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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by inikolova

  1. Yes, the rule about file version applies regardless of whether it is Publish or Export VGX, or another cloud job type. It comes from the fact that newer versions of the Vectorworks application can't read older version referenced files.
  2. @halfcoupler, We are going to release a saved views in the 3D viewer in the next few months, making it very easy for your clients to view and navigate the model. The technology for the old web view had a lot of limitations that was making it hard to develop the same features for multiple platforms, making it hard for us to maintain and evolve. The new technology allows for opening and viewing of much larger models than before. You can also add your logo in the cloud portal preferences (under the account menu). The old web view is a thing from the past. I would love to hear your wishes about what we can do to make the new one much better than than the old one 😀.
  3. It sounds like you may be using the private Share method. When you right click, make sure you are selecting "Share link", as opposed to just "Share". You should be able to copy and share a link like this: https://cloud.vectorworks.net/links/11ececd75744a404be8d0e8843f6c72d/ Are you able to view this one in your browser?
  4. @halfcoupler, While it is correct that the Export VGX replaced the old Export Web View (although this happened long time ago, not with 2025), it is not correct that your clients are forced to sign up for Cloud Services or to use Nomad. You can share a link to the .vgx file and you can even set an expiration date for the link, so it available temporary to your clients, but the file remains in your cloud storage after this. Right click on the file in the web portal to see the Share link command. Also, I want to point out that using Nomad does not require a sign in. Your clients can view the model in Nomad if they want to view on a mobile device, because mobile browsers are not supported. Nomad actually offers a feature that the web browser does not, which is the ability to see and control visibility of light objects exported from the Vectorworks file. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. I am sorry I did not respond timely on this. I found the record where I asked the team and the response was that we are already doing what is being asked here. If you have an example in which this is not working, please send me a direct message and we can investigate further.
  6. Hi @Tim Harland, The Export VGX command should export geometry that comes from referenced files as long as it is available in the file. Let me explain what I mean by that... So, when you do Export VGX in your local Vectorworks application, the file is sent to the cloud for processing. Think of what is available in the .vwx file at the time the cloud server opens the file. The Cloud server always runs the latest available Vectorworks version, so if your file is an earlier file version, it would be converted when it is opened on the server. If you place all of the files in your cloud services folder, along with the file you are trying to export, the Cloud server will look for those referenced files and use them, as long as they are the latest file version. As you may know, every time you update the file version of the master file, you need to update the referenced files to the same version, or they won't be recognized by Vectorworks. I also think that saving referenced cache should be able to avoid having to deal with all that, even if your master file is an older file version. Do you have the reference cache set to Yes for all of your referenced files?
  7. It might have depended on which server the job has landed on rather than the Publish setting. Please try your original scenario after tomorrow and let me know if the issue persists.
  8. Hi @Michael Siggers, I am sorry for the inconveniece. The Cloud team has done some re-installations on our servers and it turned out that the collection of fonts that we support has not been installed yet. The installation is currently being run and all system fonts should be available on all servers by tomorrow. Let us know if the issue continues. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  9. @E|FA, @Kevin McAllister, The Vectorworks Cloud Services app icon in the dock is an indication that the app has an open window. If you close it, the icon on the dock disappears, but the app keeps running and you can see its icon on the Menu bar. We are going to do an app re-org and redesign for next year, and one option we are planning to add is to hide the app icon from the Menu bar, so you would only see the icon on the dock if the app is opened. We will be adding the Cloud status inside Vectorworks as well, so you wouldn't have to keep the app window opened in order to check on your cloud processing status. So I think this would alleviate your problem to some extent. Maybe once you have the improvements, you could let us know if you still need to have the option to also hide the icon from the dock?
  10. @gloudon, We are investigating. Please save a copy of your working file as a .vwx file and submit the Revit export job from there. I believe there is an issue with the cloud job when the source file is a .vwxw file. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  11. Hi @designit, Is your Vectorworks window size small when you open the AI visualizer? Or do you use Multi view?
  12. @caml_gmbh, Storing files on our cloud is secure. We offer two ways of sharing - via public link, which can be accessed by anyone that has the link, or via Vectorworks account, which requires a sign-in by the recipient. If you have any specific concerns, please let us know and we can try to address them. Our servers host the web viewer, so there is no way currently for you to store the file on your server and use our viewer. In the future, we may be able to provide a desktop version of the viewer, so you can view the .vgx file locally. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  13. To bring some good news, we are currently working on adding the ability to save views in the 3D viewer so that you can pre-define the views you want your client to look through. They would be able to navigate your model just by clicking on the list of views or going into presentation mode and just clicking on "Back" and "Forward" buttons to move through the model.
  14. We are exploring the possibility of sending the user's time settings on the computer to the cloud and using this for the export instead of the local time of the server.
  15. @Pat Stanford, @Lucas Story, We don't have servers in different time zones at this time (we use a mix of in-house servers and Amazon instances). All files are processed by the same pool of servers, regardless of what the user file storage region is set to. The date is updated while publishing on the server according to the time zone the server is in. You can prevent the server from updating the date by unchecking the option to reset plug-in objects before export from the Export PDF settings dialog, accessed from the Publish dialog. The Cloud job considers all the options from this dialog when doing the processing.
  16. To be able to take advantage of LiDAR-based reality capture tools in Nomad, I would recommend the iPad Pro. Without the LiDAR, you will have limited capabilities in Nomad. You can also get an Apple pencil with the Pro.
  17. Cloud Revit Export is scheduled for release with Vectorworks 2025.
  18. @Kevin Allen, You have two accounts - one is VSS and one is not. It sounds like you are using the wrong one. You should use kallen3.
  19. @grant_PD Check the About page in the Vectorworks Cloud Services desktop app, it should be on version 13.4.2742. If not, you should see a button to update. This restarts the app. After this, restart Vectorworks and the AI visualizer should work property.
  20. I submitted an entry in our project tracking tool for consideration. We would appreciate if you share a test file that describes the behavior that you are describing. We can work on addressing it once we have a good understanding of what you are seeing. Yes, we are aware of this problem. We will be working on preserving the sorting type that is set in Vectorworks at the time of export. To improve the usefulness of the viewer as a presentation tool, we are planning to introduce Saved views. Class visibility which was just recently released was an important building block for us to be able to support saved views. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread! We appreciate the feedback and it is taken into consideration as we are developing our plans for future product improvements. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  21. Hi @Brian Nitz, Please send me a direct message on the forum, or email me at inikolova@vectorworks.net, so we can investigate your problem further. We need to know your username, so we can look at your log files and see if we can identify any errors that may be causing this. Any chance that you are trying to sync a file that is currently opened in Vectorworks? What are you seeing on the Vectorworks Cloud Services desktop app's Status dialog (Sync activity pane)? Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  22. Hi @George_Holder, The behavior that you are describing is seen when the Vectorworks Cloud Services desktop app is not running. Selecting Vectorworks Cloud should trigger the start of the app but you need to wait for it to finish starting and then select it again. Please let me know if you continue to have trouble. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  23. Hi @Junga, I can help you with this. Please send me a direct message with your username, so I can check your jobs and be able to investigate the exact reason why they are failing. A possible reason why you get this failure message would be if you are not using a legal Vectorworks version. The Cloud doesn't work with pirated files. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  24. @BartHays, Thanks for reporting! It should be fixed now. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
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