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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by Hugues

  1. 10 hours ago, Bart S said:


    That makes sense, thanks. 


    Is there any way of creating a criterion for database headers that uses these similar rules to filter all objects "belonging" to a certain Space that you are aware of?

    The only to do something like this is to create the database using DATABASEBYSCRIPT. You would have to write the script that filters the objects.

  2. @Bart S 
    The LOCATION criterion is a generic criterion that uses pure geographical boundaries to determine locations. Object A is located within Object B if it is clearly within the boundaries of Object B. This is why the windows will be located within the space only if the space encloses the windows.


    GetSpaceNameForObj is a function that is specialized for spaces. It is aware of the context of a Space object and use special rules that apply to Spaces where objects don't necessarily need to be enclosed by a Space to belong to it. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, hollister design Studio said:

    it even happens with a blank clean file.



    I just tested it again,

    • opened blank file
    • made door tool active
    • went to selection menu to a door.
    • opened "browse" feature
    • selected a 2024 file
    • the file opened in the browse menu but VW crashed almost immediately.

    It is the 2024 file that you are browsing that would be the problem. If you can share that file, that would be helpful. Is this happening with just any random 2024 you are browsing? or only specific files?

    Are you on Mac or Windows?

  4. On 10/7/2024 at 3:05 PM, hollister design Studio said:

    Second - I tried it in 2025 but "browsed" a 2024 file... crashed VW fast.

    I reopened and tried a 2025 file and it worked fine.

    Just to see if it would happen again, I tried a 2024 file, a different one this time, and it crashed as before.

    This looks like a bug. It shouldn't crash. If you don't mind sharing these 2024 files we will investigate the issue. 

  5. 2 hours ago, GatRed said:

    I spent the all day with Vectorworks 2024 and Vectorworks 2025 sometimes side by side under macOS 15 with an external screen and I did not experienced the issue yet.


    This confirms our findings that Apple has resolved this issue with in macOS 15 (Sequoia). 



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  6. 40 minutes ago, ashot said:

    @Pat Stanford on somewhat related topic: do you know how to search and filter SL in Navigation palette using Layer Tags for Sheet Layers

    What is the use of Tags if I can not use them in search field on Navigation palette?

    While you cannot search for tags directly in the search field on the Navigation palette, you can setup layer filters based on tags.

  7. 1 hour ago, VIRTUALENVIRONS said:

    I have never used Cloud Service (that I know of).  Not sure what you mean when you say "sign out'.  Do you mean restart?

    If you aren't running the Cloud Service app, sign out of Vectorworks from this button on the top right corner, then shut down and restart Vectorworks. Sign-in again and the problem should go away.


  8. @gloudon If you are reporting  space areas, ='Space'.'EnergyArea' will be faster and more precise than the generic AREA function.


    You could separate reports for the building footprint and lots classes as explained by @Tom W.


    If you want to keep them in the same report, you could use a IF function to conditionally show the area for spaces in a specific class.

    For example, in the Buildable footprint column you could enter:  =IF ((C='Buildable Footprint'), 'Space'.'EnergyArea', 'n/a')



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  9. On 3/2/2024 at 2:41 PM, ashot said:

    Thank you everyone.


    So the Final Answer for this question:

    for the Text field in Worksheet the

    "decimal numbers in worksheets have a precision of max 13 digits. 
    and that the number of digits in the Text field is the Total number of all digits referenced from the numerical field, including all decimal places  (whole part + fraction part).


    I would like to clarify that this is not about cell formatted as Text or Text field. This is about decimal numbers in general.


  10. @Pat Stanford @ashot Here is the answer the question about the precision in worksheets.


    The IEEE 754 specification standard for how to store and calculate floating-point numbers doesn't offer infinitely precise calculations. That standard can only accurately represent 15 digits decimal numbers. 

    Worksheets follow the IEEE 754 specification but move the limit down to 13 digits to allow for handling of various rounding errors. I believe Excel follows the specification with 15 digits.


    This is the reason why decimal numbers in worksheets have a precision of max 13 digits. 
    Note that the number of digits in the specification here is the number of digits for the number, not the number of decimal places. 
    @Pat Stanford You are seeing max 11 decimal places because your number already uses 2 digits for its whole number portion.



    Hope it helps.


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    On 2/29/2024 at 12:04 AM, ashot said:

    Then I am trying to use Concat function, but first I need to understand why the TEXT format in the last column trims and rounds my 12 digits number into 8 digit maximum?


    When a cell with a decimal number is formatted to "General", the default number of decimal places displayed is 3. If the cell is later formatted to a format that allows specifying the number of decimal places, the number of decimal places specified will be remembered when the cell is formatted back to "General" or another format.


    When you format a cell to "Text", it is not changing the value of the cell. Your number remains the same. It simply instruct the worksheet to treat that cell as a text as opposed to a number. You are seeing 8 decimal places instead of 12 because the internal decimal format for that cell is set to 8 decimal places from its previous formatting.


    Remember that when you reference a cell, you are referencing it's actual value and not its display format. The format of the cell you are referencing into will determine how it will display.


    As @Vlado mentioned, if you have a number that you want to convert to Text, the text cell format isn't what you need. You should use the TXT function.



  12. @Ben3B We are not seeing the same issues with google drive folders. The error you are seeing is an indication that Vectorworks is not able to get write access to the file because another application has an exclusive lock on it. Not sure what Google Drive is doing to the file.
    How big is the Excel file you are using?

    Are you using the latest version of Google Drive for Desktop?

  13. @line-weight Yes, data visualization can switch object attributes from hatch to solid and vice versa. 
    You would need to setup appropriate data visualization criteria depending on where your objects are getting their attributes from.

    Simple example:

    You have objects in Class A, B and C that are using attribute by class and you want to override the Fill using data visualization.

    Set the Object Criteria to find objects in class A, B, 😄 Class is A OR Class is B OR Class is C

    Set the Display Criteria to Objects using function Class.
    You'll see the list of classes. Set the fill for the classes you want to override to whatever color you like.



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  14. On 11/5/2023 at 6:43 PM, BartHays said:

    I am working on a Materials and Finishes Schedule - hoping to use an Object Attributes Graphic Legend.

    However, I have tons of textures in my model. I have put all of the textures I want to put in the Schedule into a Texture Resource Folder in the Resource Manager.


    Can I filter the criteria of the Graphic Legend to filter down to a specific Resource Folder? (Renderworks Texures>Finishes>*)

    I suppose I can rename all of my Finish textures with a prefix and sort by name> begins with. . .


    Much appreciated,




    The Graphic Legend tool is building the legend for objects and resources that exist in your drawing.

    There are no criteria for filtering objects based on resources or resource folders in the Resource Manager.

    You could submit a wishlist item on the Wishlist Forum and describe what you are trying to accomplish.

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  15. Edit the reference and you should see the option to auto update the reference at file open.
    This an option that can be controlled for each reference individually.
    Note that if you are referencing an image file and the option to save the referenced cache is unchecked, the reference image will always auto update at file open. 
    You must enable "save referenced cache" to control the auto updating at file open.


    Hope it helps. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Shortnort said:

    Thank you for the response, but could you clarify?  I am confused as to what you are saying.




    Sorry. There was a typo in my previous message:  It should read: Your annotations should NOT be deleted because you added a line to the Description title or because of other minor operations......


    Does that make sense now?




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