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  1. The only to do something like this is to create the database using DATABASEBYSCRIPT. You would have to write the script that filters the objects.
  2. @Bart S The LOCATION criterion is a generic criterion that uses pure geographical boundaries to determine locations. Object A is located within Object B if it is clearly within the boundaries of Object B. This is why the windows will be located within the space only if the space encloses the windows. GetSpaceNameForObj is a function that is specialized for spaces. It is aware of the context of a Space object and use special rules that apply to Spaces where objects don't necessarily need to be enclosed by a Space to belong to it.
  3. It is the 2024 file that you are browsing that would be the problem. If you can share that file, that would be helpful. Is this happening with just any random 2024 you are browsing? or only specific files? Are you on Mac or Windows?
  4. This looks like a bug. It shouldn't crash. If you don't mind sharing these 2024 files we will investigate the issue.
  5. Hello, In an effort to improve the Vectorworks user experience, we are seeking your input to help us evaluate our upcoming Door and Window Assemblies tool, which will let you combine multiple symbol, door, window, and other types of objects into a single assembly that can be inserted into walls. You will gain access to a special Vectorworks 2025 build and be asked to provide feedback in a private Forum group after testing. Disclaimer: the special Vectorworks build used in this focus group will be a standard English US version. The new Door and Window Assemblies tool to be evaluated in this version only supports standard US version door and window objects. Requirements: You will need a Vectorworks 2025 version license of Architect, Landmark, Spotlight or Design Suite. You must have a Vectorworks Forum account to participate. The first 100 people to submit their information will be able to participate. Please let us know by October 22 if you would like to participate by filling out your information at the link below. I would like to participate in the focus group. We would be delighted to have you take part! If you have chosen to participate, we will reach out to you shortly with further details. Thank you for your consideration. Hugues Tsafak VP, Product Development
  6. Thanks. This confirms our findings that Apple has resolved this issue with in macOS 15 (Sequoia).
  7. While you cannot search for tags directly in the search field on the Navigation palette, you can setup layer filters based on tags.
  8. If you aren't running the Cloud Service app, sign out of Vectorworks from this button on the top right corner, then shut down and restart Vectorworks. Sign-in again and the problem should go away.
  9. @VIRTUALENVIRONS If the Vectorworks Cloud Service app is running, sign out and restart it, or sign out from Vectorworks and sign in again. This should resolve the issue.
  10. @gloudon If you are reporting space areas, ='Space'.'EnergyArea' will be faster and more precise than the generic AREA function. You could separate reports for the building footprint and lots classes as explained by @Tom W. If you want to keep them in the same report, you could use a IF function to conditionally show the area for spaces in a specific class. For example, in the Buildable footprint column you could enter: =IF ((C='Buildable Footprint'), 'Space'.'EnergyArea', 'n/a')
  11. I would like to clarify that this is not about cell formatted as Text or Text field. This is about decimal numbers in general.
  12. @Pat Stanford @ashot Here is the answer the question about the precision in worksheets. The IEEE 754 specification standard for how to store and calculate floating-point numbers doesn't offer infinitely precise calculations. That standard can only accurately represent 15 digits decimal numbers. Worksheets follow the IEEE 754 specification but move the limit down to 13 digits to allow for handling of various rounding errors. I believe Excel follows the specification with 15 digits. This is the reason why decimal numbers in worksheets have a precision of max 13 digits. Note that the number of digits in the specification here is the number of digits for the number, not the number of decimal places. @Pat Stanford You are seeing max 11 decimal places because your number already uses 2 digits for its whole number portion. Hope it helps.
  13. When a cell with a decimal number is formatted to "General", the default number of decimal places displayed is 3. If the cell is later formatted to a format that allows specifying the number of decimal places, the number of decimal places specified will be remembered when the cell is formatted back to "General" or another format. When you format a cell to "Text", it is not changing the value of the cell. Your number remains the same. It simply instruct the worksheet to treat that cell as a text as opposed to a number. You are seeing 8 decimal places instead of 12 because the internal decimal format for that cell is set to 8 decimal places from its previous formatting. Remember that when you reference a cell, you are referencing it's actual value and not its display format. The format of the cell you are referencing into will determine how it will display. As @Vlado mentioned, if you have a number that you want to convert to Text, the text cell format isn't what you need. You should use the TXT function.
  14. I would like to add that as of VW2022, there is now a function that returns the class description of an object's class in a worksheet. =OBJECTDATA('class description') https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=Worksheet_Functions
  15. @Amanda McDermott Could you please email me a copy of your user log files ( the VW User Log.txt and VW User Log Sent.txt) ? htsafak@vectorworks.net
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