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Kevin K

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  1. Paul...hahahaha....too funny. Not to worry...
  2. Bart i get that, believe me. It is just that this has come up many times during my times here on the forum, and it went on for way more than 24 hours 🙂 I guess it just sort of boiled to the surface a bit today for some reason. No biggie. Maybe it is time for Me to move on down the road 🙂
  3. @charlottesave do remember one thing when importing dwg files that contain 3d data...for something like this you need to select the advanced import options and select '3d' That mitigates having all those thousands of polygons!
  4. So I guess Charlotte is in bed since she is in the UK 🙂 Anyway... I got it to import into VW but as mentioned, there are no textures, etc since it was from a .dwg file....just 16 meshes...I grouped them for now. chair.vwx
  5. yeah Paul...it is a DWG file! 🙂
  6. @charlottesave can you post the .obj file? I have some experience with this madness 🙂 I assume you downloaded or purchased the file online?? DWG doesn't normally maintain textures and materials.
  7. yeah, especially how I spelled 'etude along path'!! friggin auto spell is the bane of my existence !! 🙂
  8. Paul Yes, a file would speak volumes. I was merely pointing out some basics regarding constructing an etude along path.
  9. bcd's suggestions are spot on, and actually, if you place the profile object right where it should go in 3d space in relation to the path object, no need to edit the profile...which by the way doesn't have to be a 2d object. The screenshot below is in wireframe so you can clearly see the profile and path objects. Note the profile for the crown moulding is hooked directly on to the path object in the correct orientation.... ...and looking up from below you get this after selecting 'extrude along path'......crown moulding created in one move, mitered corners and all 🙂
  10. I can’t quite tell from the image exactly what is happening there…can you post what you have so myself or someone else can resolve your issue? There are probably a few techniques to facilitate this.
  11. It is a bit unfortunate that currently there is not a C4d import option offered within VW. That would sure make life easier! The export to C4d option works very well….we just need to get it to work the other way around. 🙂
  12. @Ben3B That would be a good start, but be mindful that importing those files may still need some massaging, plus the imported files will be much larger than the original C4d file.
  13. Ben I use C4d in conjunction with VW and it can be a bit tricky. In most instances, since it appears you do not have C4d, if you can ask that person you are working with to export to either .OBJ or .3DS, or both, that will probably be your best bet. There will still need to be some tweaking done to those files once imported into VW, but depending on exactly what you are doing on your end, it should work. A lot of it will have to do with materials, and textures coming from C4d. I am not aware of any software that can convert C4d files to VW directly, or convert C4d files to other formats that VW can import. Probably not what you wanted to hear. 😞 If that C4d file is not too huge, maybe post it and I am happy to open it in C4d and have a look, etc.
  14. Grant Here is an updated file for the Library Ladder. I sort of forgot the hardware that needs to be mounted on your bookcases. My Bad 😞 Obviously the round extrusion can't span the entire width of the room / bookcases, so you need the hardware pieces to hold up that round piece ! You will need to modify the span of those hardware pieces, no doubt to fit your situation. Library ladder Updated.vwx
  15. Sure. Put it to good use!!!
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