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Tomas Lohin

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  1. Ooh, I'm sorry, DMX transform loaded with the file today, so it's probably me not saving the file. I will definitely do a few more save/load cycles in near future to confirm it's my bad.
  2. Hello, *.vsn file doesn't save dmx controls status, in my case Absolute camera. I have to click the checkbox to make it active, even if stored with the option checked, every time I reload the file. At least values (universe and channel) stay. Also, which is worse, it doesn't save DMX transform settings for objects, so I have to type it manually each time. Currently it's just two objects, so not a big deal, but if I had a few more, it would be very annoying and time consuming. Or am I missing something? thanks
  3. Thank you for an advice. Objects rotate on my (dmx) command, but I still struggle with setting rotation origin correctly. I've exported a single MVR file with a pipe and fixtures on it and then imported this MVR file into Vision. I need to put kind of a hinge on one end of a pipe, so this point stays static and the rest rotates relatively to this point. It is something to be managed before export from Spotlight I suppose.
  4. Hello, I would like to update my Spotlight 2025 to Update 2 (Win 10), but I get pop up saying Product update check failed Even though I can update recource library so some connection works. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I've succesfully rotated a lighting pipe with fixtures on it via DMX transform in Showcase. One end of the pipe is the point everytning is related to, easily achieved by adjusting Rotation point in Xform_DMX record in Spotlight. I miss this setting in Vision very much. Or am I missing something?
  6. This helps! There is just weird behaviour of MA. When I set Pan/Tilt values and then adjust XYZ, P/T immediately returns to its default values. I believe it is not Vectorworks issue. thank you
  7. Hello, I'm struggling with basic understanding how Cameras in Vision work. I Can't find any settings for cameras in Vision. Only thing I can do is to set DMX Controls and patch cameras, but I have no idea how to have them in my file in the first place. Thanks
  8. Let's make the world a better place! 🙂 One or two more notes related to this topic from my current experience: 1) Everytime I reload the show, I have to deal with Video input setup again. For every single object. In most cases there is some noise displayed and I have to reassign video input to its name, if I remember it. Or reset video input (and here comes the guessing game which crop is which). Behaviour is somewhat unpredictable. 2) For some reason Vision often crashes after reasigning or resetting some video inputs. In current project I have about 10 objects to deal with and after numerous crashes I've decided to work with just three of them and make the rest invisible
  9. Hello, I'm dealing with multiple video destinations from one source and I've found that video input organization is a little confusing, especially talking about crop of an input as the video source. When I make a crop, I deal with pixels of a chosen input, in the input list I find dimensions in percentage (which is way better). What I also miss is a possibility to give a crop a custom name. In short, it would be nice to be able to see Input list and edit it outside editing video objects scenario. Or am I missing something? Thanks
  10. Hi, working in Vision. I've imported an extruded object from Spotlight via MVR. I select NDI stream as a video source. I don't get the whole picture from the stream. I suspect, that what I see is just one pixel of streaming video covering the whole object. If I create an object directly in Vision, stream works just fine. What am I missing? Is it the way I create object in Spotlight? Is there any setting for an object later in Vision? Thank you.
  11. Somehow, overninght, it fixed itself and shadows work ok. OT: Do I have the power to delete or edit my topic starting post?
  12. Hello Is there a way to make stage elements affect light cone, so the light stops on object's surface? Document preferences/Cast shadows checked. Vision Preferences/Render shadows checked. Is it a matter of an object itself (speaker box in attached screenshot)?
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