying to check for blind spots in arrangements, communicate with the director, or are designing something complicated in the round. While this program requires a 3D model to work it will only give you a 2D groundplan simulation. Because I'm modeling the blind spots using a lighting device to create the shadow projection there will be some slight error and the tool will be less effective on a multi-level set or significantly raked stage.


Directions for use are given in the file along with a series of buttons to run the program. In essence, you run a network to generate a sight line object and name it (e.g. House Right Seat), move the object to the location and adjust the sight line bounds, and then run another network to create a shadow projection simulation of what a person can see from that seat. Finally, you switch to fast renderworks to see the shadows and, if necessary, adjust the Bot-Z depending on where the z=0 point is in relation to the playing space.


I'm using a object naming system that takes user input and names objects with concatenation as they're are created, releases them to the user for manual modification, and then regains control in a separate network. This is still a little buggy and sometimes leads to VWX crashing (particularly the user clicks "cancel" after prompted to input a name), so save your file before running any of the networks here.


I'm still new to marionette so I appreciate any feedback.

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