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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Thank you for bringing this to my attention I've tested it and you're correct only the single connection mode of the cable tool is correctly connecting the cables. All three other modes are drawing the cables but not connecting them correctly at the start or end.
The other options for drawing cables are still working correctly (patch by command and using the dropdowns)
I've opened a bug report

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Suggestion; For The cable Area settings under "Use Cable Set:", would it be possible to change this to "Use Cable Sets:", and make it possible to choose several sets in this area?


Under ConnectorStart and ConnectorEnd it is not very clear what name to use, Universal or Localized. And in the Record, you can TYPE in the Universal name and if you double click cable to edit it or edit them using the "Manage Cable Parts", it is the Localized name that is used.

UniversalName="Socapex-19 P+N+E 230v" LocalizedName="Socapex-19"


I can indeed confirm the cable area is working as I was figuring out why my cables did not get cables(?) assigned to them, and thought it was my error due to a lot of custom cables, but indeed it was the cable area blocking other cable types. 🙂


This too works, so sorry for my rant! 🙂 🔥

Now that the CableConnectors.xml works fine under Workplace library I see that it completely overwrites the local file, making it possible to remove unwanted connections. This is somewhat great, I might have chosen to have the Workplace file as an addon and make the selections in Manage Cable parts better and everlasting. Since users might have different preferences. But, The cables themself, are not "imported" from the Workplace Library. Why is it so? And how do I get all my custom cables in every new drawing in that standardized nice list under "Manage Cable Parts"? And how am I supposed to share and update cables with my colleagues?

Edited by Stefan B.
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Wishes and suggestions keep coming from me as I find them. 🙂


Under Cable Styles, I can select "Connector Marker:" I have two options, Locust and Sphere(Dunno, could be good with more alternatives? Triangle, square etc.)


1. It would be great to just add it where two cables meet, and not in the end connectors. The end is often represented by something else, like a distro etc, and makes a natural explanation that this is the end. Or at least to have the option.


2. It would be great to be able to set the size of the sphere or locust. But this should also be possible to do under OIP after the cable is inserted. So one can alter the size of them to what fits that particular drawing.


3. Please make the sphere all by class attributes. So I can set the colors of it in the Cable-XX-Terminator class.





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5 hours ago, Stefan B. said:

2. It would be great to be able to set the size of the sphere or locust. But this should also be possible to do under OIP after the cable is inserted. So one can alter the size of them to what fits that particular drawing.

I consider the size, the optics, of the connector marker to be a small disaster.  It is so important to know where the cable connections are in a cable run, and the current connector markers are close to invisible.  I admit that I'm two versions behind, but if this has not changed, it makes managing cable parts so terribly difficult.  This should be an easy fix.  Anything from the simplest and least desireable of making the sphere larger and darker, to letting the user pick a symbol of their choice.  There are in between options like giving the user control over the size and fill of the sphere.  Currently, I have to spend minutes finding a connection.  That's absurd.

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@Kevin Allen really?  You think the current cable break indicators are adequate?  I have never heard that from anyone who does cable planning, but I have only interacted with a small set of production electricians that regularly do cable planning, and I know there are many out there attempting to use the power planning tools.  I would like to hear from any others who find the cable break indicators adequate and not in desperate need of improvement.  For me, and my colleagues,  they just don't do the job, but perhaps we are in a shocking minority.

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  • 1 month later...

I know of the "Create Cable Report", but this is not a database worksheet, and is not updated as cables change. So, is it possible to create a worksheet that lists/counts all cable parts used in the drawing? I managed to get the "Used parts ordered" in a worksheet, but this is not usable in a worksheet for counting the cables used in the drawing.


I did not find any functions to "split" text by delimiter either.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Stefan B.
The dev team are working to make this sort of cable part reporting possible through the equipment list feature but its not quite there yet.
The only way I've found to do this currently is to use the 'used parts summed' criteria from the cable object properties in a worksheet and then export it to excel.
I set up a excel book using power query that would automatically process any excel sheets dropped in a folder, spliting the columns by deliminator, collating the number of cables by type etc...
It takes a bit to set up but it only needs to be done once and then all you need to do each time is update the workbook when a new worksheet is exported from Spotlight.

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I've spent some time using the cable tool now. And a lot has improved. Especially the speed of connecting cables is reduced drastically. This is very good! Still I think there is work to do, so my feedback is below.



I have some new suggestions and some repeated requests that have not yet been fulfilled that are just stupid.

  1. The dialog box that pops up when you click a cable on a distro where you select your "Output", (Stupid one)
    1. Why is it SUPER tiny??
    2. Please give some information on what is preselected for me, or if I just hit OK, what happens?
    3. Please give some sort of warning or display for the outputs that HAVE a connection already.
    4. The "Always use next free output" does not work.
  2. When a distro is connected to a cable, in the OIP for the distro the Power information should give information on what outputs that is used and what is connected.
    1. I suggest using an ID field that is used and recognized. A Hoist can use the Hoist ID, and I don't know what is useful in lights, but I know it cannot say "Martin Mac Aura". At some point you do not care what type of fixture you are working with, its ID is more important. This regards the system designer, not the light designer.
  3. The cable tool is solely for fixtures.
    1. This is just plain idiotic. Vectorworks has made several systems that make it possible for several departments from the entertainment industry to do their work, but when Vectorworks decides to make it possible to cable them, they forget to include all sections of Vectorworks. Why a fixture and not a hoist, motor, pyro effect, amplifier, etc.. They all need cables, but all dialog boxes, just talk of fixtures.
  4. Distros should have an option "Never add as load" check box.
    1. Yes, they are a load on the ground/stage floor, but Vectorworks are unable to calculate those so very very many distro objects never need a load. They just make yet another factor when using braceworks.
  5. It is still not possible to add a cable to a path once the cable is drawn.
    1. for instance, several cables are drawn and you see a path would be nicer. You cannot add those already drawn cables to a new path.
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I can continue!


6. If you make changes to the area where all cables are drawn, there is no obvious way to "recalculate" all cables. The only method I have found is to update the cable library, and from there select yes I want to redraw. One extra step that takes an extra 5min.

Edited by Stefan B.
wrong number
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23 hours ago, Kevin Allen said:

is this possible with @Sam Jones Cable tools?

With AutoPlot Cable Tools, yes.  However, those tools will not be seen by Braceworks.   You would need to place load indicators if you want to include them in Braceworks calculations.  Those tools prioritize part control and reporting; they are not better, just different.

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  • 4 months later...
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