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    Set Designer & Residential Designer
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  1. Are the previous VW version Tool Set Icons available anywhere so the I can change some VW2024 back to what I'm use to seeing? I know how to change them but can not find where in the VW folder where they would be located.
  2. Yes I do, no problems there, funny thing is I have all of the buildings from the studio property drawn from same person & have no problems with any, this was only one like this.
  3. Dag that is great! So much better than the original & what I had made ungrouping the PDF
  4. Thanks Elite Exhibits, I've also figured out why it is bogging down VW. In trying to ungroup it to get to the vector lines which took over 30 minutes the hatch is a million separate lines with a file size of 22.600 kb. I'm in the process of tracing it to create a new file & will try your version too. Thanks again!
  5. One other issue with VW2024, I started having crashing after sending a sheet layer drawing to the large format printer, just one of a few sheet layers in same file would cause VW to crash quick, but never lost anything, Service Select suggested to run the Updater Repair & so I did & it found and repaired many files. Everything started working better & faster, then eventually the crashing when printing stated again, just one of the sheet layers. That is when I was on a zoom call so they could see my file & we started replacing the hatch files saying that one of them must be corrupt. So I removed all hatches from my own favorites file & replaced them all from the VW Libraries hatches. Files printed fine for a while & then certain ones would do the same crash. Which could be an older hatch file in them. But mainly I've started doing the VW Updater Repair once a week & it keeps finding one file to repair. Wish it would let us know which file is the bad one. After I'm done working on this production I'm going to completely remove VW from my computer & re-install it & rebuild all favorite files & settings. When updating to a new VW version I have always migrated my previous VW version setting into to the new. Maybe I'm importing a corrupted file each time. Go figure!
  6. I check the graphics driver each morning, check VW updated each morning, & check windows updater each morning. I've been using this same system set up for years with no issues. It all started with installing VW2024. Some days better than others with each Service Pac updated version I get something different in results, some things improve & some get worse. While doing a zoom call with a VW Service Support Teck she told me they had many issue when adding AI to VW & are still working some things out. Attached is the PDF that causes VW to crawl, but yet I have a 79,729 kb model that moves like it should with no problems. SGS Main Hub drawing.pdf
  7. I've tried resetting the Preferences, I changed the name of the previous folder but I am not getting a new preference folder when opening VW. Now I have a mess & no the pallet locations are not being saved.
  8. When importing a 24x36 PDF created by others by Autocad it take a long time to load in & then makes VW2024 very slow. The PDF file is only 767 kb size. I can not even ungroup it to a line drawing. It keeps locking up VW2024 & the only other thing I can do is force VW to end the task & close. Does anyone else have lagging issues when importing a large page size PDF? I just did another import & de-selected Snap to Geometry, now it imported much faster & I can zoom in & out.
  9. this started for me when I first started using VW2024. This version has many issues!
  10. I have the same issues ever since using VW2024
  11. But now the issue started again, crashing sometimes when sending to printer. Arg!
  12. After a few suggestions from tech support the suggestion of doing a REPAIR INSTALL was the best thing I have down. It found & repaired 173 files & now my VW is working better than before! Thanks tech support!
  13. In using this newer service pack update 4.1 I'm noticing the Snapping setting going off more often than normal. My default text setting are changing for some reason. I'm adding text with no issues, then starting the next test note, the font, size, bold, & alignment has changed. I have reset this many times & it keeps changing. Then this morning, I opened a file I have been working on all day & printing the 4 sheets with not problems, now is crashing just about each time I send a drawing to the printer. I have now sent a crash log to tech support & no re-installing an older service pac version.
  14. I also just realized that when cycling thru the different selection modes, which I made the "Q" keyboard key to cycle thru them, once it selects the new Transform mode, the 3D re-position mode stays on when selecting the Disabled Interactive mode. So now I have learned to select the unrestricted mode to turn the 3D re-position mode off. There needs to be a better way of turning this off. The reason I programed the "q" key to cycle thru is to reduce the number of clicks of the mouse & less hand movement.
  15. I just also found out with no object selected & selecting the "Disabled Interactive Scaling" & then double clicking on a blank area of the design layer the 3D dragger is automatically turning on. So I'm guessing the VW programmers really like this new feature & is making it the default setting for the selection tool? After closing & re-opening VW it is now working like before, we will see how long this last.
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