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Piotr Karczewski

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    Landscape and garden designer | VW L Irrigation trainer in WellDesigned.expert
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  1. I know that this is soooooo old thread but if anybody is looking for easy way for layers to classes conversion please have a look here:
  2. This discussion is rather old but I have find the way how to convert layers to classes one to one smoothly and easily. Please feel free to download my script Script does: convert layers to classes by creating classes with the same name as layers, assign object from layer to corresponding class. Script DOES NOT convert empty layers! You just have to manually move objects from source layers to desired layers by OIP or by activate desired layer select all objects and group (which will move all object to active layer as a group) Feel free to use and share with CC BY layers to classes script v2024.vwx
  3. Dear @Alexandra Beshevlieva @JuanP @Katarina Ollikainen @Tamsin Slatter I'm fighting with using WMS data from Polish National Geoportal. I do know how to import data like laz/las, shp, xyz and so. I'm trying to find out how and have tried to connect a few WMS services with very little success. I'd like to get to know what kind of settings should I made to get it right. For ex. I have connected one of the WMS services with cadaster data and it showed me strange perspective and not aligned correctly (below GEOIMAGE are perfectly georeferenced shp data). I'm using the same EPSG which is 2180 for another screen shoot from the same WMS server I have also tried to connect orthophotomap (https://mapy.geoportal.gov.pl/wss/service/PZGIK/ORTO/WMS/HighResolution) but it does not work also. As You can see there is blank Geo image with no resolution etc. errors.. (as it happens for estri satellite view sometime) The list of WMS services https://www.geoportal.gov.pl/en/services/view-services-wms-and-wmts/ Geoportal https://mapy.geoportal.gov.pl You can use X,Y from image above and EPSG 2180 Please let me know weather it is possible to connect those WMS properly. Thx in advance.
  4. Maybe it's time to do it if Vectorworks wants to be the BIM leader! Worksheet improvements will affect all industries that uses Vectorworks.
  5. Thank You so much @Pat Stanford I really appreciate Your help! Maybe @Tony Kostreski could forward this case to sb to improve this feature to work as it should - ROUNDUP the sum of subrows insted of ROUNDUP each subrow and then summarise it. I suppose it should be quite easy but significant improvement in reports/sheets. For now it limits its functionality a lot!
  6. There are just a few features that I miss and this is one of those! I highly recommend to implement it in VW.
  7. I'm making a report and function, described below, does not work correctly Functions: =ROUNDUP(number; digits) - Rounds the specified number up to a specified number of decimal digits. for me it should be H3.1 = 375,84 and J3.1 = 87 How to fix it? or is there another way to ROUND the number UP to the nearest WHOLE NUMBER
  8. I'm also looking for a way to present hatch image of the hardscape (1st/top component hatch like in 2D view) in worksheets. =IMAGE with Type: Miniature shows the shape of the hardscape. When I use Type: 2d attributes it goes for hardscape attribute which is NOT TOP component attribute. It should look like this: This is the result of using Type: Miniature + 1:20 scale (You can still see shape of the hardscape ex. 3.4) What is that I'm looking for is a 1st component hatch preview in rectangle shape for ex. 120x40pts in worksheet. Thanx for any advice!
  9. Thanks @Tom W., this is what I was looking for! I didn't know that it works per worksheet instance.
  10. Hi I have found some of worksheets with database (row) line hidden, sometimes, but not always, they appear when I change their height but after all they hide. I'm wondering how to obtain this result in my own worksheet? Using 0 height make it is easy to reveal the line.
  11. Scripts are still magic to me 😉 My question is there a way to treat a Pop-up record in a spreadsheet as a number for the formula? for ex. G5 has a pop-up record with numbers ex. 12,5, G3 is a numerical cell with value 25. If I use =G3/G5 I should get 2, but it shows #VALUE! because of pop-up record... How should I manage? I could write many separate records for each symbol but this is not the way that it should be... I suppose...?
  12. I'm sometimes digging in old cases and I have found Yours @RBergman Could You please show us some updates how did You job worked?
  13. I'll leave it here for users how are still running VW 20xx-2022 this is the way to solve and turn off auto calculation in irrigation by @Vlado
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