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Everything posted by Julian_Carr

  1. This should be fixed for Update 2. Once you get the update, you will first need to regenerate all WinDoor objects in the file via the AEC menu > Show-Hide WinDoor detail command. Once completed you can then update the GL. I tested the fix with your file and confirmed the GL then displayed correctly.
  2. Thanks Miguel. I know that would work if the folder names were known, however I can't see a way to get the folder names which would be required in order to plug into the path string. For this case the PIO will be used for different purposes so users will want to name the files or folders as required. All the BuildResourceList calls only seem to search for files. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the names of folders within a designated folder?
  3. Thanks Kevin. I will try BuildResourceListN2(). Thanks Pat. The reason I am attempting to do this is to speed up the list building process because the resource lists are very extensive. I am therefore attempting to split the resources over a number of files in some organised way, so that I can then just nominate which file to access in a custom dialogue, and then only build the list from that file.
  4. You can also do it with a custom worksheet script that calculates the distance between two points given the X and Y coordinates of each point. The attached has the script and how it needs to be called. Triangulating ~ JC.vwx
  5. I have a custom library folder called 'My Libraries' in the Libraries > Defaults folder, that contains three files: Libraries > Defaults > My Libraries > File 1.vwx Libraries > Defaults > My Libraries > File 2.vwx Libraries > Defaults > My Libraries > File 3.vwx I want to build a resource list for symbols for just one of these files, so to access say File 3.vwx, I can pass the full file path to that file as follows: sPath := Concat(GetFolderPath(-14), 'My Libraries', 'File 3.vwx'); MyList := BuildResourceListN(16, sPath, i1); and I get just the symbols in File 3.vwx. If attempt to access File 2.vwx, the list also includes File 3.vwx, and if I attempt to access File 1.vwx, I get the symbols from all three files. Is there a way to do this so I only get the resources from the nominated file? Thanks!
  6. They go in the main event loop. There are no doubt constant equivalents for these numbers. I just didn't have the list handy when I wrote the code.
  7. Good suggestion Dylan. I have modified the worksheet to include separate columns for layer name and layer number, and attached it as a Vw 2021 file. Layer Info Worksheet 3.vwx
  8. It seems this should be easy, but regardless of what I have tried, I can't get either of the possible IF statements to work with data from an IFC record attached to a wall, to appear correctly in a graphic legend. Here is an example of the syntax I am using for both IF types: Yes@(#IfcWallStandardCase#.#Pset_WallCommon#.#IsExternal# = '1'):No #WS_IF((GETIFCPROPERTY('Pset_WallCommon'.'IsExternal') = '1'), 'Yes', 'No' )# In both cases it fails which can be seen in the attached file. I feel like I must be missing something? Wall Graphic Legend Issue.vwx
  9. Not necessarily suggesting that but you can find it in Vectorwork Preferences > Session tab, 5th or 6th item down.
  10. There is definitely something funky with the Plug-in Editor in Vw 2023. In WinDoor if I run it in developer mode and make a change via one of the dialogs, the change happens visibly but then immediately reverts to the previous state as if undo has been invoked. Changes made directly in the OIP are fine. Switch off developer mode and everything is fine. I am also seeing one-off VS errors being reported but when you open the error report it contains no error.
  11. Actually, you can use these three procedures to manipulate saved views. The second one will activate an existing saved view: VSave('view name'); VRestore('view name'); VDelete('view name'); These commands can also be very useful in a script when you need to change the view in a script to perform some operation (like switch to Top/Plan) but then restore the original view once you are done.
  12. A1. For symbols there are a couple of approaches you can take. Firstly, you can create a custom dialogue containing the symbol picker, which will allow you to choose symbols from different sources. Likely you will want a limited list however, so will need to use one of the BuildResourceList() calls to filter what symbols are displayed. You can then use the older picker (CreateThumbnailPopup in the custom dialogue), or the more commonly seen one that accesses the Resource Selector (eg. choose the Style Menu > Replace option in Base Cabinet, Fireplace, Table & Chairs, etc. Secondly you can create a popup menu in the OIP containing a dynamic curated list of symbol names to choose from, though this option is only manageable if there is a limited quantity of symbols to display and obviously there will be no preview. For textures you are better off making use of the texture tab in the OIP. See the recent post by Jesse in answer to a question from me. It includes a sample PIO with texturing ability. A2. Yes, but it can get complex if the PIO uses custom dialogs and you need to individually control which parameters are by style and which are not.
  13. Thanks a lot Jesse. That info got it going properly. I stuck with class textures however, because the PIO has lots of different components with different textures.
  14. I have a rectangular extrude within a point PIO that has a class texture applied. I would like to set the mapping to Auto-Align Plane and also Use World Z for Origin. Any clues? Thanks!
  15. Yep that's what I do: SymbolToGroup(h1, 4); Locus(0, 0); h1 := LNewObj; hGroup := PrevObj(h1); DelObject(h1);
  16. I see this very rarely – usually when Vw has been open for a long time (days) and I just sleep the computer each night. One thing that nearly always fixes it in my case is to draw something like a rectangle from scratch. Once done, I delete it and can then select the object I want. Might be worth a try?
  17. Rotated Plan View (RPV) is tricky to deal with - at least it was the last time I tried. GetPref(92) will tell you if the plan is rotated and GetPrefReal(93) will give you the angle, however both of these are read only. If they weren't, you would load the angle into a variable, set it to zero, do your copying and pasting, then restore the RPV. Something like this might work: bRPV := GetPref(92); IF bRPV THEN BEGIN VSave('_Random_'); SetView(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); END; { your code } IF bRPV THEN BEGIN VRestore('_Random_'); VDelete('_Random_'); END; however using SetView() to establish Top/Plan may be fraught. Perhaps someone else will have a better idea for that.
  18. I can't seem to find how to control symbol instance scaling in VS, to achieve the same thing as the two controls in the OIP (Scaling and Factor). Any clues? Thanks.
  19. maybe try GetDefaultTextSize()? Note that this is not a document setting.
  20. I think the only way you could do this would be by hard wiring the worksheet name as a variable in the DATABASEBYSCRIPT() call. Then you could use GetObject() to obtain the handle.
  21. EditOpenGLPrefs() will allow you to set it for the document. But can't you just use Custom Modification command to edit all the viewport > background render settings in one hit?
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