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Everything posted by JuanP

  1. I'll be happy to guide you through our different offers. Will connect via PM.
  2. Take a look at this guide: https://www.vectorworks.net/training/2018/getting-started-guides/transitioning-to-vectorworks/moving-from-rhino
  3. It's coming soon very soon with an additional component!!!
  4. Jeff, here you have an article with instructions for 2018 : Saludos,
  5. you should be okay now...please confirm. thanks
  6. This file was created with an Student version and can't be open with a professional version. Please contact your local distributor for them to extend your student license.
  7. @maqibkkhan and @Tommi you both should be good now. If the problem persist please let me know.
  8. We will keep updating this information as test more of these betas but as for now it looks promising.
  9. You can have access to the March Tech Round up here: http://blog.vectorworks.net/march-tech-roundup Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. What I meant is that you can install VW in as many machines you need but you can only run VW in 2 machines at the same time. Thank you for your feedback, I will pass this information to make sure our distributor get the appropriate information and training.
  11. Hi Darion, Allow me to clarify based on the information provided: The E-series licenses can be installed in 2 computers (Mac or PC) one workstation and one mobile/home computer but Vectorworks can only run in one at the time as per EULA (End User License Agreement). In order to accomplish this setup, you will need to exchange your E-series license for a network (G-series) license. There is a minimum of 2 seats requirement for this type of license but at that point you will be able to install Vectorworks in as many machines you might need on your network. since you will have 2 seats only 2 people will be able to work at the same time with the application. As far as our distributor in Dubai, I know him and he is a great partner. However, he just recently joined the Vectorworks family, please give him a second opportunity. If you still have questions please feel free to contact me directly.
  12. Hi António, the email for LA CES PDH credits are normally send the following day. The probably received one today with: "I'm glad you could join Bryan Goff as he explored the innovative irrigation tools in Vectorworks® Landmark. You can now take the associated quiz to earn your LA CES PDH credit." If you have not received this email by now please message me directly. As far as the length of our webinars those are 1hr in content but we do not limit the Q&A specially if we are having a great conversation. We typically run 10-20 minutes long because the number of people who enjoy the Q&A. You can still get your credit, but you need to take the quiz to receive the LA CES PDH. It’s not like AIA where as long as you attend the webinar you receive credit – The test is HERE. After completion you will receive the certificate. In the future, we also offer these webinars o-demand with the option to get your credits - http://www.vectorworks.net/inspiration Have a great weekend!
  13. macOS High Sierra (X 10.13) Compatibility with Vectorworks Versions 2018 and 2017 With the release of macOS High Sierra on Sept. 25, we are working to resolve a few compatibility issues with the most recent versions of Vectorworks. Here’s what you need to know. Vectorworks 2018 Vectorworks 2018 runs relatively normally on macOS High Sierra, but we recommend that you wait until Service Pack 1 is released before upgrading your Mac operating system. Updating to Vectorworks 2018 Service Pack 1 is recommended for best compatibility, as we have made several fixes. A few issues remain after the Service Pack 1 update. macOS High Sierra issues resolved with Vectorworks 2018 Service Pack 1 Tool names do not display properly with “Icons and Text” setting. Save and Open dialog boxes do not display properly after resizing. macOS High Sierra issues that are not resolved with Vectorworks 2018 Service Pack 1 The Package Manager crashes occasionally. The Site Protection Server does not launch properly. The Plant Database application, which runs separately through Filemaker, crashes occasionally. Vectorworks 2017 Vectorworks 2017 has some issues when running on macOS High Sierra; we are currently conducting extensive testing and may encounter additional issues. We recommend that you wait until Service Pack 5 for Vectorworks 2017 before upgrading to macOS High Sierra. macOS High Sierra issues currently experienced with Vectorworks 2017 Save and Open dialog boxes do not display properly after resizing. The Plant Database application, which runs separately through Filemaker, crashes occasionally.
  14. Hi Mike, check this eBook that our Product Marketing team put together you might find it useful: http://www.vectorworks.net/ebooks/switching-from-sketchup-to-vectorworks
  15. This is indeed a file that it was created or infected by an illegal license.
  16. The calculation benchmark tests detailed in this article are the results of performance testing conducted by Deersoft GmbH on behalf of Vectorworks, Inc. Download the attached document here: Braceworks Calculation Comparison.pdf
  17. Congratulations Jimbo...looking forward for 10K more. Beers on me.
  18. I just got this response from the French distributor. "The Blended screen tool is included in the french version of SL. But this tool is not translated, and not included in the standard Spolight workspace. Users can add it in the WS editor." @FabK could you confirm that you can add it via Workspace editor?
  19. @JimWhow about a Teaser Tuesday?
  20. Hi CraftyCat, We have different online options for 1-1 . Please reach out to training@vectorworks.net
  21. I'm sending your information directly to Exertis tech support. They will contact you soon.
  22. Contact us directly at tech@vectorworks.net with screenshot of the error message and complete serial number Thanks
  23. This is great feedback, I will pass this information to our educational team. thanks.
  24. Vectorworks Educational licenses are free for as long as the student is enrolled in an educational program/school by providing proof of enrollment via student portal. In there, the student can extend the current license or request the latest available version of Vectorworks every year. For additional information please visit student.myvectorworks.net and also do not forget to check our Student to Pro program after graduation: http://www.vectorworks.net/education/student2pro if you have additional questions about our educational programs please email us directly at AcademicTeam@vectorworks.net
  25. All our webinar are posted here: http://www.vectorworks.net/inspiration and the direct link to Jim's webinar : http://www.vectorworks.net/inspiration/industry-webinars/adapting-new-technologies-to-your-production-design-workflow
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