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Kevin K

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641 Spectacular


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    Moorea, French Polynesia

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  1. Paul Sadly, tutorials are above my pay grade 🙂 That said, if anyone had a specific problem procuring this, I would be happy to chime in.
  2. Paul in reference to you query about mapping and closing a texture map to an object, like a sphere, I have found you need to do a little math. Meaning, you need to know the exact circumstance of the object, then match that to the width of the image….if that makes sense. If you are having trouble getting it to work perhaps send me a direct message with the object and the image and I can have a go, then explain how it works.
  3. @lkr241 Oh, my bad...I didnt read your post carefully enough. You wanted just an earth as a texture instead of more of a map.. Perhaps you can still use it and texture map it with a different texture..??
  4. @lkr241 This work for ya? Feel free to tweak any materials. Consider it an early Christmas present 🙂 -Santa 🙂 World Globe v2024.vwx
  5. @Gal Bart is correct. Really helps us help YOU if you upload the file, or part of it so we can resolve ( or try to) your issues. Too many options to try to explain in text.
  6. It can definitely be done….and then some. If you get into trouble, you can always come back and we will have your back 🙂 Most days….that is the beauty of the Forum.
  7. @MGuilfoile that is a good point. Perhaps that will help @apswoodwork. Where you can get into trouble if you are not careful, is adjusting the path object. The path object is directly tied to the original position of the profile in relation to the path object, if that makes sense, so adjusting or resizing the path object can be tricky 🙂
  8. This is precisely why I stopped being a Contractor...I got so friggin tired of paying for the Sub's mistakes that I had to pay for. To me, Contracting became an absolutely thankless job. I am MUCH happier just being a residential designer, full stop.
  9. @E|FA I believe I was saying that the Electrician sub-contractor could create his BID from that data, that's all 🙂 Plus...I am not a real architect 🙂
  10. To take the Elec / Mech schedule a bit further, I have found it convenient to add a formula in the worksheet which will count how many of each item you have. The electrician on the job loves this, so he /she doesnt have to take the time to count all the items from the drawings, etc 🙂
  11. A few additional general thoughts regarding extrude along path, especially for beginners....I used to struggle with EAP's not working! 🙂 1) Be mindful of placing the item to be extruded exactly where you want it to be, if you want accuracy relating to the path object. IF they are NOT connected correctly and the profile object is just out in space it will perform the EAP with the profile object centered on the path object, etc. 2) Also be mindful of the 'direction' (noted by the red arrow) If you have it going the wrong way. You will get an error message saying the operation could not be completed. Also note the 'fix profile and lock profile plane items and configure correctly. Extruded crown moulding utilizing clip cube for clarity
  12. The other option, now that I think about it, is to place the barn door IN the wall, next to the overhead door and show it 90 degrees open that works as well.
  13. Well, it seems pretty easy. You can’t have two doors in the same opening so if you put the sectional overhead door in the wall and just placed the barn door on it’s own slightly in front of the wall, seems like thst should work.?
  14. Bart a few moving parts, but looks good!:-)
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