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Ben Wingrove

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  1. I often open a worksheet in a floating window whilst checking stuff in a drawing, it would be nice if there was a minimise button similar to the resource browser so I can get it out of the way whilst I am going back and forwards between the drawing and the worksheet. Its ok when I am on my big monitor but is a pain when working on my laptop. Thanks B
  2. I am trying to export an MVR from Spotlight 2022 in to L8, We have 20 "Pods" made up of truss and lighting fixtures that we have in our drawing as referenced viewports to allow us to hang them at various angles. When I export the MVR it exports the "Pods" in the correct positions but each viewport is exported as one piece of geometry fixtures included. Is there any workaround for this? Thanks B
  3. Any Fix to this? I am also having the same issue. As soon as I create an object to a hanging position certain elements of the truss disappear!
  4. Is it possible to change the revision/issue data stacking order so the latest is at the top, if I turn on the "Up Page" option it just creates from the text point up which doesn't help, I would like it to appear as it does in the Title Block Manager window. Thanks
  5. In Spotlight the red box indicating the input is on opposite sides between the 2D and 3D view dependent on how the 3D model is rotated. Whilst I appreciate the "Custom Plan Rotation" option is there any way of auto aligning the inputs to avoid confusion. Thanks
  6. Did this ever get looked in to? I could really do with this functionality right now!
  7. Would it be possible to use the "display at detail level" for symbols to turn on and off level of detail for a whole design layer?
  8. The problem occurred when cutting the last few segments, it seemed Vectorworks felt there was no sphere there to cut, it showed up in the Open GL view but the slice tool had no affect!
  9. I was trying to slice a sphere in to equal segments, as you do on a Thursday morning. I came across a strange phenomenon! I used the split tool in equal increments starting from the middle of the sphere and working upwards the sphere started "collapsing" on its self. I have attached some screen shots to try and explain, I am using 2020 SP 2.1 is this a known issue? I found a work around by starting my trimming exercise from the top to the middle and then copying and flipping the results for the lower half. Happy Spherical slicing day Ben
  10. Is there any way to use layer tags as a worksheet criteria? We have a main inventory on our front page that auto counts symbols of all different types with different records attached. When we duplicate a layer to try a different symbol layout or show a second position on worksheets our worksheet then adds all these duplicate fixtures. Rather than going in to the worksheet and setting each criteria to ignore the new layers (there are a lot) it would be nice to say to ignore all layers with a certain tag, lets say an "Ignore" tag. Is this possible or failing that does anyone have any cunning ways of accomplishing the same result. Thanks Ben
  11. I have just wasted at least 2 hrs trying to arrange sheets ready for publishing, we have a drawing with 26 sheets, and I am spending at least 25% of my time looking at a spinning ball!! It has taken me 20 minutes to arrange 4 very basic viewports and update text. It feels as every mouse click initiates a wait sequence of spinning ball and fans spinning at top speed. Is there a process for having drawings analyzed for problems?
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