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Found 21 results

  1. How do we show the 3D door / window tag on both sides. It only show on external elevation of the door / window. If the hinge marker shows on both sides. How could we show the 3D ID tag on both sides?
  2. Playing around with the new door functionality in Vw2024, and it seems that the new Interactive Handing functionality was intended primarily for use in 2D Top / Plan mode. 1) In a 3D view, with the Door tool selected, after you click on a Wall to insert the door, the only hint you have that you have to do something else to insert the door is the hint in the bottom left corner of the screen saying 'Standard Insertion Mode. Set Flip'. 2) The onscreen preview of the door in the wall does not change as you move the cursor around the door opening. 3) The little triangle at the bottom of the door - showing what I presume is the door orientation - doesn't change with respect to moving the mouse around. So it seems that if you insert doors in 3d, then you'll need to go to 2D Top / Plan view to correctly set the door handing. vw2024 door 3d.mov It's a similar situation when inserting a Window; it's waiting for you to set the Flip, but you only get the subtle hint in the bottom left corner.
  3. Hi everyone I'm used to work with the german version of Vectorworks, wich allows much more doors and windows customization (see screenshot). Is there a way to add 2D drawings in door and windows, without losing the adaptivity to walls depth? How can I control what is represented at the various detail levels (low, medium, high) in the door and windows tools itself, without having to add 2D elements? Thanks Tad
  4. Hello, I am having an issue with doors - I place patio doors (tried different types and models). After I place them, I cannot select them to change their attributes. I can only undo to get rid of them. I am attaching a video. Does anyone know why that happens? My layers, and classes are set to show/snap/modify and the wall appears to be unlocked. I also hit the 'j' key but there's not a list to pick the door element. Best, Demetris Screen Recording (04-03-2023 1-48-05 pm).mp4
  5. Does anybody know what these grey frames are in the plan view from parametric unstyled doors?
  6. Hello, I was wondering if anyone would be familiar with a way to adequately model a folding overhead glazed door? I can certainly model a door and insert it as a symbol, but I want the door schedule to pick it up. I attached an image to give you an idea of what I am after. Thank you!
  7. Hallo everyone. I would appreciate some help. When it comes to a Door with a Sidelight, I can not seem to change the colour/material of the doorleaf so that it differs to the door frame. For example here below, i wish to have a white doorleaf however in the list of attributes available, the doorleaf attrubute incorporates the Sidelight as well. So that i end up with all white or all gray. The door frame easy to change. Have i done something wrong here. How else can i draw up a door with Sidelight so that the elements remain separate when it comes to attributes.
  8. We have hundreds of WinDoor symbols [Don't even ask!!!] - well, I say "symbols", but they have been saved as PIOs. What I want to do is create a symbol with a WinDoor Style and save it to the Resource Manager... Fine. I can do that, but when I use it it comes in as a symbol and to make any changes (outside of the Style) we have to explode it. Once exploded, it does however still have the correct Style attached. If I change the symbols to PIOs, everything looks great - when I place it, it is nicely exploded and I can change the form, willy nilly. BUT HOLD ON... it has lost the Style that I assigned to it and it has become its own WinDoor Style! Is anyone using WinDoor Styles effectively? Surely placing a symbol doesn't involve having to explode it and if it is a PIO instead, I would have to replace the style of every WinDoor element that I place so that it is linked to a "Parent". Please identify my stupidity! What am I missing???
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to evaluate how Interiorcad could help on the building of a library of kitchen furniture. I'm having quite few issues, like I don't seem to be able to change the door style, or add a frame to the cabinetry. Has anyone had some knowledge to share or some ideas about this? I've tried to contact their agent but I don't seem to be able to get support. Thanks!
  10. Just downloaded 2018 and I am migrating over.. Tell me if I am missing something, but I cannot get the Door Hinge Markers to show up as dashed line type in an elevation (hidden line render). In the door preview, the default preview render mode is Wireframe, and the dashed line shows up correctly. As soon as I switch to Hidden Line, it becomes a solid line. I use a class type for the hinge marker and have tried various line types, but I cannot get any of them to show up as anything but a solid line. Anyone else having this issue? Don't want to complain too much, because my biggest pet peeve with previous versions (detail callout) was resolved! J
  11. I'd like to see an option that would allow setting the door threshold depth automatically to the adjoining wall thickness, just like the jamb option is set up currently.
  12. Hi, I've found that the function ( =GetSpaceNameForObj ) is quite handy in schedules and worksheets. However, how does a door determine the space object it "belongs" to, when there are space objects on both sides of a wall? If I have a straight wall with a space object on both sides and I insert a door into the wall, the door "chooses" one of the space objects, based on something I can't figure out. If I manually move the border of one of the space objects away from the wall, the door object "notices" that only one space object is now adjacent to the door and the (=GetSpaceNameForObj) value changes to that one. To sum up, the door object picks one of the two spaces adjacent to a wall, based on something. The end result is that some of the doors might appear as to belonging to "room 1" and some to "room 2", even though they all open to the same direction and are inserted into the same wall. I remember that years ago when drawing with ADT the door object had a non-printing marker line that one could drag over a space object in order to assign the door to that particular space to avoid this issue. Is there some similar functionality in VW?
  13. Hi, I need to draw a double door set, similar to the image, but without the fanlight, so full height double doors with side panels...any ideas?! thankyou!
  14. I've received a file from a firm who uses vectorworks, normally this means we're able to use all the proper plugin objects, walls are walls, doors are doors and so on. But in this file all doors and windows are DIALOG door in wall, or DIALOG door in window. Vectorworks seems to know they're doors or windows but all their object properties are grayed out, and attempting to convert them to groups of course converts to whole wall to a group and ruins it. How can I gain control over these objects? How can I make them into regular doors and windows? Here's how it looks when I click on a random door.
  15. Hello, I am still in the discovery phase of how everything works in VW... But I already ran into the first issue no forum or tutorial could help me with so far... I am working on a small residential building that will involve split levels. So far I have created stories every 1500 mm (the front of the building has numbers 0, 1, 2, etc... with heights of 0, 3000, 6000, etc... and the back has numbers 0+, 1+, 2+, etc... with heights 1500, 4500, 7500, etc...) I have created wall on the levels 1 and 2, and a slab at the back of that wall on level 1+. Now comes the tricky part: I need a door (eventually more than one) that is situated on level 1+ through both walls (level 1 and 2), but as it is now, the door appears but doesn't "cut" the wall. Should I draw the wall in between the split levels on the 1+ level then? Or just draw it on the ground floor and have it go up in one piece up until the roof? The screenshot shows the idea, you can see three slabs at levels 1 and 2 on the left and 1+ on the right, and the two walls on top of each other drawn on the same levels. The door is selected, at the moment drawn on level 1+.
  16. We need a chamfered door option in addition to square, round, segment, sloped etc. so that doors in attic spaces or under stairs can fit under a slope without having to be excessively high
  17. How do I make the smaller leaf of an unequal leaf door unit glazed. All the attribute changes apply to the larger (master) leaf, but don't seem to have any effect on the smaller (slave) leaf.
  18. As far as I can tell, NNA door & window objects do not include a record field that report the net vent area (WinDoor objects provide these), and doors don't have a field for net glazed area. Any tips on how to calculate / report these in a glazing / fenestration schedule? Thanks! Cheers, Markus
  19. Hi, I've been trying to create generic bi-fold/ sliding/ folding doors using the door without success, although you can get fairly close (but only a maximum of 4 panels) Any hints/ tips on how to create these? These are very popular in the UK, maybe not so much in the US and other regions....? thanks Mark
  20. I was an intermediate user of VW2002 years go, now trying to get back into the program. I don't understand what's happening in my Top/Plan view: I drew a slabless floor plan. Everything was fine in 2D and 3D. Then I added a slab bounded to the outside wall edges. Everything including the slab, is correct in 3D, but doors & windows, shapes etc., disappear in the Top/Plan view. Remove the slab and they reappear. It's as if the slab is sitting on top, but it's not. I'm sure it's something simple that I'm being thick about or have forgotten, but so far I have not found the resolution. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  21. Im trying to replicate and entry door similar to the below image using the windoor tool. Can only find a few options thou, flush, paneled, glazed. Not sure if this is possible without exploding or creating other modelling elements. Any tips?
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