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Attributes Pallet - 2023


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Why on earth did the brains at VWX decide that the Attributes Pallet needed changing in 2023?. 

One of the most useful things was the eye dropper tool and the ability to capture a colour from a corporate logo (or other required source) and store it.

It wasn't broken. it worked just fine.


Anyone know if it's possible to restore the 2022 pallet?


Not happy!!!!

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6 hours ago, Peter Vandewalle said:

Mac users didn't loose anything, they just need to change some of their habits

I don’t feel that is accurate….

This company needs to stop “fixing” things that aren’t broke.  Instead of changing user interfaces and color pickers, how about stacked walls, fixing site model contour labeling, or fixing any number of half baked “features” that have remained incomplete for years.




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