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  1. @zoomer @Peter Neufeld. @Tom W. Thank you for your explanations! Now I have a much better overview on this topic! I'd have one more question: how does the option "geolocated layer" work? When and why (what is the benefit) should I check this option in the layer setup? Workflow: 1. I get a survey file, import it to my blank document (with right projection system setup) 2. locate the internal origin next to my working area (by using geolocation tool) 3. Now if I check the geolocation option for the survey layer it will be shifted far away Should I check "geolocated layer" option right after importing it, before the geolocation process? Should I check it for all my layers I work with in this project? (before I create anything on it?)
  2. @Pat StanfordThis situation with origins keep confusing me, and now I had time to watch some tutorials about it. They also highlight that you have to put the origin close to your objects. But these tutorials move always the internal origin close to the objects instead of the user origin as you suggest. Couple of things I just dont understand about that: - by moving internal origin, the coordinates of my objects remain the same high numbers - the name "internal origin" has the meaning for me, this is the main origin where the 0,0 of the prjection system should be - the name "user origin" has the meaning for me this is what I can use for my purpose - if I move user origin close to my objects, the coordinates will be small numbers So why the tutorials suggest moving the internal origin instead of the user origin? Why is it even good that you can shift both? Thank you for your help!
  3. architectural graphite 2B pencil drawing line art 29%
  4. like in Lothlorien, Architectural pencil sketch, watercolor splashes, blueprint concept art, architectural rendering, watercolor style, white paper background, style of dan matutina, warm color tones, detailed pencil sketches 29%
  5. Scene description was always the same: outdoor city park with playground trees benches playing kids parents lots of trees in the background I changed only style description. This image: professional outdoor photo agfacolor depth of field 69%
  6. I played around a bit with AI image generation. I noticed that different styles require different levels of creativity to achieve satisfactory results. For a photo style, 69% seems optimal for me to ensure that the image doesn’t deviate too much from the original plan. However, at this level, humans still don’t appear in the images. In the case of a drawing style, 69% is too much, AI changes too many details. In this case, 29% worked best for me. I created a simple 3D drawing as a base and generated images in different styles based on it, as follows. I also noticed that it gives much better result if I always refresh image before starting a new process. It seems that without it the previously generated image influences the result.
  7. @inikolova ....now I can generate an image but can't use it! None of these features work: save image, copy to clipboard, create bitmap object
  8. @inikolova Now I understand, and this method works! Thank you!
  9. Hi @inikolova, thank you! I have no problem with signing in to my vectorworks account or cloud services. Everything works fine just like before: I can use my google social login with just pressing the google button. But it doesn't work the same way when I start AI visualizer. If I try to sign in with my email and code, it gives an error message: not valid email, although I use the valid email and code. When I want to use the social button, it doesn't let me in, asks my email. After giving it, I get the error message: Unsuccessful login It is possible that this browser or application is not secure. Try using a different browser. If you are already using a supported browser, try logging in again.
  10. @Dave DonleyThank you for your help! Unfortunately "email and password to login" method gives no result, I get an error message: not valid email, although I use the valid email and code.
  11. Hello, I've just updated to 2025.2, wanted to check the new features of AI visualizer. (I opened also cloud services, which is also up to date) AI window asked me to login. I always login with my google account, but it didn't work automatically (by clicking google icon), it askd my email. After I gave my adress it didn't ask my code, just this message: Unsuccessful login It is possible that this browser or application is not secure. Try using a different browser. If you are already using a supported browser, try logging in again. Then I cleaned the cookies and cach of both my browsers: edge and chrome, but the same happens. With previous versions Everything was OK. What can be the solution? Thanks for any help!
  12. Hello, I'm just wondering if there's a solution for WMS service failures in Vectorworks. There are several WMS services which ones just don't work in Vectorworks. My most recent issue: urban heat islands https://climate.discomap.eea.europa.eu/arcgis/services/UAMV/Urban_Heat_Island_Intensity/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS Thank you for any idea!
  13. Zsombor

    Curb issue

    @Tom W. WOW, Genious, Thank you!
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