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VW2014 SP2


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Did they fix the issue with the memory limit? Yesterday I couldn't save my work cause vw ran out of memory . Sure enough I checked and vw was over the 2.5 gb limit in activity monitor. A little surprising as I hadn't been re rendering a lot.

Reboot and it fixed as usual .

I'm not a programmer but it seems to me the least vw could do is watch the activity monitor for me and warn me when getting close to 2 gb.

I had auto save off cause it would interrupt renders.

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Did they fix the issue with the memory limit?

You could look through the list Jim linked above. It's a long list but I doubt it's there, given what Jim has already said about the problem.

This problem seem's to be a major issue they're having trouble fixing, it's certainly become a major pain as projects progress.

At this point, it's less likely to disappear in an SP debug list and more likely to come with a new version of Vectorworks as a new feature. Boom Boom!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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Steve, once the problem occurs you can still save your work before closing Vectorworks. It will report an error saving, but it will save the file with an extended file name.

When you close and reopen VW, just open the temp file and re-save it with "Save As" over its correct name.

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Ahh Ok I see a file with VWTMP added to the file name... great...but why doesn't it tell you that it saved anyway? if it can save - why give a msg. that it can't ??

I see this as a terrible, major bug, what can be worse than your app crashing while your hard at work.

Update: it's not fixed. just tested it, 2.3gb or so Out of memory

Edited by steve s
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Yeah, it's terrible and a major problem that stretches back a long way now.

I don't know why the save option does that. At a guess, from the chronic nature of the problem, they cannot afford the investment required to fix it, so they've written a patch that allows work to be saved once Vectorworks has run out of memory.

What Jim previously said was, the conversion of Vectorworks to 64 bit will help mitigate the issue, but not fix it. I took that to mean, fixing it would require a major investment that's clearly not on Vectorworks' immediate horizon.

It must run deep in Vectorworks' history. It's emergence as a major problem, however, did seem to coincide with the editions around the introduction of Parasolids and the C4D Renderworks engine.

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Those should be completely gone now. If you do a full preference backup/wipe, do you have the same problem when using the default prefs in 2014 sp2? (no custom workspaces etc for the test)


Did all the resets but unfortunately still managed to crash it switching sheet layers. I'll give it a few days, I think it is more stable.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Family & Friends!

Even after installing the service pack I'm getting lots of crashes. The file is really quite small (12 mg) but it is the rendering that's crashing.

- Image props cause everything to crash (took em all out, not even in Resource).

- I've stripped most Textures out but copying then editing a water Texture to be almost opaque causes the file to crash. Either in the edit, or if I get it to "take" it crashes when I render in Open GL.

- Multiple Cameras seem to cause it crash.

- One Sheet view rendered on the Cloud last night but further attempts today; correction ALL DAY, only render Wireframe

- This may be the file & I will Reference the drawing information into a new container tonight but a 12 hour day with now results (or any thing I can bill for) is the Apex of frustrating.

I was supposed to go to my Sister's tonight for 2nd Thanksgiving, but will have leftover pasta instead... have I piled it on thick enough?


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Thanks Jim I shall send these along later today.

I have found that render times for VW2014 in all output styles, but especially FInal Renderworks to take longer in VW2014. Is this common?


I submitted the question about my render problems on the Cloud last week to the Service Select folks, (Wednesday or Thursday). While I know you folks had 2nd Thanksgiving last week, has that caused a backlog?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

If set the same, on the same hardware (as long as its above minimum specs) Renderworks in 2013 should be about the same, if not a little slower than 2014 in most of the renderworks modes, however a few of the 2014 defaults are a bit higher than previously.

Also, do you have 3D Conversion Res in Vectorworks Preferences set the same on both the older and newer versions in testing? That isn't file specific and can change the speed between two versions. (The majority of the rest of the settings are normally document preferences and should remain the same if the file was simply converted up to the new format.)

If these are all set the same and you still get slower render times in 2014 compared to a previous version, send me a file where this happens and I can have a look: tech@vectorworks.net

As for the cloud team responses, most likely thats what happened, I'll forward this along and see that they have received your question.

Edited by JimW
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