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Text Sizes


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I have set up a page with various text sizes for reference, but all text seems to be printing at a smaller size than that specified, e.g. 7.0mm text prints at approx. 5.0mm, 5.0mmm text prints at approx. 3.5mm, 3.5mm text prints at approx. 2.5mm. The 'reduction' factor seems to be 1.414 i.e. square root of 2. Anyone have any clues?

Page has been set up at 1:100

Edited by Atchison
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The height of a VW text character can be measured by converting it with the TrueType to Polyline command. The new bounding box will be limited by the extents of the new poly. It's no longer editable font, but it can be resized as needed with OIP or rescale command.

A font character will have bounding box dimensions determined by the font parameters and conventions - generally larger than the character extents.

There may be some fonts or software which display character height equal to font height. Is that what you mean by "TYPE" ? I don't have a font by that name.

Anyway, I hope you find a font and size that works!


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I've put this on the wish list a couple of years ago.

The text doesn't relate to an input size. If I make a text 5mm, and measure the text, I have no clue what vw has used for the 5mm. The text definately isn't 5mm. Also the text changes as per different fonts.

This makes text in vw extremely innaccurate. If you place a 5mm text in AutoCAD, you can actually see where the 5mm is used to give the text size.

This must be fixed in future versions of vw.

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