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Everything posted by mjm

  1. Shameless approbation of same! This is a tool whose utility has no bounds. Try it. Scary good and simple in application. It is literally the first re-installed plugin on every VWX install I've done since discovering it.
  2. here're a couple quick renders post-fix, with those old old posing figures which I still use alarmingly frequently for the ability to simulate interesting/thematic movement & to fake costumes (that not shown).
  3. Hello again @markdd—thanks, that worked a treat. Have an excellent new year
  4. copy thx - however I must be missing something. I copied the original point source, moved it down to where it belongs, leaving the original in place. The new beam position works well, yay. however, the body now separates from the yoke upon focus -see the screenshots. \
  5. @markdd Much appreciated—It does appear that page requires a login.
  6. I regret not getting the 64GB ram machine. It'd have paid for itself already. Lesson learned.
  7. First—happy new year to this great community! I think I'm shouting into the wind here—this issue gets really old after awhile. Why does this matter to me? Well sometimes the show is intimate, the show has performers operating stage equipment, the audience is embedded in the performing area. This is VWX 2025 SP2.1 Your favorite workarounds, if you have one The next three are the same order & settings.
  8. RAM upgrades @ Apple: Not so much with the affordable, so very very sadly.
  9. mjm

    BeamViz 7

    Also—what other rendering software has this specific beam-shaping ability, esp natively: Capture? That Wysi-thing? C4D? Blender?
  10. mjm

    BeamViz 7

    Just installed the updated plugin BeamViz 7. It does something I've been waiting for…Keep an eye on the cursor frame R. (nope, not the gate rotation) Screen Recording 2024-12-12 at 8.04.17 PM.mov Wow. For those of us who need gobos focussed in a variety of edges, building them one by one in PS was so irritating. Thanks Josh.
  11. Sidebar-ing this a touch - is it possible to change the color output of an IES file, similar to putting color in the spotlight fixtures? thanks
  12. Who can name the top five all time Forum contributors?
  13. It's such an irritation to deal with — so un-share-y.
  14. I got tired of all the foo-foo surrounding this and now regularly use this pdf conversion website. The free version works well for me.
  15. So I run into a few designers in the entertainment field who seem to hold onto their edu licenses. It's such an interesting decision - some say they'd rather not spend the money to upgrade to the pro license and in their eyes, makes no difference to their work. I think they may also use students / interns in their practices & so join em if you can't beat em I guess. Sadly it means I or my studio is gonna be spending an inordinate amount of time redrafting their stuff. What happens when one references items in from watermarked dwgs - does that bring in the dreaded watermark as well? I'd test but I have no watermarked files handy to test with, 😂😂😂😂
  16. did you try refresh or rebuild the list?
  17. And, anecdotally, Sequoia + VWX 2025 are cohabiting fine on my single screen M1 MBP.
  18. Yes Caustics is how o get the light reflection, but I have found it to be. cumbersome and slow and somewhat unpredictable.
  19. Super cool @scottmoore, what a great share, thank you!
  20. No need for embarrassment here. many of us, myself certainly included, went through countless numbers of these same learning processes, mentored by the same folks & many others for years.
  21. or secondarily, try to copy paste what you need from the original doc into a fresh VWX drawing
  22. you'll likely find it gratifying how many of us have similar realizations, as well the small joy in self-solving such issues.
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