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Everything posted by AlanW

  1. I am guessing the class is not set to use at creation and not solid fill.
  2. @ilimatiareHi this means you have created a section marker without referencing it to a viewport. See attached if create a viewport from the marker the icon will go away HTH
  3. @edwardusHi delete the background in Photoshop then export as a .png it will be transparent.
  4. Hi, Have a look at the example in the Forum,
  5. HI all seems to work well in 2021. Nice work.
  6. Hi, this was produced using the roof tool and roof framer (only use ridges). Created 2 roofs and changed the hips to gables so i only had 2 roofs so i could create the ridges which were raised as needed. HTH Video below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr2liprsG8c
  7. Yes individually and mirror around so you keep the roof items and can have components like tiles / structure and lining which i often need.
  8. @BunjimunHi, Have you tried using roof faces?? That should solve your issue, unless i am reading all incorrectly. HTH
  9. @JonzrHi, I learn as much as i can about any program i am using, that way i have more ideas to choose from when i need to solve things. Just play with different tools to see what they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXii3iHDsQM Here is another way to do the bath and is useful for a lot of other things. Revolve with rail. The section shape follows any plan shape. try different shapes to see the result.
  10. Video links to bath and claw foot With subdivision you can do anything, just play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1WKGRZzBtE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE-PxuaPAx8&lc=UgxcPfokHzdZLj1NDuF4AaABAg
  11. Hi, This is a quick bath and claw foot using Vectorworks. Subdivision mirror mode for feet and shell solid and distort tool for the bath this all took only a few minutes. HTH How do you link a video here now?? you used to be able to add link. Want to add one to show how simple it is to do this bath.
  12. @ChristiaanHi, you simply go into the script and change the attributes and color will change. HTH can put and external node that you can change in the OIP. Also you can add node to use Class texture see below
  13. Hi, Have uploaded a quick start to get you from Vectorworks to TwinMotion. Great program for presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5tUTDSaCZE&feature=youtu.be HTH So easy to use and realistic Hopefully a plugin from VW to TM soon
  14. Hi Nice, looks great, thanks for sharing it. 🙂
  15. Hi you could draw a series pf 3D polygons across the driveway plan and loft the surface from these lines. you need to convert the 3D polys to Nurbs and ungroup to loft. HTH Ramp.vwx
  16. Hi Export KML file set you longitude and latitude and Z height etc then double click on the file and it should open in Google Earth HTH
  17. Hi, Just to let you know the Samsung works fine with a powerful computer, Seems the headset was dropping the visual with a lower computer. Its amazing seeing this in VR, so clear and so quick to get the model from VW to Twin Motion.
  18. Yes the group thing. cant be done in VW 2021 unless i got it wrong and there is another way. Copy one viewport to another Vectorworks file. been doing it for ages and showed others how to do it.
  19. Have noticed that the ability (Trick)of copy viewports has been stopped in 2021. This feature is very useful and it would be wonderful if it can be reinstated. Was there a reason that this trick was disabled??????
  20. @Angel HI, Attached is the file for dragging out windows and doors and putting them in a sheet. Original Post HTHWindow_Schedule_171213.vwx
  21. @Kennedyme Hi good idea but my workaround if i cannot do all the notes in the design layer is to place all the notes in the annotation layer of the top left viewport, just dont move the viewports around. HTH
  22. Hi, Using Twin motion successful with HTC Vive but cannot connect a Samsumg HMD OdySSey+. the mixed reality platform seems to take over and Steam wont recognize a headset. Anyone had any success with connecting one? Thanks in advance.
  23. @Ian M.Hi from your sheet layer export and select as per attached. HTH
  24. @Allen BrownSelect the image prop and click crossed planes then you can walk around it. If you don' select this your image will still rotate to the camera. place camera and open gl the image prop faces the camera but the actual image prop on plan will not rotate
  25. @drelARCHhi, with the stairs showing through the slab turn off show top tread. That should fix that problem. Also in the section advanced property don’t tick seperate structural and non structural, this may help.
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