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Found 19 results

  1. Hi All, I've reached the point where I'm trying to extract some 2D images from our first full 3D modelled project. I've done a bit of googling around but can't find any clear definitive advice about how to create 2D plans. Also it would be good to know any potential pitfalls or things to watch out for when modelling to achieve good 2D plan results.. As far as I can tell there are two options: 1- Make a viewport in the Traditional 2D way, as previously done when drawing in 2D. i.e. when creating a second floor plan, only the '2nd floor plan' layer would be turned on in the viewport. Any info from layers below (i.e. a ground floor roof, a Staircase drawn on the 1st Floor layer but which arrives at the 2nd floor plan) would have to be drawn on separately. Not ideal or very 'Smart' really, could end up with some inconsistencies. 2- Make a Section Cut viewport using either a) the section cut viewport tool, or b) using the clipping cube tool. The whole model would be turned on, so elements from below will appear. Care would have to be taken to get a good 'clipping' distance. Advantage is that it could show information from below, such as lower level roof structures or double height spacers. But this can include information you don't want to see sometimes. For instance, in a second floor plan I may see some outwards opening door swings from the ground floor plan below protruding out. Any advice from some of you seasoned 3D pros would be great! Thanks, A
  2. I've searched and searched to find a way to do this (have found Marionette routes - but that seems a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut). I want to duplicate a 2D object (a symbol that contains a circle) a fixed distance apart, prob. about 14 metres, along a 2D irregular polyline - it's for a wiggly line of trees and I'm just using it to visualise how it looks and may feel. Bonus points for doing this to a random, or fibonacci distance.
  3. Hello, When I make an object a 2D symbol, the hatch I have it filled with is not visible unless I am editing the symbol. When I click out of the edit mode, the hatch reads as a white fill. What is happening here? It just started doing it. I have VW 2018. Thanks, Brittany
  4. We're looking for help with implementing design changes in our Vectorworks scenes. For example, adding new furnishing elements to the scene, changing walls, adding textures, etc. Please see the examples of what our outputs usually look like. We don't need photorealistic results but the ability to modify our designs quickly. If design development is done, we can also talk about more realistic renderings. This is an ongoing task, and we seek professional and reliable help!
  5. Hi everyone I'm used to work with the german version of Vectorworks, wich allows much more doors and windows customization (see screenshot). Is there a way to add 2D drawings in door and windows, without losing the adaptivity to walls depth? How can I control what is represented at the various detail levels (low, medium, high) in the door and windows tools itself, without having to add 2D elements? Thanks Tad
  6. HI, Does anybody know how to solve this SILL Problem in VWX 2023 ? Trying to move from 2D to 3D and encountering the following problems with Sills. Am testing V 2023 and Window Sills within Splayed Wall. IN 2D 1. Unwanted Lines from external wall across sill EXTERNALLY 2. Unwanted Lines across Sill INTERNALLY 3. Cannot Control Internal Sill shape or dims - Length is exactly the same as external sill offsets 4. Void in 2D between Splayed Wall and Cill. IN 3D 1. Unwanted Lines to sill Externally 2. NO sill INTERNALLY unless Jamb extension used 3. If Jamb Extension used it extends externally into void 4. Cannot see anywhere to control the Shape, Dims, extend of Sills independently. - for Inside and Outside or remove unwanted lines. The only way I can see to do this is for 2D graphic to draw polygons internally and externally for EACH WINDOW , but this won't read using Clip Cube so the manual process needs to be repeated in all sections. Surely this laborious workflow ( if only option) goes against what they're trying to achieve with more interactive, time efficient design workflow ? - Any assistance gratefully accepted . Frank
  7. I was wondering is it possible to convert rendered simplified horizontal section viewport view into 2d component of a symbol? I want to create 2d/3d symbol form downloaded 3d model. When downloading 3d models from ex. 3d warehouse, It's a quite dense mesh, but if I make a horizontal section cut to the viewport I receive clear 2d simplified sketch. Is there any way to transform this viewport image into 2d polylines for future use as 2d symbol component? I have tried to fill the spaces with the polygon fill bucket but it's not working...
  8. I'm a scenic designer and was working on my drafting. All of the sudden, my design layer starts running extremely slow and has a blue tinge to it. It seems like my design layer switched over to 3D on it's own. I need to get it back to 2D so I can continue working, but I don't know how. I cannot find how to switch back.
  9. [*UPDATE*] As pointed out by post below. When entered a auto-hybrid object via a clip cube, the auto-hybrid object does not appear in edit view. Please change it so that Auto-Hybrid objects can be accessed for editing whether it is form a clip-cube or not. ________________________________________________ Currently (in 2019), we can create Auto Hybrid Objects of complex shapes for 2D display. But once the object is turned into an Auto Hybrid Object, there isn't a way to edit it. Would be great if Auto-Hybrid Objects can be edited, and the 2D display reflects the changes. If this is something already available in 2020, do let me know.
  10. Hi there, usually you can create a 2D object and change the Plane in the "Object Info" window to layer so it appears in 3D views. Usually you can also change the z axis and move the object in 3D space. Now i have the problem that i can do all that except setting the z Axis. As soon I enter a digit into the z coord. and hit enter, the plane changes to screen and resets the z coord.. This only happens in the current document I am working in. Also when I open the document stay in Top/Plan view, I can change the plane to layer and set the z coord without resetting. After i change into 3D view I no longer can do this. Does any one know a solution to this? -Alex working with VW2019 SP3 on a Mac Mojave 10.14
  11. Here is a plan view of a window at the top right (elevation 2' and a sliding glass door at the bottom left (elevation 0). I've set the parameters to be identical as far as jamb, sash etc.... Is there a way to have the door show up like the window? I can't seem to find the right parameter.
  12. It would be great if there were a way to quickly align hatches to objects. As landscape architects, we are constantly using hatches to represent paving patterns where directionality is key. It is very cumbersome to manually control the alignment of hatches using the Attribute Mapping Tool. Instead, it would be amazing if there were a way to align hatches to the longest edge or some other auto-align feature, similar to the auto-align features present with mapping rendering textures. Often they are one and the same, so it would be even better if aligning one (either texture or hatch) would align the other.
  13. Take a look on the corner details of the attached polyline. It is not represented accurately. Some vertices are skipped and some roundings are not shown. This did not occur until VW 2018 – now I get it all of the time on all polylines, that are slightly complex. Is it a known issue? Is there a setting, that I can change to fix it? Exported DWG's are OK – apparently it is only a redraw issue
  14. Hi all, Recently observing some weird occurrences on my resource browser - if you look at the attachment, the 3D objects in my hybrid symbol are appearing on my 2D thumbnails. Any idea if there are some settings that I might have accidentally tweaked that causes such a display? As you can see, I have already "Set Thumbnail View" to "Top/Plan" I am currently on VWX2017 Spotlight SP3 as I have a few ongoing projects and would prefer not to risk upgrading to SP4 midway, but this thumbnail is beginning to irritate - enough for me to post this here. Happy weekend, Gabriel
  15. hello I've been dealing with this issue for a long time ...I thought it was not of a big deal until now that I have to repeat this process everytime I need to quantify the length of floor panels. The plans were made in an old Vectorworks version and in the most primitive way, so the easiest way I found was to draw polygons arround the walls and then select all of them and see in the OIP the total sum of the polygons lengths. The problem comes when the length is of a straight line (meaning I couldnt form a polygon) then it will not be added to the perimeter sum. So ok, lets select all the polygons and find the total sum of their lengths, do the same with the lines and then just add both values... Now I see that the OIP will not give you the sum of all the lines lengths while selected ....thats a must.. no?
  16. Hello everyone I´m starting to work with vectorworks, and I also have the handicap that I have the programme in German because I´m currently working at an architectural office in Berlin. I need to make a 3d model of the terrain of a big area for a masterplan. I have the contour lines in 2D, indicating a difference in height of 1 meter each one. What´s the best method I can use? Do I need to put different stacks in each line to indicate the level it has, or there is a way to convert them to 3d? Sorry if it´s a very basic question, but I´m having a very difficult time trying to understand everything
  17. Hello, I've accidentally deleted a class related to the door tool, specifically the Ceiling-Main class. It appears that this class is automatically generated after the first use of the door tool to control the visibility of overhead lines for RCP creation. It seems that deleting this class messes up the whole door tool since I can no longer toggle the overhead lines off. I expected the door tool to automatically generate the class once again, but it doesn't do that. I've already tried creating a new file and importing the exact class back into my file, but that doesn't do anything either. I want to know If I can somehow recreate this Ceiling-Main class to avoid starting over with a fresh file. Thanks, Raymond
  18. I'm looking to create a terra cotta tile look, with grass in between the tile. 12x12 tile with 3inch spacing for grass to grow between. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to create this look in 2D?
  19. How work VW Architectural users ?
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