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Pat Stanford

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Everything posted by Pat Stanford

  1. Because worksheet are older than dirt and there was not right click menu when they were created. 😉
  2. I filed a bug last October (VB-199689) on the fact that ObjectData is not accepting compound criteria. There does not seem to be any progress on the bug since it was filed. So short answer today is you can't do what you are trying to do. 😞
  3. Post the file happy to look. If you use the same criteria in a database row, how many objects does it return? It is likely that there are no objects that satisfy the criteria which is why it is returning zero. For the record.field functions, the criteria would be something like: ('Space'.'11_Name'='Room123') All three of the field you named are defined as Text, so you will need the single quotes around the value you are comparing them to. if you have a Space with the 11_Number of 99 then ('Space'.'11_Name'=99) won't work, but ('Space'.'11_Number'='99') should.
  4. Close, but your parentheses are wrong. I think the below will work but have not tested it. =OBJECTDATA(((L='Ground Floor_SPACES') & (PON='Space')), 'universal value', 'Space', 'EnergyArea') ObjectData requires four "parameters" that have to be independent and separated by commas (semi-colons in languages that use commas as decimal point) 1. The Criteria. This specifies the objects to be used. You can use the Worksheet Insert menu can click Criteria to open the criteria builder with all the correct parentheses. 2. The ObjectData "Function". In this case it is 'universal value' 3. The Record Name. If this is left blank and the criteria is for a single object type the object parameter record will be used. In this case since there is a complex criteria (even though it specifies a single object type) I am not certain if it will find the correct record, so I have manually entered the name of the Space object Parameter Record. 4. The Field Name. HTH.
  5. Unfortunately, I don't think it is a bug but rather a design decision. So it is unlikely to be changed for VW2024. There have been several other similar comments so it may get traction for a future version. There are ways to hide an application window. On Mac you can either minimize the app or you can hide the app. I believe there are similar functions on Windows. Learning the shortcuts for those may be your best way forward. But if this is a deal breaker, you will have to stay with VW2023 for now.
  6. If the problem is only with that one file, it sounds like it could be some kind of file corruption. Try creating two new files and importing 1/2 of the layers with objects from the problem file into each one. If one of them opens slowly, then you know the problem is with the layers in that file. Repeat as necessary to identify the layer with the problem. Then duplicate the file and delete 1/2 the objects. If still slow then the problem is in the remaining objects. If not slow, then repeat with the other 1/2 of the objects. Or if both of the first 1/2 files are quick, then import the layers so you are back to one file and see what happens. And make sure you are running the latest update (3.1) to VW2024.
  7. I am about out of ideas. What happens if you copy and paste the objects into a new blank file?
  8. Certain categories of menu items are considered "chunks" and you can't give items in the chunk an individual keystroke. For most of them, you could make a script and convert that to a menu command you could add to your workspace and give a keystroke to.
  9. In VW2024 I am not seeing the pink. Could you possibly have the Clip Cube turned on? That is what is showing as pink in the image below.
  10. Post the file. It will likely be much easier to find the issue than to guess about possible causes.
  11. You need to SUMmarize the data. Pick the row column that has the data you want to Summarize on, probably the Model Name. Click on the disclosure triangle in the header row (6, not 6.1, 6.2, etc). and check the Summarize Items check box. This should give you one subrow for each different Model Name and the Count column should be the total of items with that name.
  12. Since this is in Viewports you can use the Viewport Overrides to change the texture for the class in one of the viewports.
  13. I think Virtual Environs is correct that it is intersecting geometry. I think somewhere in the sweep, the "back" corner of the profile polygons are overlapping. I slightly "sloped" the back edges "down" to make the back edge slightly smaller and then the sweep and the shaft were able to be Added. Original Modified Vectorworks really does not like having overlapping geometry in the same object.
  14. Check your Shaded Options from View:Rendering menu. Make sure you don't have the Abient light color set to pink like I do in the screen shot below. Default is White.
  15. I just got the same thing and then Cloud services launched. It sounds like a cloud problem on the server end. Try again now or in a couple of hours. If it still exists, contact Technical Support.
  16. There is definitely something wrong with your file, but I have not been able to identify it. I was hoping one of our other dedicated troubleshooters would have noticed this thread and taken a look. TL:DR - Walls in the same class and same style (single component with solid lines) have different appearances with some walls not showing the wall lines. When the layer is copied and pasted into a different file all of the walls show correctly.
  17. Use just Database not DatabaseByScript. Database takes critiera (like your record.field) DatabaseByScript requires a relatively complicated script to specifically identify every object in the database in the correct order.
  18. I think you are going to have to post the Vectorworks file for anyone to actually figure out what is wrong. There are too many possible interactions to do more that guess without seeing the file.
  19. I would start with a Data Stamp formatted Data Tag. The defaults are in the Vectorworks Libraries:Annotations:Data Tag (styles):Dims_Notes:Data Tags.vwx Versions for Long medium and short names. If you don't need the date or time you can edit the Data Tag to remove them.
  20. Did you ever get an answer to this? This is not something I have seen before. There is a setting to assign objects inside groups to the same class as the group and it has an Always Do button. If that was set, then the objects inside the group would end up in the same class as the group. But that does not seem to work with symbols. And it would not explain why you are getting Random classes.
  21. Sorry, but I just got back to this. I finally found the Window Area Ratio. It is in the 2D Boundaries and Area section and can be added to the OIP by checking the lines in blue in the Advanced Settings for the space. Here is a simple script that will set the ratio for a Space that is the first selected object in the Active Layer. Procedure SetWindowAreaRatio; Var H1 :Handle; R1 :Real; Begin H1:=FSActLayer; If GetName(GetParametricRecord(H1))='Space' THEN BEGIN R1:=RealDialog('Enter Window Area Ratio for the selected Space object', '0.20'); SetRField(H1,'Space','Window Area Ratio',Num2Str(3,R1)); END ELSE AlrtDialog('First Selected Object Is Not a Space'); End; Run(SetWindowAreaRatio); The decimal and fractional versions appear to be separate and have to be set separately. I don't think a Space has any knowledge of windows in the walls that surround it, so I don't think there is a way for the value to be automatically calculated. HTH
  22. For us to help you we want you to upload the VWX file so we can see what is happening. Export to STL and then reimport results in an entirely different object. We want to see the original object.
  23. It looks like the texture of the original object was assigned to the class. See in your first screen shot the the OIP say Texture: By Class for the desktop and None for the circle. What you did is fine, but if you have a bunch of parts that need to be textured the same, you could put them all in the same class, assign a texture with transparency to the class and then tell the objects to use the Class Texture. Glad you got it working.
  24. Opacity does not apply to 3D objects. It is a 2D only attribute. For 3D objects like the extrude, you need to apply a Texture that has transparency. Check the Render tab of the Object Info Palette (OIP) for the desktop and you should see that it has a texture applied. Apply the same texture to your extruded circle and it should show you transparency.
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