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Stig Runar

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  1. @Stefan B. Just lazy 🙂 On 2025 and have made the jump to Production Assist for calculation.
  2. @Stefan B. Did you get any answers on your last questions?
  3. Hi! I`m working on a project where some of the other suppliers need our file in IFC2x3. The 2x3 export is a lot larger that IFC4. Ive tried CV 2.0 model and simplified model. About the same size on both. The 2x3 is 750mb and the IFC4 is about 70mb... I`ve modeled in Spotlight and it is mostly trusses, motors and videoscreens.
  4. @klinzey If you have direct contact with them: Could you work on more datatransfer between soundvision and vw? Right now they can export a 3d file with the Array or speakers, just a mesh. But it would be awesome if they could create a data file that sends the weights, position of bumper bar and also the different angles that the speakers are set to. So that we can update or create a speaker array based on the calculations from Soundvision. Really shouldnt be that hard since they export all the data to a pdf file.
  5. Have a look at Production Assist which can do this for you. It`s a plugin for Vectorworks.
  6. @jcogdell Okey, so this is working now. But it looks like it just adds the content from the file in the workgroup folder and does not overwrite the content from the default installation. For me I just want to remove all symbols that are not metric. So I delete or rename the Stock Bridle.vwx in the default installation?
  7. I have copied a version of BridlePartsList.xml and put it in my workgroup folder. I tried to rename the one in my userfolder to BridlePartsList-backup.xml. When i update the parts manager it then just creates a new BridlePartsList.xml in the userfolder and does not use the one in my workgroup folder.
  8. By active i mean selected. All layers are visible. But this is only the case in this project. If i start a new document i can create the structural members on one layer and my bridles on my rigging layer the bridle tool works perfectly. Could it have something to do with layer elevations?
  9. Yeah i dont understand why that should break any connection. As long as it is there. To have a new symbol for each possible position is more work.
  10. As you told me in the the PM i copied layers in to a new file and it works there. But I need to have the layer, where the structural members is, active for it to work.
  11. Hi! I cant seem to rotate the truss cross on the right. Why is this? There is a rotate field in the truss cross that says 0. When i try to change it to 90 it just goes back to 0 again when pressing enter.
  12. Does anyone know why the autoconnect doesnt work here? I also cant connect manually in 2d, I need to go 3d to get it to work. Eveything is on the same layer. Other layers are imported ifcs. I created my own structural member since i cound not convert the existing ones.
  13. That was a good solution! Only downside was that you can only select one line at a time.. Or is there an other solution?
  14. Hi! How can i select objects based on a field value? I want to select all IFC Objects containing the IfcPlate Name HULLDEKKE.
  15. Is it possible to convert an imported IfcBeam to a structural member?
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