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Festoon Strings 2.0

   (6 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is a Marionette object that creates an array of festoon strings. The Marionette object has four control points (one for each corner) that allow you to place each corner at a specific location and height. You can adjust the number of strings, the number of arcs in the strings, and the overall depth of the arc. The objects arrayed along the festoon strings are symbols so you can use the ones provided or create your own. The symbols provided have glow or light objects in them, so they can be used in renderings.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


I have added a new version of this file - it has two Marionette objects: one is the original Festoon String Array, and the other is a single Festoon String. This allows you to place single strings with only two control points.




ComputerWorks has created a German version of this file!


Dies ist ein parametrisches Marionette-Objekt, welches eine Reihe von Lichterketten erzeugt. Das Objekt hat vier Kontrollpunkte (eins je Ecke), anhand derer die Position und Größe der aufgespannten Fläche eingestellt werden kann. Neben der Anzahl an Lichterketten, lassen sich auch die Bogenanzahl und -tiefe sowie der Abstand von einer Leuchte zur nächsten bestimmen. Die Leuchten (Symbole) sind entlang einer Kette aufgereiht und lassen sich über die Informationenpalette gegen beliebige andere (auch eigene) austauschen. Da die mitgelieferten Symbole bereits mit Leucht-/Glüh-Daten ausgestattet sind, eignen sich die Lichterketten besonders für Renderings sehr gut.

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User Feedback


   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

loving the idea of this tool as I needed something like it last week.  However, when I bring the festoon object in and reduce the number of strings from 4 to 1, VW just bogs down completely and I need to force quit....is that normal?

Response from the author:

The way it was designed, it should always have at least two strings - the overall shape of it needs to be a box and not a line, because it has 4 3D control points. This is definitely something to consider for a 2.0 version.

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Nice if you need an array. If you change to 2 strings and move a control point, it automatically reverts to 4 strings.

Would be much more useful if it was like the stanchion tool, or duplicate along path. But as an example for learning Marionette, it's useful.

Response from the author:

Unfortunately this is a bug - Moving a control point results in the object reverting to default settings, in this case, 4 festoon strings. The workaround for this is to double-click on the script before you move a control point - you will see the Marionette script inside. You don't have to change anything, just exit out of the script by clicking the yellow button in the top right corner - this will essentially reset the default values to the changes you have made. Then you can move the control points without the Marionette object resetting. I am sorry, but this bug is currently being worked on.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Like @grant_PD I need to use this tool to create single strings point to point,  so not usable in it's current form. However I love how the tool works though, and thanks to @sbarrettfor putting the time into it and sharing.


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Peter Neufeld

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Dear Sarah,

This is great and so easy to use! It's a great example of what Marionette can do.  My living room will never be the same again.


Cheers and thanks,





Festoon Strings.jpg

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· Edited by mjm


Just downloaded this, because I could deploy it immediately, except: The marionette draws the waveform against gravity; there should be points,  not curves at the apogee of both ends of the wave / curve / swag. I've attached an old version of a hand-modeled bistro bulb string, updated into vwx 2021



Festoon Notion 21.png

BISTRO Notion 21.vwx

Response from the author:

Yes, I know this is not perfect as far as the geometry, I tried to make it as simple as possible so it wasn't too heavy of an object. I thought about the "arcs" as a quick and dirty way to get a general look without too much editing.  If you would like the festoon string to come to a point at the moment of connection, you could try placing multiple strings with just one arc in each.

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