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  1. Hi @Jodak, That's probably because it's not in the Appendix, local or online. There is a file in the SDK that lists "most" of the VW Preference #'s (ProgramVariables.h) and another that lists the Object Variables (ObjectVariables.h). I say "most" because it sometimes takes a while for new preference #'s to be reflected in the SDK documentation. Even with these files handy, it is also sometimes difficult to match a dialog field's text with a preference #, especially, I imagine, going from German to English. I'm happy I could find it for you. All the best, Raymond
  2. The English version dialog box has the following titles for the checkboxes: Google Translate doesn't come close – "Schnittkanten von Durchdringungen zeigen" => "Show cut edges of penetration" If I run it the other way – "Generate intersecting lines" => "Erzeugen Sie sich überschneidende Linien" Not sure if this helps, but I'm glad I don't have the job of doing a language translation. Raymond
  3. Hi @Jodak, When you wrote "last checkbox" I took you literally. For what I would call the "first checkbox", as you so obviously depicted in the screenshot, use 144 instead. Hopefully, no harm, no foul. Yeah, the BEEP keeps me from having to open dialog boxes unnecessarily just to see where I am. And sometimes I don't even remember what dialog I have to open, so it saves lots of time over each year of use. Glad you like it. HTH, Raymond
  4. Hello @Jodak, This two line script will toggle the "Im Skizzenstil rendern" preference (Sketch hidden line results.) It will also BEEP when the preference is set (checkbox is selected.) SetPref(47, not GetPref(47)); if GetPref(47) then Sysbeep; To answer your question more directly, use: SetPref(47, False); { disable the "Im Skizzenstil rendern" preference } HTH, Raymond
  5. Hi @PatStanford, I checked the events the other day for all three types of plug-in objects, and you get event 3 each time. Pity. Raymond
  6. Hi @Pat Stanford, I will be out for the day, and will look at it when I get back. Like you said, it may not be doable. It sounds like you want info from someone in the Witness Protection Program, without telling everybody where he is. More later. Raymond
  7. I figured Pat would have a simpler answer. Thanks, Pat. 😉
  8. @bcd, Check the SDK. Download from the same page as the Beta Apps, if necessary. Once downloaded and unzipped, look in this path. SDKVW 29.0.5 (757604)/SDKLib/Include/Kernel/API/ProgramVariables.h This file holds all of the VW Preference numbers and their descriptions. This is as good as it gets. Sometimes, if the description doesn't float your boat, a little testing will clear things up a bit. Another file in the same directory, ObjectVariables.h, holds all of the ObjectVariable indices, also with short descriptions. Happy Sleuthing, Raymond
  9. @ashot, Could you post an example file showing the kind of tags you want reported? Please include a mocked up Worksheet showing how you want the tags listed. Thank you, Raymond
  10. Hello @ashot, If you look closely at the posted code notice there are two scripts listed. The text you show as an error is between the two scripts. Raymond
  11. In the example above, to toggle a class between Visible and Gray change: IF VisStatus=0 THEN HideClass(kTestClass) ELSE ShowClass(kTestClass); to: IF (VisStatus=0) THEN GrayClass(kTestClass) ELSE ShowClass(kTestClass); Raymond
  12. Hi @Pat Stanford, I have no documentation on Association types, but in my poking around I have found I get an association type of 38 when I select a Truss and look for objects associated to it, namely, one of my PIOs attached to the Truss. I get an association type of 39 when I select my PIO and look for objects associated to it, namely the Truss it's attached to. I get the same relationships, 38 & 39, for Trusses and Lighting Devices attached to each other. @JBenghiat? Raymond
  13. To duplicate a design layer: create the new layer, then go back to the old layer, SelectAll, and copy everything, then go to the new layer and paste in place. Use: vs.Layer('New Layer Name') vs.Layer('Old Layer Name') vs.SelectAll() vs.DoMenuTextByName('Copy', 0) vs.Layer('New Layer Name') vs.DoMenuTextByName('Paste In Place', 0) You may need to check my syntax. I didn't. Raymond
  14. Yes, make an empty List in Python and append the 4 handles you want to convert to the List. Next, iterate over that List and convert each one to a Group. Sorry, I missed that. I'll look at it tomorrow. It's WAY past my bed time. I'm not sure if this is what you want, but look at SetHDef(). It doesn't work on elements of the RM, but will redefine a placed Symbol with a different SymDef, which sounds like what you are asking. That's All Folks, Raymond
  15. Hello @Sebastiaan, Try getting all of the handles to the symbols you want to convert-to-groups before you convert anything. Then convert them from your stored variables, list, array, whatever. When you convert anything to another object type, you run the risk of changing the stacking order, meaning the next object in the list probably isn't the object that was there before you made the conversion. If your first attempt doesn't work, try converting them in reverse order. If that also doesn't work, write back. Also consider posting an example file. There are ways to navigate object lists while making changes on the fly, but it's probably easier to find all your handles first, then convert the handles one at a time. Raymond
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