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Robert Anderson

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Robert Anderson

  1. Bear in mind that it is a violation of the VectorWorks (and MiniCad) license agreement to "sell" an old version (that, say, has been upgraded). Not trying to be a killjoy here, but them's the facts. I would guess that a lot of what's on EBay is stuff like this. I would say that anyone who's been with the software for 10 years and has never upgraded is going to find a pretty big change. Such a large amount of change, all in one dose, can be painful, and I empathize. Although working using the same workflows as in MC7 should be possible, it would be a mistake to not make the effort to learn about the improvements over the last 10 years.
  2. Bill, please send a file exhibiting this behavior (along with your description) to bugsubmit@nemetschek.net
  3. It is a 2D object, and will work on 2D drawings. I recommend using the "control point" mode to set your reference point.
  4. Also, there is a known bug where duplicating a layer with linked stairs in them will create unwanted associations (i.e. unexpected deletions). To avoid this problem, one should reset stairs on layers that are duplicates.
  5. Ceiling fans are in 15_HVAC_Equipment (they are "fans" after all) and light fixtures are in 16_Electrical_Lighting. Look for these files in the Libraries/Objects-Imperial directory.
  6. Mecacari, please submit your "too complex" geometry to bugsubmit@nemetschek.net -- this way we can fix the conditions that are causing the roofer to fail. Thanks!
  7. Select the site model and choose "enter group" off the Modify menu. Place your 3D loci. Exit the site model and refresh it by using the Update button on the OIP
  8. Taliho, try marquee-selecting the viewports (there are two sets of two, layered) then try updating them. The VW12 method involves "stacking" VPs (which can be done automatically in VW_2008).
  9. J, you're asking about "best practices" and frankly the "best" depends a lot on your practice, about which I know nothing. ("Small architectural office" doesn't narrow it down a lot.) What kind of projects do you do? How variable are they? What kind of technical expertise do you have in your office? What is your time/money budget for this standards project? ..etc. You get the picture. There is no one answer. I'm interested to hear the changes that you need, we're open to expanding our standards.
  10. Once you change the note in the database, I think you have to use the "reconcile notes" command.
  11. Please submit a wish to the Wishlist threads with "General Notes" or "Notes Manager" in the subject.
  12. Over the top of your site model, draw a 2D polygon that is the shape of the desired boundary. Cut it. Select the site model and choose the "enter group" command. Paste the polygon in place. Exit the group. Voila.
  13. Open the Workspace Editor and drag a "New Menu" item to the context menu (object or document) that you're trying to modify. Rename this "Layer options" or whatever. Now drag the menu item "Layer options" from the left list to this new menu item. The individual layer options should be listed under your menu.
  14. Bill, I'm not seeing the problem you describe. Can you post an image?
  15. Does this happen with all typefaces on your machine?
  16. Here's what the engineer-in-charge-of-drawing-borders has to say on this issue:
  17. Finish data, as you have already ascertained, is not document-specific. The data is kept in [VW folder]/Plug-ins/VW_Arch/Data/Prefs_*/Room Finish Library.txt . This is a standard tab-delimited ASCII text data file. If you look at it with a standard text editor, the meaning of the fields is pretty obvious. The first line should contain the number of records. If you want to have office standards for this information, I'm pretty sure you can have a file "alias" in this location pointing to a server, then you can update all your office finish standards at a single whack.
  18. You edit the component wrapping on a standard VW window by first specifying the number of components to wrap. It has to be greater than zero. (See the highlighted field "External Comps" in my illustration.) Having a external or internal comps (to wrap) number greater than zero enables the control point (also highlighted in the image.) Moving this control point give you graphical control over the wrapping. It's actually much easier done than described once you know how to enable it...
  19. When you say, "Scaled up" do you mean that the actual graphics on the Design Layers were resized? Or do you mean the "Layer Scale" of the Design Layers was changed? I would expect the former to cause the problem you were seeing, but not the latter. In any case, probably the solution is to remove any crops the viewports have.
  20. MaxStudio, what do you mean by "default window"? Do you mean "standard VectorWorks window object"?
  21. The standard window will do what you want. See the attached image, which is a standard window. Note the highlighted settings, and note also the highlighted control point which controls the "component wrapping" of the wall. Turn off "Use wall depth" and set the jamb to a fixed depth. Use the "plan wall offset" to center the window the way you want in the wall. Or am I missing something?
  22. Domer, please submit this (with your testfile if possible) to bugsubmit@nemetschek.net . This forum is for mutual user technical support and is not the place to report bugs..
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