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mike m oz

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Everything posted by mike m oz

  1. The Cabinet tools are scheduled to be improved. https://www.vectorworks.net/en-AU/public-roadmap All too often I end up modelling cabinetwork because the existing Cabinet PIO capabilities can't get me close enough to what I need.
  2. Kudos to the engineers responsible for the Mitre Roof Face Join capability.
  3. You can do it with roof faces. Create all your roof faces so they have the correct shape in Plan View. Then use the Miter Roof Face Join Mode of the Connect/Combine Tool to connect each roof face to the next one. Start at the bottom most face and work your way up. File is Vectorworks 2022. Triple pitched roof.vwx
  4. Robert Anderson's definition is the best way to explain Layers and Classes to people: - Layers are the where. ie. where in model space. - Classes are the what. ie. classification of object types with defined graphic attributes. The adoption of Revit is mostly about Autodesk managing to portray Revit to project managers and clients as being the BIM standard because it is the biggest and the only program that has integrated solutions for structure and MEP.
  5. Where this gets messy is Vectorworks' hybrid drawing paradigm with: Top/Plan View showing 2D objects, the 2D component of hybrid objects and symbols and wireframe views of 3D objects; and Top View showing 2D planar objects, the 3D component of hybrid objects and symbols and 3D objects. The 3D will be in wireframe unless a rendering mode is applied. Some users still only work in 2D and all they use is Top/Plan View, so for them Model is meaningless. They also use Design Layers for their Drawing Sheets. The dilemma for Vectorworks has always been how to accommodate both a 2D and a 3D workflow. There is also the problem of how you handle both forward file conversions and backward file exports.
  6. Try going to top view and rendering the scene first.
  7. I'm aware of that. SketchUp has transparency on both PC and Mac without a dedicated third party rendering program. What I am suggesting is that Vectorworks use the same OS graphics capability that they use to provide transparency for glazing in the Viewer. There is a missed opportunity in not having a Viewer version that presents a good rendering outcome. Adding edges and transparency for glazing would significantly improve the user experience.
  8. The Viewer needs to be refined so it is presents better to clients and is much more easily used by those who have little or no prior knowledge of Vectorworks. A more useful Help and a link to a movie showing how to use the Viewer is also needed. The Viewer would be much more useable if: All the objects in the drawing were locked so they can't be inadvertently stretched or moved. In that state information on objects can still be seen on the OIP. The unusable Rendering tab on the OIP was removed. Shaded rendering had the option to turn edges on to provide better quality definition. Edges on should be the default. Glass could be transparent (if Sketchup can do it then surely Vw can). Shaded quality equal to Sketchup would be even better. The 2D and 3D palletes were separate palletes so both the 2D and the 3D tools can be seen at the same time. The default setting also needs to be icons and text. The palettes were docked rather than scattered and undocked like this. My preference would be to have the opening screen something like this (with the 2D and 3D tools docked like the last image): Two final questions: Q1. Why aren't the Viewer's Quick Preferences defined by it rather than the Quick Preferences I have defined for my Vw installation? Q2. For the Viewer can Set 3D View be made a tool rather than a menu item? For novice users a tool on the 3D tool palette would be much more useful and discoverable.
  9. Troy, can you please try it on a computer which doesn't have an existing Vw preferences folder on it and see if Saved Views works. Can you also see which Smart Preferences are visible on a standard install.
  10. Does it install as a separate App with its own Preferences? Will proceeding with an install where a licensed version of Vectorworks 2023 is installed mean it will create havoc with that installations Preferences? Does Vectorworks Viewer 2023 have Saved Views enabled?
  11. In Advanced Viewport Properties do you have Marker Scaling set to Auto Scale?
  12. Set up your Sheet Layers first. Then: Menu: View / Create Section Viewport Draw a line and then click on the side you want to look towards. Choose appropriate options from the dialog box that opens. Click OK.
  13. This article on the revamp of the Sydney Opera House might be of interest to Spotlight users. The movie showing what they have done includes footage of the ceiling space. The sub linked article 'Concert Hall Transformation' has 23 images of the work that was done over the last two and a half years. https://www.smh.com.au/culture/art-and-design/no-longer-hideous-opera-house-unveils-150m-upgrade-of-concert-space-20220506-p5aj3u.html
  14. The gist of this request appears to be to have 'non plot' like classes, eg. Guides, visible while you are working but not visible when you print. The simple way to get that is to use Sheet Layer Viewports for your output. In those you can make any class you want not appear in your printed output by making it non visible in the Class Properties for the Viewport. the only thing you need to be mindful of is that setting a 'Container Class' of an object to invisible will make the whole object invisible. Non plotting Classes v2021.vwx
  15. Josh, one problem still remains. In any non orthogonal 3D view, including isometric, you can no longer draw a 2D shape to define a Viewport crop for that 3D view on a Sheet Layer. You have to create an overall Sheet Layer Viewport and then crop it on the Sheet Layer.
  16. Valid point as Groups can already contain objects that are on different planes. Having a Group plane option could lead to unintended consequences so probably not desirable.
  17. The issue with Groups is that they can contain 2D, 3D and hybrid objects. That makes it nigh on impossible to have a plane option for Groups. I wonder though whether a plane option for Groups could be added when they only contain 2D Planar objects.
  18. Pete, try this and see if it gives you a way around your problem. Copy the 2D objects you have drawn in say plan view. Switch to an Elevation view and paste them. With the 2D objects still selected change their Plane from 3D to Working Plane on the OIP. I would probably then Group them so you can move them as a single entity to where you want them.
  19. I get a different problem in the March 13, 2021 file. With the Push Pull tool active I can hilight all of both wall faces that can be seen. If I pull on the left visible wall face it moves. Afterwards though I can't hilight the right visible wall face and the left wall remains active even though I have deselected it. I can't prevent the Push Pull tool from hi lighting its various faces and moving them. Very weird. Edit: I'm intrigued as to why you need to Push Pull a whole wall face.
  20. Line-weight, I'm running Vw2022 on an M1 Mac Mini and I don't have any problem selecting any of the faces of the white object in your view.
  21. Landartma, the subtlety with this operation is that once you have drawn the 2D object on the object face you have to start the Push Pull operation while the 2D object is 'red' hilighted and then press the Windows Alt key or Mac Option key. If you press that before you start Pushing or Pulling it won't work. If you pull the 2D shape away from the object you will get a solid addition. If you push the 2D shape into the object you will get a solid subtraction. I find it best to have the auto selection plane on.
  22. I switched to an M1 Mac mini early this year and I haven't had any significant issues.
  23. I'd like a way to lock down docked pallets as well. I regularly accidentally undock the Basic tool palette and I wish there was a way of stopping that happening.
  24. First thing to note is this replaces the old plan view only component wrapping functionality. To enable the new Functionality: Right click on the Door or Window object and and select Plug-in Object Options. Then check mark the Use wall closure option. This will enable the Wall Closure option on the OIP. (Note that there is a Wall Closure Profile Offsets button in this dialog as well.) You will now be able to access the Wall Closure functionality on the OIP. The Wall Closure functionality can be defined by the Object or by the Wall Style. There are separate tabs for Profile and Wrapping. Defining them by the Wall Style is very similar.
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