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Referenced Viewports for Multi Unit Development

Josh NZ

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I am currently working on a multi unit development.

Currently there are 12 individual units (~100m² each).

Each file has its on VW file.

There is also one VW file which has a referenced VP for each of these units.

This "master" file is ~550mb and is quite sluggish and prone to crashing.

Soon will be adding another ~20 units for the next stage and I am concerned that the file will become unusable.

Is this the correct approach?

I think my comp specs are above recommended?

The units aren't particularly complex, simple monopitch roofs, two cladding types.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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If your buildings are really the same and you don't need all these available in worksheets.
You could try instancing these by Symbols instead of Design Layer Viewports.

This way they will be saved only one time in file and view navigation will be better too.

Sheet Layers could still use multiple Viewport copies to show Top Plan Views of all houses

at one time.

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Yeah.  Step one would be to symbolize everything you can.  I am assuming you have Unity A as a symbol, but if you are serious about file size and performance - go through and symbolize everything that makes sense.  I am not quite a"If it happens twice it should be a symbol" guy - but I am close.  


Run a purge to get rid of unneeded resources that might be hanging around.



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Josh,

I've used similar approaches as well. One thing I'd look at is way to trim out necessary geometry in the master plan file. Are there any unnecessary classes that you can turn off in the reference viewports? If you're only needing the exterior shells, turning off plumbing fixtures, millwork, interior stairs, etc. (in the reference viewports) can make a world of difference.

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On 27/09/2016 at 10:33 PM, Matt Panzer said:

Hi Josh,

I've used similar approaches as well. One thing I'd look at is way to trim out necessary geometry in the master plan file. Are there any unnecessary classes that you can turn off in the reference viewports? If you're only needing the exterior shells, turning off plumbing fixtures, millwork, interior stairs, etc. (in the reference viewports) can make a world of difference.


Also windows and doors produce a lot of fine geometry that isn't going to be visible at that sort of scale. You might get away with just showing glass and door and get rid of frames and sashes other fine details. 

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Hi Josh,


We've also just finished a sub division project ~60 houses. And have set it up as you have described. One master file that has the site layout and then viewport referencing in all the floor plan types and duplicated viewports in the master file where necessary. We've had to keep an eye on the main file size as well. A couple of tips:

1. In your references tab, under the Organisational dialog set each file to not be cached (more loading time during opening but keeps the main/master file size down)

2. As @Tom Klabermentioned, purge unused resources. Purging redundant textures has seemed to help us alot.




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