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Jeff Prince

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Everything posted by Jeff Prince

  1. Let's say the number/letter part of a general note is necessary for the tool to work. If Vectorworks could add the ability to style the number/letter independent of the body text, you could choose an invisible text style for it or put it on a separate class which you could turn off. Of course it would be better to have the option to not display the information as part of the formatting, but you know how these things tend to work 🙂
  2. I agree. Solution - The uber advanced BIM technique reserved only for the most technically challenging projects... Make a white rectangle and float it over the numbered area of the notes using Draw Order I guess fixing primitive notation tools isn't as sexy as making new features with AI and rendering engines 😞
  3. it's hard to tell what your desired outcome is. Seems like you have extruded something and want to map an image to it like a backdrop in a 3D visualization. If that's the case, I would use a Decal. Fills are like painting a surface, Decals are like hanging a painting.
  4. Because you are trying to control a viewport, different method applies. Viewports can remember how you want classes and layer to appear, which is pretty critical in documents like Demolition vs Ceiling plan 🙂 Maybe Viewport Styles or configuring your Layers and Classes to appear in new viewports would help you.
  5. Click on the viewport. in the OIP, click on the class button, turn on the desired classes there. Repeat for layers. If that doesn’t fix it, more explanation of the problem is needed.
  6. I would think this feature of your modifiers would be more of an issue...
  7. I stopped the research I was doing because it seemed VWX was not interested in supporting such a scheme and a competitor was more than happy to get the company set up with a solution. I also lost interest in VWX Project Sharing due to stability issues. All of this stuff is very promising, but not ready for prime time IMHO. Oh, Pat mentioned the "tech loving sole practitioner" 🙂
  8. That's not desirable. Sometimes you need a hard path other times you want a relative path or no path at all.
  9. yes, it’s frustrating when we try to help improve the product and the feedback just disappears into the ether. @rDesign ‘s example should be simple to report for the user, otherwise nobody will waste their time trying to help. It’s almost like we need a user based Wikipedia type experience where edits could be made by anyone, but approved to go live. Imagine the possibilities, especially in other cultures and languages where editors could translate examples and instructions into something more easily understood.
  10. Hmmm.... I haven't dealt with that one, but I think your last method, which is like my pop-out window method, might be a good solution. Hopefully one of the architects here will chime in and have some ideas. I'll take a look at it this evening and see what I can come up with.
  11. you want Scaniverse for this task, it is superior to Nomad for capture and edit of objects. I would like Nomad to be successful, it just isn’t there yet.
  12. A better workflow would be nice. In the mean time you can use: Extrude Along Path or Separate the wall and footing by using a different wall style for each.
  13. ...but it ain't enough for modeling on a Mac in Vectorworks.
  14. There are far better programs to use on an iPad for reading and measuring plans than Nomad IMHO. Bluebeam is one in the Nemetschek family.
  15. Perhaps you can explain your import/export procedure and provide a sample file? Your post was pretty difficult to understand, it reads more like a statement than a question 😉
  16. You might find the link below to be interesting reading. At the end, someone suggests emptying out your VWX backup folder. As the error seems to relate to file servers and permissions, it could be related to how you saved the file from your server. A few years ago I remember seeing this error when we upgraded to an M1 server. It turned out the M1 and Apple OS was not compatible with our RAID storage in certain modes, which was exceptionally hard to figure out.
  17. No problem. I use Autodesk Recap. There are lots of other choices out there too. Metashape, Pix4D, Meshlab, etc… if you have Service Select, they should have provided you a premium tech support contact. Otherwise, I believe the website has a general number/email. There are some point clouds that just choke VWX for some reason. Your post reminded me of this old thread of mine:
  18. Hey Juan, Any updates? Someone else is running into this issue on the forum, which reminded me about this old thread. Thanks, Jeff
  19. There are a lot of point cloud formats Vectorworks won't open for various reasons. A good way to see if the data is valid is to open it in QGIS. If it works in QGIS, but not VWX, you could try to contact VWX technical support for some help. Or You can reexport the .laz from a point cloud editing program and see if that fixes it, which it always does if you can open the original file.
  20. FYI - You can always convert wall styles from Story to layer bound, and vicaversa, by editing the wall style. There are more prebuilt wall styles that are storybound, perhaps a gentle indicator of where VWX is moving?
  21. It sounds like you did something wrong during the import process. Start a new drawing, set your units, set your document georeference settings, center the origin on your study area.... Then import the .shp file. I think VWX Uni has a video on this, but make sure you are watching one that matches your version of VWX. Things changed a bit after 2020 IIRC. During the import(s) be very careful what you select in regards to projecting and scaling. When you get it wrong, things can be off by just a little or a lot. Reprojection can also introduce some skew when your settings aren't great.
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