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Symbol Creation in VW2024 Update 3.1

Kevin McAllister




I've recently started using VW2024 for my active projects. There seems to be something wrong with symbol creation that doing my brain in. Try this -


- create a 3d object like an extrude located away from the origin.

- make it into a symbol using Plan Projection Centre as the Insertion Point.

- Now look at the symbol's position in the OIP. All the ones I create show the symbol at 0,0,0.


The symbol does not have the Plan Projection Centre of the 3d object as its Insertion Point. Instead it is using the origin point as its Insertion Point. See screen shots below.


I create symbols this way all the time and the first few times it happened I got very confused because symbols weren't inserting as expected. This has to be a bug.


Can someone else try this and confirm the behaviour I'm seeing?





Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 2.15.27 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 2.15.50 PM.png

Test Symbol.vwx

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1 minute ago, Pat Stanford said:

Like I said, I just tried in Update 3.1 and I am not seeing the problem.  I wonder what is different in our installs.


When I create a symbol and tell it to leave the instance in place the symbol creates with the origin at the center of the object and the OIP showing the correct distance from the origin.


Pat, are you on a Mac or PC? Are you testing with a 2d object or 3d object? 2d objects seem to work as expected.


The others who are confirming my result are on Macs.



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I just followed Kevin's instructions from his original post.


1) When I created it as a 2d/3d hybrid symbol, it worked correctly as expected.

2) But when I created a symbol that was just a 3d extrude, it shows 0,0,0 on the OIP - same as Kevin's incorrect result. And when I move that symbol of the 3d extrude around, the coordinates on the OIP are incorrect.


I'm also on MacOS running Vw2024 SP3.1.

Edited by rDesign
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Even weirder,  earlier today I converted a 3D extrude to a symbol to the lower right of the origin and it worked correctly.


After @rDesigns post I tried it again, but to the upper left of the origin and got the symbol created with the origin at 0,0 like everyone else.  I then did another one to the lower right and still got a 0,0 origin.


This is in the same file.  Currently is has 2 NURBs curves and 7 symbols used in testing this.


Very strange.

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