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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by klinzey

  1. Use the Rot parameter in the Object Info Pallette. This will rotate the object about the insertion point. Using cmd-l and the rotate tool rotates the instrument around the center of the bounding box of the object.
  2. Regenerate the object after you apply the texture. The textures for PIOs are not applied to the geometry inside of the object till the object is regenerated.
  3. First thing to do is to make sure that you are in the Spotlight workspace.
  4. You can edit your existing symbols and fix the attatched record. Once you have fixed them all, select all the lighting device and delete the the information in the Inst Type filed and hit enter. This will cause the instruments to refresh the information it gets from the record attatched to the symbol.
  5. The symbol must reside in the current document. The symbol should have automatically imported the first time you used it. LW4 probably changed the symbol name or the fields got mapped wrong. Check the name of the symbol in the lighting device.
  6. Check the texturing on the Style-# classes. I think parts of the cabinet may use Style classing.
  7. Watch the data you put in the record attatched to the instrument stmbol. The device type filed must be "Light","Moving Light", "Accessory" or "Static Accessory". The inst type field in the record should be "Strand 6x16". There are several operations that cause the the lighting device ro re-read the the default information from the instrument symbol. One more thing since you are using V10. Make sure that there no other records attached to the instrument symbol with the field "inst type". V10 would sometimes read information for a record other then the Light Info Record.
  8. You should have recieved a new serial number and/or a new dongle with your copy of Spotlight. You will have to contact your local distributor to resolve this problem.
  9. The font for the focus point and the lighting position is controlled by selecting the object and using the text menu.
  10. I think you can create ladder truss, but the 2D view may not be correct. Make a Flat truss and set the rotation angle to 90.
  11. Which one is faster? If it's the lines that are faster, the problem with lines is that they are just lines, not a fillable object, and will not correctly obscure objects below them etc.
  12. Take a look at the imported object and make sure it has 2d and 3D geometry. If it has so much as a line or a piece of text it will show as 2D/3D. If there is no 2D the easiest way is to select the 3D and use convert copy to polygons. This will give you a 2D projection of the object. Select the 2D and 3D and then group or create a symbol.
  13. The gobo projector sets the Beam Angle and Spread Angle to the same value.
  14. The position needs to be hybrid (have 2D and 3D) If the position is 3D only it will not be visable in a 2D when the position sumary is turned on.
  15. The gobo projector sets the Beam Angle and Spread Angle when it gets reset. Vector Script can only run on session at once, so your code runs, updated the information on the gobo projector, and MARKS it for reset, then you update the attatched light. When your script is finished the Gobo Project actually runs its code and sets the parameters of the light, over your changes. The only solution is to use 2 seperate scripts, one to change the attributes of the gobo projector, then run the seond to set the attributes of the light.
  16. I have no clue? Refresh instruments just causes the lighting devices to regenerate. You can the file to tech@nemetschek.net and we will take a look at it.
  17. In the label legend manager, set the text alignment of each piece of text to center, then place the insertion point of the text on the centerline of the instrument. The text for any label is created with the same properties that you set in the label legend manager, this includes text alignment, font, size and color.
  18. There is no adjustment for the segments, you have to use the curtain object and draw several curtains that are 8' long, because some other applications can't deal with the larger nurbs surface.
  19. I think I have duplicated the problem. You have probably moved your user origin, that's why when you enter 11' it changes to -1081. You have two options. 1) move the user origin back, and enter 11'. 2) Move the control point manually. Grab the control point and move it along the edge of the seating layout poly till you see the smart cursor cue change to center, then use the smart cursor cue to move vertically (or horz) a few inches and set the focus point.
  20. You need to use a hybrid fixture symbol. It's the nature of Vectorworks. As soon as an object has any 2D, Vectorworks hides all of the 3D information for that object. There is no way arround it.
  21. It should work. When you export from LW, only export the fields you need in VW. The import to VW will fail if you attempt to use all of the available LW fields. Make sure you replace a space with '-', and export as tab delimited file.
  22. Look at the samples on http://www.nemetschek.net/support/custom/vscript/index.html
  23. In the worksheet you have to use ='E1-1' to force the string to act as text. It will display as E1-1.
  24. You can convert the truss into a symbol. The truss will be converted by default into a symbol when you convert the truss to a lighting position, it will just be named the same as the lighting position. When you run the worksheet reports just choose "in object". The other option is to add a line to look for length of the truss. In a database row =('Straight Truss'.LineLength)/12
  25. In versions prior to 11, the drape was composed of several short nurbs segemnts. In V11 it's one numbs surface so Renderworks can render it more efficiently. Each nurbs segment was about 8', you can try making smaller segments and exporting them?
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