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  1. See that Curbs and Edging is a Landscape feature. I hope I misread and that this must have feature is part of Architect as well. I do curbs and edges normally in C4D.
  2. Thanks Zoomer, for the tip checking out German forums. @shorter, maybe a workflow issue but only someone with good Archicad knowledge would know. I have 35 years experience with VW and at the office there are some who have a workflow going that is hard to beat but still frustrating. Too many BIM related maintenance and work-arounds in the workflow compared to Revit (which we work with as well) and Archicad ( as we assume) .
  3. Hi, I have a small office and work often for a larger architectural firm as well. I am looking into switching to Archicad. I need a smoother workflow to IFC and BIM related projects. I have plenty years experience with VW. We have reached the limits of what you can achieve with VW and IFC exchange. But still, unacceptable long refresh times (hours !) of viewports and a number of rather serious IFC problems. Is there anybody out there who has done big projects with Archicad can give some advise. Is IFC exchange as cumbersome as VW. Does Archicad also take for ever to update a set of viewports. Does Archicad geometry also easily loose data and settings. Does Archicad also misses important geometry when exporting to IFC. In other words, are VW problems basically the way to is for all BIM CAD software or is VW really so far behind.
  4. Just tried https://www.ilovepdf.com. Its free actually. That's how I will work from now on. Had a 129Mb pdf file for a permit just reduced to 8,7Mb with ilovepdf. Could not find any difference really even looking closely at both files. Thanks for the tip Christiaan, this is going to make things really easy being able to just mail rather large VW pdf's with dozens of pages compressed to under 10Mb.
  5. I do all building modelling in VW and all terrain, vegetation and so on in C4D Updating a building model from VW to C4D is very easy. I do understand that for those that don't have the workload to provide for the extra costs of having to subscribe to C4D and Corona render it's probably best to get as much done in VW as possible. But its very frustrating to know that all that VW provides in terms of rendering is just an enormous hassle and set back. If I had to cut back on costs I would go the Unreal Engine route. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmzWP6o2cw73moEF7LO_KvA has great video's/tutorials. He did mostly C4D and moved on to Unreal.
  6. Just a little movie to show at what speed C4D and Corona (CPU render engine) renders in the C4D preview window. Imagine that Redshift which is a GPU renderengine should even be much faster and imagine than what the speed is in VW. The movie is downsampled to reduce file size. Actual size is about a quarter of a 5k monitor. test render v3.mov
  7. Thanks Virtualenviron, great animation on an iMac. Chaos Scatter is basicly the same as Mograph. But then with some functionality without the need for effectors. Chaos Scatter just scatters assets along a spline, within a volume or on a surface with all sorts of parameters, If your interest is animation go or Unreal Engine. Incredible what you can do these days with a 4000€ PC and free software : https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/spotlights/depicting-dogfights-how-real-time-rendering-helped-an-indian-fighter-jet-series-take-off
  8. Yes, Mograph is a great tool and is part of C4D 2024. C4D is now a Allin package and no longer available without Mograph. I think Chaos Scatter is basicly Mograph with a UI geared to rendering with Corona. Chaos Scatter is easier and more straight forward to use than Mograph.
  9. You can do a merge in C4D with only the polygon and things will be automatic from there on. If you planted the shrub in relation to the polygon the hight is automatically adjust. I would say that import / export stuff and updating iterations from VW to C4D is a non-issue and a negligable part of the workflow. I would say however there is a little learning curve before you know where menu's and commands are located. But it's never difficult if you use C4D just to render VW models with Redshift or Coronarender. Something else is mastering image making in general in terms of lighting, composite and materials. If that does not have your deep interest then even with the best tools the image will never be captivating.
  10. And the final render. Straight from C4D/Coronarender without any postprocing. If I want this field of grass again in a VW project all I have to do is draw a 3D polygon in Vectorworks and export it along with a model of a building and import it in C4D. Then in C4D I just assign the 3D polygon to the Chaos Scatter elements. You can do that in one click. That's it. Chaos Scatter takes care of the rest. I can still switch off leaves or flowers at will. Even better would be to draw all fields, roads and so on in C4D since it's so much easier to do so in C4D than in VW. Especially curved surfaces in VW can become messy and a hassle where in C4D its super easy. I think I stole the thread. I hope though for those wondering how to upgrade your work with great images you will experiment outside Vectorworks, an application wholly unsuitable for rendering but great for engineering and design. In the near future things will become even much more interactive, have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7tp4eg0ax8
  11. Just have to show off a little. First is a 10 min. render. Second image 50 sec. render. 636064 placed symbols or as they are named in C4D instances for grass, flowers, leaves, daisy's, clover etc. I can actually render this more or less in real time in C4D using a Mac Studio. File is about 15Mb. All assets Graswald. All ground cover is generated by Chaos Scatter based on noise patterns set by me. Size of the terrain is 15x15m. The size does not matter all that much though. 50x50m would render in about the same time. I also tested Redshift but I think its not really faster or maybe slower to set up the way I would like an image or render to look.
  12. Thanks Dave. Great to read that Redshift will be updated in the near future and so much faster. In general though I think that for rendering VW will most likely never be the ultimate solution. It's an engineering application. Geometry in VW carries far more (BIM) data than for example C4D. So I doubt it is a good plan to add millions of polygons for vegetation inside VW. Even with proxies things become slow to work with.
  13. Thanks Kevin, I did use Frog for a while as well. Maxtree has fantastic vegetation. Only their libraries are a bit messy. Often assets found in one volume are the same as in other volumes. Wish Maxtree would gather types of vegetation instead of all these weird mixes. Maxtree is very high polygon though. With Redshift most likely not a huge problem. If VW rendered as fast as C4D/Redshift it would still be hard since VW can't handle lots of high poly geometry. The sedum roof image above is 1.24Gb in C4D. VW would crash. I hope Unreal will be an option in the near future. All Maxtree libraries are already converted to Unreal (and Redshift). So my investment in Maxtree will be good for a while. Here are the links for vegetation I mentioned.: https://maxtree.org https://www.graswald3d.com
  14. @Kevin K I use Chaos Scatter that comes Coronarender. Works a bit like Spreadsheet. I have all Laubwerk libraries and Surface Spread 2. But since Graswald and Maxtree trees/assets are so much better I have acquired many of their libraries and scatter their assets with Chaos Scatter now. A lot easier. Grass with Graswald assets. For vegetation I think Maxtree and Graswald are the best if you want the ultimate photoreal images. One of the reasons for me to use Coronarender is all the assets you get as well with a Coronarender subscription through Chaos Cosmos like cars, people, vegetation etc. and a lot of materials/textures. Redshift is going the same way now so I might switch to Redshift which is faster in C4D. I have no clue why redshift is so slow in a VW viewport. In C4D it's really fast. Renders in seconds really. I just got the sedum library from Maxtree (for vegetation roofs) and did a quick test, see attachment. Scatter assets with Chaos Scatter using noise maps to create patterns with the different colours and hight.
  15. Also have a look at this survey: https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/450b3b68-2022-architectural-visualization-rendering-engine-survey-results
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