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  1. @Jack Wallington also ... Midpoint setting - see attached Object Snaps / Midpoint = on the geometry Smart Point Snaps / Between = (...with the T key) is Midpoint on an extension line out in space. To get the Midpoint on an extension line, both settings are needed. (FYI - In VWs never ending quest to look like another CAD application, we find upgrades have items that were on, turned off, and vice versa ... at least these settings are still there !) Peter Midpoint Snapping_01.mov
  2. @Ree033456 A 3D object, such as an extrude, is directly selectable and the Attribute Palette shows the Fill & Pen A Symbol, on the other hand, may look (in the Attributes Palette) as thought the Fill & Pens as set correctly - yet one needs to Edit the Symbol then select a 3D component inside to know what the Attribute Palette settings actually are. see attached Peter Attributes inside a Symbol_01.mov
  3. @Ree033456 This looks like two things at one time ? Either two Design Layers one wireframe on top of another that is Open GL / Shaded render ? or Some items are not filled ? Select an Item that looks like lines only - the green items in the upper portion of your image - Open the Attributes Palette - is there a Solid Fill ? See attached - Page 1 - Rendering is Open GL / Shaded Blue item has a solid fill - rendered solid. while the green items are pen only - Solid Fill.pdfrender as line. Page 2 - Rendering is Open GL / Shaded Green items now have a solid fill and render solid Peter
  4. @Ree033456Is the render Mode OpenGL/Shaded or RenderWorks ? Peter
  5. @Ethan Roth When things get lost ...Turn all Classes on - Deselect All - Zoom to Objects (Extents when nothing is selected) Then look for the missing item ... You can always use the Previous View Command to return to whatever Class settings you had Peter
  6. @Rolle If you draw the first line, then name it in the OIP. The Name in the Object Info Palette is all the way @ the bottom (... and make sure to Tab before you exit the OIP) Then copy this 001 named line and paste or you can duplicate and move ... The OIP now has this new / duplicate line named 002 Picking / duplicating any named line then gets you the next number (...as the Name in the OIP) A Database Worksheet will list the Lines / Names / Lengths etcetera (Attached) Peter
  7. One rendering faux pas we have seen with VectorWorks / RenderWorks ... People draw, then they say, now I need to render. @Jeff Prince comment above hits it ... The reality, with VectorWorks / RenderWorks, How you render is How you draw © or at least How you render is How you should draw Some geometry in VectorWorks behaves differently (¿badly?) when Textured. So people struggle with it. Some Textures are only good in etherial situations. Example: Gravel on a road. No definition, no critical detail ie: random looks real. Also, too many concatenate settings to get some things to work. (Or to work as expected.) ... as @Jesse Cogswell so eloquently points out above. I have posted a similar file before - see attached - no functioning Lights and no existing RenderWorks Textures in this Rendering. Except, it took time and self experimentation to easily achieve and repeat this look in VectorWorks / RenderWorks. Not an example of great realism but an example of realistic efficiency achievable in VW / RW. Peter No Lights Rendering.pdf
  8. FYI - Found the Bridge Tool Used GOOGLE to search HELP - Wish VW HELP was easier / direct ... Peter
  9. @Jack Wallington The Separate Sheet View setting (see attached) might be doing some of what you are seeing. If you go to a design Layer (vs thru the Edit Viewport Dialog ...) it is very easy to find the drawing Edit > Deselect all / View >Zoom > Fit to Objects Peter
  10. @Grony Question: ...assume the Bridge Tool is new to VW 2025 ? Peter
  11. @mikeakar Fake it ... Look at the attached Photo - found as a quick look on the WWW Why is it realistic ? - Lighting / shadows / reflections... For added realism, we often take and use real photos (as you mention) for textures. Brick photo, not the built in brick texture. Take this photo, for example and work to create a brick wall Image from it. (Used in the Color Shader component of a Texture). Do this Outside VW. You will get the brick, the lighting and the shadows without the need to create and test those items in VW. (Your talents would need to be in the photo editor). In VW, controlling / modifying an Image Texture is easier than the work needed with lighting. Use reflections sparingly. Table Tops only, for example, while the vertical sides are a simple color. Even the bricks could have a different texture for the front / back surfaces vs the left / right. Duplicate the Brick Texture and apply there. Darken this brick image texture with the Filter Color - Use Chosen Color option. In VW you are able to imbed (ie:Fake) the Reflections inside the texture. @cberg has it right with black - we use an image for black, not a color and it is usually a dark grey - looks real, while all black textures disappear. In general we use an image of a solid color, vs a color from the attributes pallet. It helps when attempting to match a client or sample color, Screen shot, even a tiny one, does the trick. Another easy trick texture plain items. Utilizing a basic image in the the texture plus a color - in the carpet for example - where one may think it is visually uniform. Use a photo of cheetos. Turn it into a B&W image and use in the Texture - Color - Image. Then adjust the desired color with the Filter Color - Use Chosen Color option. Inside VW the Image Effects also allow for additional control (This is one great feature in VW !). Adjust the Texture Size if needed. We find that nothing in reality is free from some sort of texture. Always use (... and play with) the Ambient Occlusion - Peter
  12. @jayjay1 May not be a solution - we have used imported / cropped bitmaps for some items where we need to scale an "Image" Neither Textures (Image Shader) nor Images - scale when their associated geometry is scaled. A bitmap, however, does (see attached) A bitmap is Zero thickness in at least one dimension - Renders differently - etcetera Attached: Bitmap on the right - texture on wall in the middle - Image on rectangle on the left - No only does the Image need to be scaled in the Attributes palette, the center needs to be redefined Peter Image or Texture Scale Does NOT Bitmap Does_01.mov
  13. @Iainy1961 keep in mind that 3D Dimensions on a Design Layer (Layer Plane / Working Plane / 3D Plane) will have their own issues. We have found that simply dimensioning a 3D object in (Orthogonal) Standard views ie: Front View / Right View / etcetera may result in odd Dimensions. To circumvent this, we dimension in Screen Plane Only, in (Orthogonal) Standard views- For 3D we set the desired Standard view and change the appropriate Screen Plane dimension to Layer Plane. Be aware of Screen Aligned in the View / Mode / Tool bar, is not what you want. Screen plane is consistent and predictable. This is much easier / faster that setting a working plane and dimensioning there. No Flipped / Reversed / Mirrored text ... See Attached - Initially, in the Front (Orthogonal) Standard view, the dimensions look correct, yet one is different. Right most is Screen Plane - Others were "Layer Plane" ... Looking at the object in 3D (Flyover) one can discern the issue. Peter 3D Dimensions in Design Layer NOT right_01.mov
  14. @Iainy1961 As you show 3D dimension (Layer Plane) work in a Design Layer, NOT in a Viewport - They should transfer correctly to the Viewport - Dimensions added to a Sheet layer (on top if a Viewport...) will be 2D base on the Page size ie: small - They may look / act as though they are 3D ... they are not Dimensions added to the annotations of a viewport should match the design size correctly - They will be 2D Screen Plane dimensions - NO 3D dimensioning inside of a Viewport (Annotations) - If you dimension a 3D view in the annotations of a Viewport - They may also look / act as though they are 3D ... they are not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2SJ-ftuNvY Peter
  15. @Jonathan Pickup@Peter Vandewalle The problem with some items in the Contextual Menus ... they only go for the ride along with other associated menu items. Example: We use Lights in the Contextual Menu - As far as I am able to surmise, Lights only appears there along with Cameras (something I never use in our current workflow) So be it. - I use Contextual Menu Lights as a Toggle as it comes up on the screen where it was last parked, and re selecting it in the Contextual Menu closes it. Eliminates the trip to the Menu or to find and open the collapsed Palette. Oddly, Lights & Camera hide in the Workspace Editor under Visualization Tabs. Once you realize this, finding it is not such an issue. Navigation Tabs is another if all one needs is one of the six in the group to be in the Contextual Menu. Speaking of Palettes, even as a long time user back to MiniCad ... recently learned that The Organization Palette is NOT listed under Palettes (?) - Go figure. (You can move it there ...) Also realized that bringing an older WorkSpace forward with the Migration Manager includes some odd baggage depending on VW versions & changes. We have been able to overcome some of this Contextual Menu mumbo jumbo with the assistance of @MullinRJ Create singular tools / scripts created and insert into the Contextual Menu We have several custom Tool Sets that also appear in the Contextual Menu ... although it appears that these custom Tool Sets are only found under the Palettes option. Not sure on the WorkSpace Editors logic (?) This makes it easy to call up specific or occasional tools based on your workflow. We have found that Minimal Tool sets and Menus is a key to efficiency. Contextual Menu will assist this putting oft used items where one is designing. see attached Peter Workspace Editor on the FORUM_01.pdf
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