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Stephan Moenninghoff

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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998 Spectacular

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  1. For the test file, there seem to be some ways to reduce file size and also responsiveness when zooming and panning, for example using symbols for identical objects. I can see a lot of identical extrudes and other objects here.
  2. @Jeff Prince have you tried a custom crease angle in the OIP (Render tab) for the mesh? That should get rid of faceting effectively without the need to remodel.
  3. Unfortunately, there is no way to use a modifier with this key and trying to set alt(option)-V for the Visibility tool will result in opening a menu on Windows. We were between a rock and a hard place here and in the end we assumed with this being a flagship feature that will be used by many, toggling between ghosted and hidden would be more important than the existing keyboard shortcut. This was quite some topic for lengthy discussions. Sorry if we have missed the mark here for you.
  4. Sorry for the long wait, we have this checked in now and you will receive the fix with the next update. This is what it will look like, if you are on an extremely wide monitor: This is the same as on macOS. Menus do not stretch beyond a certain width but at least now they do stretch.
  5. Are you running antivirus software? This sounds like something is blocking parts of Vectorworks.
  6. A simple model like this would convince me...


  7. @Owen Hankin I have fished them out for you. Icons.zip
  8. We have a fix in place for the compact View bar on Windows. This should be in the next beta. There is still a minor issue with it but I have it running here locally, and looking good.
  9. @TurtleBuilds you might be better off just recreating your icon in Inkscape and exporting to SVG. If you're not bothered about aligning with the pixel grid, SVG is the better option as it wil support any sizes you end up with, due to UI scaling on Mac or desktop scaling on Windows. Unless this is purely utilitarian and you're not bothered about the look...
  10. @TurtleBuilds I downloaded the 'Bahnschrift' font that you seem to be using and have converted it to vectors. Here is the result. (If you cannot upload certain file types, it helps to just zip them). Converted.zip
  11. @TurtleBuilds you are using plain text in your SVGs. If you convert this text to vectors before you create the SVGs, you will be fine.
  12. Is this already a section viewport you are trying to section? It needs to be a standard VP. Does that work?
  13. Yes, it is. Create an elevation viewport first, then create the section from the elevation.
  14. Hi Stephan, 

    I am a brand new IC user, but long time Vectorworks user in the US, doing almost all cabinet shop drawings as a subcontractor. I also use Microvellum for one client's cabinet line. 


    I am wondering if I a missing something. I fumbled my way around drawing a kitchen using IC, then went back to assign / reassign name/numbers in a more expected progression. I was not finding some cabinets that apparently had the number I was trying to assign to a different cabinet. I set up a database in a worksheet to pull in the "3D Cabinet" objects, thinking I could find the name in the list, and use "select item" to go to it. All good. However, I could not pull the "Name" info into the database...height, width, depth, insertion pt were options, but not the Name. But I can pull that info for a Custom Part. Is this hidden intentionally, or am I not getting to in the correct manner, or?


    I have long since gotten my cabinet numbering straight in the file, but I would like to show this name/number info in 2D elevations. This is something that Microvellum does which is helpful for the cabinet shop guys. I am guessing I can figure out a marionette that would put the name/number text in a plane just in front of the door's plane. This is a big assumption, since I have been scripting in vectorscript for 20 years, but I have never learned to use marionette. Or is there already a way to show just this I have missed? 


    Brendan "BMB" on the discord suggested using Data tags. I assume he meant to attach a record that would have a cabinet number which I could reference. That may work, except that: A) it adds a possible "seanism" - I could have a typo in my record which would only cause confusion, B) I could also forget to change it when I change the cabinet numbering. It would be much better to access the object's name directly if possible. 


    Thanks for any info you can give,  


    1. Stephan Moenninghoff

      Stephan Moenninghoff

      Hi Sean, unfortunately, I don't think you are supposed to change the cabinet names in the OIP - they will be changed by interiorcad periodically, so they arenot stable. You can use positions though, which are more permanent. To use positions, go to interiorcad -> Project Details. 

      I don't know if Marionette is actually needed, but you can definitely use a DataTag.

      I don't have the time to do any proper tech support for interiorcad, as I am not affiliated with extragroup any more, and am working for Vectorworks full time now. YOu can use the ticket system though, at support.extragroup.de. You may need to use Google translate but I am sure you will get much faster help through their channel!




    2. SLFY


      Thanks for the reply. I am rather disappointed you are no longer with ExtraGroup at all. I have been using IC for two weeks now, and 90% or more of what I have learned has come from you - videos on Vectowork's website, etc. and replies to questions in the forum. Even learned a ton about rendering that I didn't know, despite rendering models in VW for nearly 20 years. 


      But I am hoping you can still get me in the right direction on this. I am afraid I may be misspeaking if nothing else. When I sent the question, I had never used data tags and had not found InteriorCAD data tag styles in the library folders. I had made an assumption that it would require adding a new record which would defeat my purpose. 


      Object Info pallet -> Cabinet 3D -> Object Info -> Name is the info I am hoping to access...for various reasons now. 


      By default it starts as "Cabinet-1". I NEED, need, to be able to change this, and when I do it shows up as the changed name everywhere- presentation, on the list of Custom Part associated cabinet options, CutLists etc. 


      But, even if there is a problem with changing the auto-generated name, I can't get the InteriorCAD's "Part Name" Data Tag to pull that unchanged original Name.  And if I try to create my own data tag style, the Name is the one property that does not show up. 


      Am I just not able to access this Name? is this a bug? or I am just not going about this correctly? 


      Sorry to beat the dead horse as it were, and over and over with my verboseness...just very confused.


      Thanks a ton for the reply. 



      IC's Part-Name data tag attached to the cabinet object (shown with presentation style that shows the cabinet Name.) 


      2nd screen shot showing the create data tag style dialog with the selected Cabinet 3D object - Name is not listed as an accessible property.  Screenshot2.thumb.png.f4d95bdf8a965bc293fdda975333db76.png

    3. Blinkglitter


      @Stephan Moenninghoff I have resolved this on the discord

  15. I think it's quite possible with the tools we have in Vectorworks. I used the Deform tool with Taper Solid mode. Should be pretty close to what you need @Brandon Kleiman Skew.mp4
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