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Nikolay Zhelyazkov

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Nikolay Zhelyazkov

  1. Hello @SLFY, In VW2020 we have added a popup for sheet selection in the TBManager: Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  2. Hello @shorter, I think that the new Display column in the Manage Project/Sheet Data dialogs in VW2020 is granting your wish. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  3. Hello @Kevin McAllister, This wish is implemented in VW2020. 🙂 Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  4. Hello @drelARCH, Could you send me a test file with only the slab with the skylights in it? Thanks, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  5. - I will let you know here for any updates.
  6. Hello @Robert Hardy, There seems to be a problem where document options are always getting their default value when creating new TBB in a document, even with copy and paste or drag and drop of a resource. I will look into it and see what could be done. In the meantime, the workaround for this would be to make sure you set the document options in your destination file initially or after importing the first TBB in it, so that they remain the same after that. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  7. - Cannot tell for sure. Let me know here if this happens again and you are able to reproduce it with a test file. Thanks, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  8. Hello @Cookie_NZ, I have tested using Manual Plot Date format and did not have any changes in my date value. Could you verify that you are using Manual Plot Date Format in the TBBs you publish and you have the correct Current Plot Date manually set before publishing? Using Manual format should not change the value of the plot date. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  9. Hello @Seedsprout, VAA Title Blocks and Sheet Borders were replaced with Title Block Border objects in Vectorworks 2018. You will have to update your VAA Title Block to a Title Block Border object by right clicking on it and clicking on Update... You can read more about the update and the new Title Block Border in the help site. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  10. Hello @Andriusv, You need to have both Auto Drawing Coordination options on (TBB and Document, see image below). It is not recommended to have different values for these options. The Auto Drawing Coordination of the TBB is used for updating of the Sheet Layer data from the TBB and the document preferences Auto Drawing Coordination is used for updating of the TBBs in the sheet layer. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  11. Hello @cberg, - Title Blocks have a field Page Number in Sheet Data that is automatically calculating the stacking order of the TBBs in the document. When you change the stacking order the affected TBBs with changed stacking order require checking out. If you do not want this to happen, make you TBBs not active, by unchecking "This Title Block is Active" in the OIP of all TBBs. This will also cause Total Num Sheets field to change, because it is automatically counting the number of active TBBs in the document. You can also turn off "Auto Generate Page Number" in the Sheet Data of all TBBs, instead of making them inactive, and this should fix your issue too. - I was not able to reproduce that, but I suppose the you can try turning off the option in export PDF that resets all plugins. If this does not help, could you send me a test file with which I will be able to reproduce it? Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  12. Hello @Christiaan, Could you tell me what exactly are your steps that cause all TBBs to be checked out? Keep in mind that document wide data, such as Project Data, Document Options, etc. are linked to all TBBs and modifying such that is normal to require the checkout of all TBBs in the document. Anyway, we are working on some improvements on the Title Block Border for the future versions of Vectorworks. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  13. Seems like there is something wrong with this file, still cannot open it, sorry. Could you give me a test file and steps to reproduce the crash if possible? Thanks.
  14. - The style objects are based on one object that is placed in the style symbol, they either take data from it(by style) or have their own data(by instance). So we have only one place from which to read data that will be the same for all styled objects using that style, so I guess the answer to your question is yes.
  15. Hello @drelARCH, I am afraid that this is currently not possible. We have only the by style and by instance states of the styled parameters and nothing in between them. I suppose you can try having all graphics in the layout of the style but with different classes and simply show/hide the classes, but this will not work if you want to see the different TBBs in the same time, as class visibility is file specific (except for viewports but it is not recommended to use TBBs in viewports). I think that the best approach here is to just use different styles for the TBBs with different graphics. If there is only 1 TBB with that graphics it could be unstyled for faster editing. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  16. You have attached a shortcut to the crash log. I cannot open this. The actual crash log file is required.
  17. Thanks @Eli van Hooff, If it crashes again look for a crash log file following the instructions from below.
  18. Hello @Eli van Hooff, Could you send me a crash log so that I can check if this is the same crash? Thanks, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  19. Hello @Pat Stanford, I understand your concern but it seems very excessive to add a new special field only for this default value that will be usually set only once. I suggest the following: If we are in case 1 or 3 a dialog will be displayed to set the default value of the Scale in this case. This dialog will have the option to be never shown again. I think that this is a better solution than one more default field in the TBB Data. Let me know if you disagree. - I think that this and similar threads show that we take in account the user opinion and feedback and try to improve based on that. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  20. Thanks @hihosilvey, I will investigate this issue and let you know when I have news. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  21. I think that having the Scale field editable at all time is enough for writing anything else than "AS NOTED" if it is not liked.
  22. Hello @hihosilvey, Could you send us a test file so that we can test this to see what is the problem here? Thanks, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  23. Hello @hihosilvey, Okay, seems like we are not supporting imperial units in the dialog and it counts them as invalid input. I will log in a bug about that. In the meantime, if you write numbers only as the values for Width, Height and Depth you will be able to create the device. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  24. Hello @hihosilvey, The Power and Weight of the device have to be nonnegative in order to create a physical device. I suppose that this is preventing you from creating the device. If I am not wrong when you press OK the focus of the dialog should be set to the Power, pointing you that this value is invalid. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  25. Hello @janechan, There is an export DWG option that controls the exporting of images: If you turn this option off no images will be exported. Hope that helps. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
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